using UnityEngine; namespace VLB { [ExecuteInEditMode] [DisallowMultipleComponent] [RequireComponent(typeof(VolumetricLightBeamHD))] [HelpURL(Consts.Help.HD.UrlShadow)] public class VolumetricShadowHD : MonoBehaviour { public const string ClassName = "VolumetricShadowHD"; /// /// Controls how dark the shadow cast by this Light Beam will be. /// The bigger the value, the more the shadow will affect the visual. /// public float strength { get { return m_Strength; } set { if (m_Strength != value) { m_Strength = value; SetDirty(); } } } /// /// How often will the occlusion be processed? /// Try to update the occlusion as rarely as possible to keep good performance. /// public ShadowUpdateRate updateRate { get { return m_UpdateRate; } set { m_UpdateRate = value; } } /// /// How many frames we wait between 2 occlusion tests? /// If you want your beam to be super responsive to the changes of your environment, update it every frame by setting 1. /// If you want to save on performance, we recommend to wait few frames between each update by setting a higher value. /// public int waitXFrames { get { return m_WaitXFrames; } set { m_WaitXFrames = value; } } /// /// The beam can only be occluded by objects located on the layers matching this mask. /// It's very important to set it as restrictive as possible (checking only the layers which are necessary) /// to perform a more efficient process in order to increase the performance. /// It should NOT include the layer on which the beams are generated. /// public LayerMask layerMask { get { return m_LayerMask; } set { m_LayerMask = value; UpdateDepthCameraProperties(); } } /// /// Whether or not the virtual camera will use occlusion culling during rendering from the beam's POV. /// public bool useOcclusionCulling { get { return m_UseOcclusionCulling; } set { m_UseOcclusionCulling = value; UpdateDepthCameraProperties(); } } /// /// Controls how large the depth texture captured by the virtual camera is. /// The lower the resolution, the better the performance, but the less accurate the rendering. /// public int depthMapResolution { get { return m_DepthMapResolution; } set { if(m_DepthCamera != null && Application.isPlaying) { Debug.LogErrorFormat(Consts.Shadow.GetErrorChangeRuntimeDepthMapResolution(this)); } m_DepthMapResolution = value; } } /// /// Manually process the occlusion. /// You have to call this function in order to update the occlusion when using ShadowUpdateRate.Never. /// public void ProcessOcclusionManually() { ProcessOcclusion(ProcessOcclusionSource.User); } [SerializeField] float m_Strength = Consts.Shadow.StrengthDefault; [SerializeField] ShadowUpdateRate m_UpdateRate = Consts.Shadow.UpdateRateDefault; [SerializeField] int m_WaitXFrames = Consts.Shadow.WaitFramesCountDefault; [SerializeField] LayerMask m_LayerMask = Consts.Shadow.LayerMaskDefault; [SerializeField] bool m_UseOcclusionCulling = Consts.Shadow.OcclusionCullingDefault; [SerializeField] int m_DepthMapResolution = Consts.Shadow.DepthMapResolutionDefault; public void UpdateDepthCameraProperties() { if (m_DepthCamera) { m_DepthCamera.cullingMask = layerMask; m_DepthCamera.useOcclusionCulling = useOcclusionCulling; } } enum ProcessOcclusionSource { RenderLoop, OnEnable, EditorUpdate, User, } void ProcessOcclusion(ProcessOcclusionSource source) { if (!Config.Instance.featureEnabledShadow) return; if(m_LastFrameRendered == Time.frameCount && Application.isPlaying && source == ProcessOcclusionSource.OnEnable) return; // allow to call ProcessOcclusion from OnEnable (when disabling/enabling multiple a beam on the same frame) without generating an error Debug.Assert(!Application.isPlaying || m_LastFrameRendered != Time.frameCount, "ProcessOcclusion has been called twice on the same frame, which is forbidden"); Debug.Assert(m_Master && m_DepthCamera); if (SRPHelper.IsUsingCustomRenderPipeline()) // Recursive rendering is not supported on SRP m_NeedToUpdateOcclusionNextFrame = true; else ProcessOcclusionInternal(); SetDirty(); // refresh material if (updateRate.HasFlag(ShadowUpdateRate.OnBeamMove)) m_TransformPacked = transform.GetWorldPacked(); bool firstTime = m_LastFrameRendered < 0; m_LastFrameRendered = Time.frameCount; if (firstTime && _INTERNAL_ApplyRandomFrameOffset) { m_LastFrameRendered += Random.Range(0, waitXFrames); // add a random offset to prevent from updating texture for all beams having the same wait value } } public static void ApplyMaterialProperties(VolumetricShadowHD instance, BeamGeometryHD geom) { Debug.Assert(geom != null); if (instance && instance.enabled) { Debug.Assert(instance.m_DepthCamera); geom.SetMaterialProp(ShaderProperties.HD.ShadowDepthTexture, instance.m_DepthCamera.targetTexture); var scale = instance.m_Master.scalable ? instance.m_Master.GetLossyScale() :; geom.SetMaterialProp(ShaderProperties.HD.ShadowProps, new Vector4(Mathf.Sign(scale.x) * Mathf.Sign(scale.z), Mathf.Sign(scale.y), instance.m_Strength, instance.m_DepthCamera.orthographic ? 0f : 1f)); } else { geom.SetMaterialProp(ShaderProperties.HD.ShadowDepthTexture, BeamGeometryHD.InvalidTexture.NoDepth); } } void Awake() { m_Master = GetComponent(); Debug.Assert(m_Master); #if UNITY_EDITOR MarkMaterialAsDirty(); #endif } void OnEnable() { OnValidateProperties(); InstantiateOrActivateDepthCamera(); OnBeamEnabled(); } void OnDisable() { if (m_DepthCamera) m_DepthCamera.gameObject.SetActive(false); SetDirty(); // refresh material with empty depth texture } void OnDestroy() { DestroyDepthCamera(); #if UNITY_EDITOR MarkMaterialAsDirty(); #endif } void ProcessOcclusionInternal() { UpdateDepthCameraPropertiesAccordingToBeam(); m_DepthCamera.Render(); } void OnBeamEnabled() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) { return; } #endif if (!enabled) { return; } if (!updateRate.HasFlag(ShadowUpdateRate.Never)) ProcessOcclusion(ProcessOcclusionSource.OnEnable); } public void OnWillCameraRenderThisBeam(Camera cam, BeamGeometryHD beamGeom) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) { return; } #endif if (!enabled) { return; } if(cam != null && cam.enabled && Time.frameCount != m_LastFrameRendered // prevent from updating multiple times if there are more than 1 camera && updateRate != ShadowUpdateRate.Never) { bool shouldUpdate = false; if (!shouldUpdate && updateRate.HasFlag(ShadowUpdateRate.OnBeamMove)) { if (!m_TransformPacked.IsSame(transform)) shouldUpdate = true; } if (!shouldUpdate && updateRate.HasFlag(ShadowUpdateRate.EveryXFrames)) { if (Time.frameCount >= m_LastFrameRendered + waitXFrames) shouldUpdate = true; } if (shouldUpdate) ProcessOcclusion(ProcessOcclusionSource.RenderLoop); } } void Update() { if (m_NeedToUpdateOcclusionNextFrame && m_Master && m_DepthCamera && Time.frameCount > 1) // fix NullReferenceException in UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.Internal.CopyDepthPass.Execute when using SRP { ProcessOcclusionInternal(); m_NeedToUpdateOcclusionNextFrame = false; } } void UpdateDepthCameraPropertiesAccordingToBeam() { Debug.Assert(m_Master); Utils.SetupDepthCamera(m_DepthCamera , m_Master.GetConeApexOffsetZ(true), m_Master.maxGeometryDistance, m_Master.coneRadiusStart, m_Master.coneRadiusEnd , m_Master.beamLocalForward, m_Master.GetLossyScale(), m_Master.scalable, m_Master.beamInternalLocalRotation , false); } void InstantiateOrActivateDepthCamera() { if (m_DepthCamera != null) { m_DepthCamera.gameObject.SetActive(true); // active it in case it has been disabled by OnDisable() } else { // delete old depth cameras when duplicating the GAO gameObject.ForeachComponentsInDirectChildrenOnly(cam => DestroyImmediate(cam.gameObject), true); m_DepthCamera = Utils.NewWithComponent("Depth Camera"); if (m_DepthCamera && m_Master) { m_DepthCamera.enabled = false; UpdateDepthCameraProperties(); // set layerMask & useOcclusionCulling m_DepthCamera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Depth; m_DepthCamera.depthTextureMode = DepthTextureMode.Depth; m_DepthCamera.renderingPath = RenderingPath.Forward; // RenderingPath.VertexLit is faster, but RenderingPath.Forward allows to catch alpha cutout m_DepthCamera.gameObject.hideFlags = Consts.Internal.ProceduralObjectsHideFlags; m_DepthCamera.transform.SetParent(transform, false); Config.Instance.SetURPScriptableRendererIndexToDepthCamera(m_DepthCamera); var rt = new RenderTexture(depthMapResolution, depthMapResolution, 16, RenderTextureFormat.Depth); m_DepthCamera.targetTexture = rt; UpdateDepthCameraPropertiesAccordingToBeam(); #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.SetStaticEditorFlags(m_DepthCamera.gameObject, m_Master.GetStaticEditorFlagsForSubObjects()); m_DepthCamera.gameObject.SetSameSceneVisibilityStatesThan(m_Master.gameObject); #endif } } } void DestroyDepthCamera() { if (m_DepthCamera) { if (m_DepthCamera.targetTexture) { m_DepthCamera.targetTexture.Release(); DestroyImmediate(m_DepthCamera.targetTexture); m_DepthCamera.targetTexture = null; } DestroyImmediate(m_DepthCamera.gameObject); // Make sure to delete the GAO m_DepthCamera = null; } } void OnValidateProperties() { m_WaitXFrames = Mathf.Clamp(m_WaitXFrames, 1, 60); m_DepthMapResolution = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(m_DepthMapResolution), 8, 2048); } void SetDirty() { if (m_Master) m_Master.SetPropertyDirty(DirtyProps.ShadowProps); } VolumetricLightBeamHD m_Master = null; TransformUtils.Packed m_TransformPacked; int m_LastFrameRendered = int.MinValue; public int _INTERNAL_LastFrameRendered { get { return m_LastFrameRendered; } } // for unit tests Camera m_DepthCamera = null; bool m_NeedToUpdateOcclusionNextFrame = false; public static bool _INTERNAL_ApplyRandomFrameOffset = true; #if UNITY_EDITOR bool m_NeedToReinstantiateDepthCamera = false; void MarkMaterialAsDirty() { // when adding/removing this component in editor, we might need to switch from a GPU Instanced material to a custom one, // since this feature doesn't support GPU Instancing if (!Application.isPlaying) m_Master._EditorSetBeamGeomDirty(); } void OnValidate() { OnValidateProperties(); m_NeedToReinstantiateDepthCamera = true; } void LateUpdate() { if (!Application.isPlaying) { if (m_NeedToReinstantiateDepthCamera) { DestroyDepthCamera(); InstantiateOrActivateDepthCamera(); m_NeedToReinstantiateDepthCamera = false; } if (m_Master && m_Master.enabled) ProcessOcclusion(ProcessOcclusionSource.EditorUpdate); } } public bool HasLayerMaskIssues() { if (Config.Instance.geometryOverrideLayer) { int layerBit = 1 << Config.Instance.geometryLayerID; return ((layerMask.value & layerBit) == layerBit); } return false; } #endif // UNITY_EDITOR } }