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using UnityEngine;
namespace VLB
public class VolumetricDustParticles : MonoBehaviour
public const string ClassName = "VolumetricDustParticles";
/// <summary>
/// Max alpha of the particles
/// </summary>
[Range(0f, 1f)]
public float alpha = Consts.DustParticles.AlphaDefault;
/// <summary>
/// Max size of the particles
/// </summary>
[Range(0.0001f, 0.1f)]
public float size = Consts.DustParticles.SizeDefault;
/// <summary>
/// Direction of the particles.
/// </summary>
public ParticlesDirection direction = Consts.DustParticles.DirectionDefault;
/// <summary>
/// Movement speed of the particles.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 velocity = Consts.DustParticles.VelocityDefault;
[System.Obsolete("Use 'velocity' instead")]
public float speed = 0.03f;
/// <summary>
/// Control how many particles are spawned. The higher the density, the more particles are spawned, the higher the performance cost is.
/// </summary>
public float density = Consts.DustParticles.DensityDefault;
/// <summary>
/// The distance range (from the light source) where the particles are spawned.
/// - Min bound: the higher it is, the more the particles are spawned away from the light source.
/// - Max bound: the lower it is, the more the particles are gathered near the light source.
/// </summary>
[MinMaxRange(0.0f, 1.0f)]
public MinMaxRangeFloat spawnDistanceRange = Consts.DustParticles.SpawnDistanceRangeDefault;
[System.Obsolete("Use 'spawnDistanceRange' instead")]
public float spawnMinDistance = 0f;
[System.Obsolete("Use 'spawnDistanceRange' instead")]
public float spawnMaxDistance = 0.7f;
/// <summary>
/// Enable particles culling based on the distance to the Main Camera.
/// We highly recommend to enable this feature to keep good runtime performances.
/// </summary>
public bool cullingEnabled = Consts.DustParticles.CullingEnabledDefault;
/// <summary>
/// If culling is enabled, the particles will not be rendered if they are further than cullingMaxDistance to the Main Camera.
/// </summary>
public float cullingMaxDistance = Consts.DustParticles.CullingMaxDistanceDefault;
/// <summary>
/// Is the particle system currently culled (no visible) because too far from the main camera?
/// </summary>
public bool isCulled { get; private set; }
[SerializeField] float m_AlphaAdditionalRuntime = 1.0f;
public float alphaAdditionalRuntime
get { return m_AlphaAdditionalRuntime; }
set { if (m_AlphaAdditionalRuntime != value) { m_AlphaAdditionalRuntime = value; m_RuntimePropertiesDirty = true; } }
public bool particlesAreInstantiated { get { return m_Particles; } }
public int particlesCurrentCount { get { return m_Particles ? m_Particles.particleCount : 0; } }
public int particlesMaxCount { get { return m_Particles ? m_Particles.main.maxParticles : 0; } }
ParticleSystem m_Particles = null;
ParticleSystemRenderer m_Renderer = null;
Material m_Material = null;
Gradient m_GradientCached = new Gradient();
bool m_RuntimePropertiesDirty = true;
/// <summary>Cached version of Camera.main, for performance reasons</summary>
public Camera mainCamera
if (!ms_MainCamera)
ms_MainCamera = Camera.main;
if (!ms_MainCamera && !ms_NoMainCameraLogged)
Debug.LogErrorFormat(gameObject, "In order to use '" + VolumetricDustParticles.ClassName + "' culling, you must have a MainCamera defined in your scene.");
ms_NoMainCameraLogged = true;
return ms_MainCamera;
// Cache the main camera, because accessing Camera.main at each frame is very bad performance-wise
static bool ms_NoMainCameraLogged = false;
static Camera ms_MainCamera = null;
void OnValidate()
density = Mathf.Clamp(density, Consts.DustParticles.DensityMin, Consts.DustParticles.DensityMax);
cullingMaxDistance = Mathf.Max(cullingMaxDistance, Consts.DustParticles.CullingMaxDistanceMin);
Play(); // support instant refresh when modifying properties from inspector
#endif // UNITY_EDITOR
VolumetricLightBeamAbstractBase m_Master = null;
void Start()
isCulled = false;
m_Master = GetComponent<VolumetricLightBeamAbstractBase>();
HandleBackwardCompatibility(m_Master._INTERNAL_pluginVersion, Version.Current);
void InstantiateParticleSystem()
// If we duplicate (from Editor and Playmode) the VLB, the children are also duplicated (like the dust particles)
// we have to make sure to properly destroy them before creating our proper procedural particle instance.
gameObject.ForeachComponentsInDirectChildrenOnly<ParticleSystem>(ps => DestroyImmediate(ps.gameObject), true);
m_Particles = Config.Instance.NewVolumetricDustParticles();
if (m_Particles)
if (m_Master)
UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.SetStaticEditorFlags(m_Particles.gameObject, m_Master.GetStaticEditorFlagsForSubObjects());
#endif // UNITY_EDITOR
m_Particles.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
m_Renderer = m_Particles.GetComponent<ParticleSystemRenderer>();
m_Material = new Material(m_Renderer.sharedMaterial);
m_Renderer.material = m_Material;
void OnEnable()
void SetActive(bool active)
if (m_Particles) m_Particles.gameObject.SetActive(active);
void SetActiveAndPlay()
void Play()
if (m_Particles)
void OnDisable()
void OnDestroy()
if (m_Particles)
DestroyImmediate(m_Particles.gameObject); // Make sure to delete the GAO
m_Particles = null;
if (m_Material)
m_Material = null;
void Update()
if (m_Particles == null)
#endif // UNITY_EDITOR
if (UtilsBeamProps.CanChangeDuringPlaytime(m_Master))
if (m_RuntimePropertiesDirty && m_Material != null)
m_Material.SetColor(ShaderProperties.ParticlesTintColor, new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alphaAdditionalRuntime));
m_RuntimePropertiesDirty = false;
void SetParticleProperties()
if (m_Particles && m_Particles.gameObject.activeSelf)
// set these props here instead of from InstantiateParticleSystem to support dimension change in editor
m_Particles.transform.localRotation = UtilsBeamProps.GetInternalLocalRotation(m_Master);
m_Particles.transform.localScale = m_Master.IsScalable() ? :;
var coneLength = UtilsBeamProps.GetFallOffEnd(m_Master) * (spawnDistanceRange.maxValue - spawnDistanceRange.minValue);
var ratePerSec = coneLength * density;
int maxParticles = (int)(ratePerSec * 4);
var main = m_Particles.main;
var startLifetime = main.startLifetime;
startLifetime.mode = ParticleSystemCurveMode.TwoConstants;
startLifetime.constantMin = 4f;
startLifetime.constantMax = 6f;
main.startLifetime = startLifetime;
var startSize = main.startSize;
startSize.mode = ParticleSystemCurveMode.TwoConstants;
startSize.constantMin = size * 0.9f;
startSize.constantMax = size * 1.1f;
main.startSize = startSize;
var startColor = main.startColor;
if (UtilsBeamProps.GetColorMode(m_Master) == ColorMode.Flat)
startColor.mode = ParticleSystemGradientMode.Color;
var colorMax = UtilsBeamProps.GetColorFlat(m_Master);
colorMax.a *= alpha;
startColor.color = colorMax;
startColor.mode = ParticleSystemGradientMode.Gradient;
// Duplicate gradient and apply alpha
var gradientRef = UtilsBeamProps.GetColorGradient(m_Master);
Debug.Assert(gradientRef != null);
var colorKeys = gradientRef.colorKeys;
var alphaKeys = gradientRef.alphaKeys;
for(int i=0; i< alphaKeys.Length; ++i)
alphaKeys[i].alpha *= alpha;
Debug.Assert(m_GradientCached != null);
m_GradientCached.SetKeys(colorKeys, alphaKeys);
startColor.gradient = m_GradientCached;
main.startColor = startColor;
var startSpeed = main.startSpeed;
startSpeed.constant = (direction == ParticlesDirection.Random) ? Mathf.Abs(velocity.z) : 0.0f;
main.startSpeed = startSpeed;
var velocityOverLifetime = m_Particles.velocityOverLifetime;
velocityOverLifetime.enabled = (direction != ParticlesDirection.Random); = (direction == ParticlesDirection.LocalSpace) ? ParticleSystemSimulationSpace.Local : ParticleSystemSimulationSpace.World;
velocityOverLifetime.xMultiplier = velocity.x;
velocityOverLifetime.yMultiplier = velocity.y;
velocityOverLifetime.zMultiplier = velocity.z;
main.maxParticles = maxParticles;
float thickness = UtilsBeamProps.GetThickness(m_Master);
float fallOffEnd = UtilsBeamProps.GetFallOffEnd(m_Master);
var shape = m_Particles.shape;
shape.shapeType = ParticleSystemShapeType.ConeVolume;
float coneAngle = UtilsBeamProps.GetConeAngle(m_Master) * Mathf.Lerp(0.7f, 1f, thickness);
shape.angle = coneAngle * 0.5f;
float radiusStart = UtilsBeamProps.GetConeRadiusStart(m_Master) * Mathf.Lerp(0.3f, 1.0f, thickness);
float radiusEnd = Utils.ComputeConeRadiusEnd(fallOffEnd, coneAngle);
shape.radius = Mathf.Lerp(radiusStart, radiusEnd, spawnDistanceRange.minValue);
shape.length = coneLength;
var localOffset = fallOffEnd * spawnDistanceRange.minValue;
#if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
shape.position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, localOffset);
m_Particles.transform.localPosition = m_Master.beamLocalForward * localOffset;
shape.arc = 360f;
shape.randomDirectionAmount = (direction == ParticlesDirection.Random) ? 1f : 0f;
var emission = m_Particles.emission;
var rate = emission.rateOverTime;
rate.constant = ratePerSec;
emission.rateOverTime = rate;
m_Renderer.sortingLayerID = UtilsBeamProps.GetSortingLayerID(m_Master);
m_Renderer.sortingOrder = UtilsBeamProps.GetSortingOrder(m_Master);
void HandleBackwardCompatibility(int serializedVersion, int newVersion)
if (serializedVersion == -1) return; // freshly new spawned entity: nothing to do
if (serializedVersion == newVersion) return; // same version: nothing to do
#pragma warning disable 0618
if (serializedVersion < 1880)
// Version 1880 changed the order of ParticlesDirection enum and add WorldSpace option
if ((int)direction == 0) direction = (ParticlesDirection)1;
else direction = (ParticlesDirection)0;
// Version 1880 changed from single float speed to 3D velocity vector
velocity = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, speed);
if (serializedVersion < 1940)
spawnDistanceRange = new MinMaxRangeFloat(spawnMinDistance, spawnMaxDistance);
#pragma warning restore 0618
#region Culling
void UpdateCulling()
if (m_Particles)
bool visible = true;
bool isFadeOutEnabled = UtilsBeamProps.GetFadeOutEnabled(m_Master);
if ((cullingEnabled || isFadeOutEnabled) && m_Master.hasGeometry)
if (mainCamera)
var maxDist = cullingMaxDistance;
if(isFadeOutEnabled) maxDist = Mathf.Min(maxDist, UtilsBeamProps.GetFadeOutEnd(m_Master));
var maxDistSqr = maxDist * maxDist;
var distSqr = m_Master.bounds.SqrDistance(mainCamera.transform.position);
visible = distSqr <= maxDistSqr;
cullingEnabled = false;
if (m_Particles.gameObject.activeSelf != visible)
isCulled = !visible;
if (visible && !m_Particles.isPlaying)