using System; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityTimer.Examples { public class TestTimerBehaviour : MonoBehaviour { #region Unity Inspector Fields [Header("Controls")] public InputField DurationField; public Button StartTimerButton; public Button CancelTimerButton; public Button PauseTimerButton; public Button ResumeTimerButton; public Toggle IsLoopedToggle; public Toggle UseGameTimeToggle; public Slider TimescaleSlider; public Text NeedsRestartText; [Header("Stats Texts")] public Text TimeElapsedText; public Text TimeRemainingText; public Text PercentageCompletedText; public Text PercentageRemainingText; public Text NumberOfLoopsText; public Text IsCancelledText; public Text IsCompletedText; public Text IsPausedText; public Text IsDoneText; public Text UpdateText; #endregion private int _numLoops; private Timer _testTimer; private void Awake() { ResetState(); } private void ResetState() { _numLoops = 0; CancelTestTimer(); } public void StartTestTimer() { ResetState(); // this is the important code example bit where we register a new timer _testTimer = Timer.Register( duration: GetDurationValue(), onComplete: () => _numLoops++, onUpdate: secondsElapsed => { UpdateText.text = string.Format("Timer ran update callback: {0:F2} seconds", secondsElapsed); }, isLooped: IsLoopedToggle.isOn, useRealTime: !UseGameTimeToggle.isOn); CancelTimerButton.interactable = true; } public void CancelTestTimer() { Timer.Cancel(_testTimer); CancelTimerButton.interactable = false; NeedsRestartText.gameObject.SetActive(false); } public void PauseTestTimer() { Timer.Pause(_testTimer); } public void ResumeTestTimer() { Timer.Resume(_testTimer); } private void Update() { if (_testTimer == null) { return; } Time.timeScale = TimescaleSlider.value; _testTimer.isLooped = IsLoopedToggle.isOn; TimeElapsedText.text = string.Format("Time elapsed: {0:F2} seconds", _testTimer.GetTimeElapsed()); TimeRemainingText.text = string.Format("Time remaining: {0:F2} seconds", _testTimer.GetTimeRemaining()); PercentageCompletedText.text = string.Format("Percentage completed: {0:F4}%", _testTimer.GetRatioComplete()*100); PercentageRemainingText.text = String.Format("Percentage remaining: {0:F4}%", _testTimer.GetRatioRemaining()*100); NumberOfLoopsText.text = string.Format("# Loops: {0}", _numLoops); IsCancelledText.text = string.Format("Is Cancelled: {0}", _testTimer.isCancelled); IsCompletedText.text = string.Format("Is Completed: {0}", _testTimer.isCompleted); IsPausedText.text = String.Format("Is Paused: {0}", _testTimer.isPaused); IsDoneText.text = string.Format("Is Done: {0}", _testTimer.isDone); PauseTimerButton.interactable = !_testTimer.isPaused; ResumeTimerButton.interactable = _testTimer.isPaused; NeedsRestartText.gameObject.SetActive(ShouldShowRestartText()); } private bool ShouldShowRestartText() { return !_testTimer.isDone && // the timer is in progress and... ((UseGameTimeToggle.isOn && _testTimer.usesRealTime) || // we switched to real-time or (!UseGameTimeToggle.isOn && !_testTimer.usesRealTime) || // we switched to game-time or Mathf.Abs(GetDurationValue() - _testTimer.duration) >= Mathf.Epsilon); // our duration changed } private float GetDurationValue() { float duration; return float.TryParse(DurationField.text, out duration) ? duration : 0; } } }