using UnityEngine; namespace VLB { public static class MeshGenerator { const float kMinTruncatedRadius = 0.001f; static float GetAngleOffset(int numSides) { // rotate square beams so they are properly oriented to scale them more easily return numSides == 4 ? (Mathf.PI * 0.25f) : 0f; } static float GetRadiiScale(int numSides) { // with 4 sides, place the vertices in the square's corners to fit with the depth buffer camera frustum return numSides == 4 ? Mathf.Sqrt(2f) : 1f; } public static Mesh GenerateConeZ_RadiusAndAngle(float lengthZ, float radiusStart, float coneAngle, int numSides, int numSegments, bool cap, bool doubleSided) { Debug.Assert(lengthZ > 0f); Debug.Assert(coneAngle > 0f && coneAngle < 180f); var radiusEnd = lengthZ * Mathf.Tan(coneAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad * 0.5f); return GenerateConeZ_Radii(lengthZ, radiusStart, radiusEnd, numSides, numSegments, cap, doubleSided); } public static Mesh GenerateConeZ_Angle(float lengthZ, float coneAngle, int numSides, int numSegments, bool cap, bool doubleSided) { return GenerateConeZ_RadiusAndAngle(lengthZ, 0f, coneAngle, numSides, numSegments, cap, doubleSided); } // Cone with optional cap (at start only), optional segments count, vertices + UVs (storing info about cap and side) public static Mesh GenerateConeZ_Radii(float lengthZ, float radiusStart, float radiusEnd, int numSides, int numSegments, bool cap, bool doubleSided) { Debug.Assert(lengthZ > 0f); Debug.Assert(radiusStart >= 0f); Debug.Assert(numSides >= 3); Debug.Assert(numSegments >= 0); var mesh = new Mesh(); bool genCap = cap && radiusStart > 0f; // We use the XY position of the vertices to compute the cone normal in the shader. // With a perfectly sharp cone, we couldn't compute accurate normals at its top. radiusStart = Mathf.Max(radiusStart, kMinTruncatedRadius); { float radiiScale = GetRadiiScale(numSides); radiusStart *= radiiScale; radiusEnd *= radiiScale; } int vertCountSides = numSides * (numSegments + 2); int vertCountTotal = vertCountSides; if (genCap) vertCountTotal += numSides + 1; // VERTICES { float angleOffset = GetAngleOffset(numSides); var vertices = new Vector3[vertCountTotal]; for (int i = 0; i < numSides; i++) { float angle = angleOffset + 2 * Mathf.PI * i / numSides; float angleCos = Mathf.Cos(angle); float angleSin = Mathf.Sin(angle); for (int seg = 0; seg < numSegments + 2; seg++) { float tseg = (float)seg / (numSegments + 1); Debug.Assert(tseg >= 0f && tseg <= 1f); float radius = Mathf.Lerp(radiusStart, radiusEnd, tseg); vertices[i + seg * numSides] = new Vector3(radius * angleCos, radius * angleSin, tseg * lengthZ); } } if (genCap) { int ind = vertCountSides; vertices[ind] =; ind++; for (int i = 0; i < numSides; i++) { float angle = angleOffset + 2 * Mathf.PI * i / numSides; float angleCos = Mathf.Cos(angle); float angleSin = Mathf.Sin(angle); vertices[ind] = new Vector3(radiusStart * angleCos, radiusStart * angleSin, 0f); ind++; } Debug.Assert(ind == vertices.Length); } if (!doubleSided) { mesh.vertices = vertices; } else { var vertices2 = new Vector3[vertices.Length * 2]; vertices.CopyTo(vertices2, 0); vertices.CopyTo(vertices2, vertices.Length); mesh.vertices = vertices2; } } // UV (used to flags vertices as sides or cap) // X: 0 = sides ; 1 = cap // Y: 0 = front face ; 1 = back face (doubleSided only) { var uv = new Vector2[vertCountTotal]; int ind = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vertCountSides; i++) uv[ind++] =; if (genCap) { for (int i = 0; i < numSides + 1; i++) uv[ind++] = new Vector2(1, 0); } Debug.Assert(ind == uv.Length); if (!doubleSided) { mesh.uv = uv; } else { var uv2 = new Vector2[uv.Length * 2]; uv.CopyTo(uv2, 0); uv.CopyTo(uv2, uv.Length); for (int i = 0; i < uv.Length; i++) { var value = uv2[i + uv.Length]; uv2[i + uv.Length] = new Vector2(value.x, 1); } mesh.uv = uv2; } } // INDICES { int triCountSides = numSides * 2 * Mathf.Max(numSegments + 1, 1); int indCountSides = triCountSides * 3; int indCountTotal = indCountSides; if (genCap) indCountTotal += numSides * 3; var indices = new int[indCountTotal]; int ind = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numSides; i++) { int ip1 = i + 1; if (ip1 == numSides) ip1 = 0; for (int k = 0; k < numSegments + 1; ++k) { var offset = k * numSides; indices[ind++] = offset + i; indices[ind++] = offset + ip1; indices[ind++] = offset + i + numSides; indices[ind++] = offset + ip1 + numSides; indices[ind++] = offset + i + numSides; indices[ind++] = offset + ip1; } } if (genCap) { for (int i = 0; i < numSides - 1; i++) { indices[ind++] = vertCountSides; indices[ind++] = vertCountSides + i + 2; indices[ind++] = vertCountSides + i + 1; } indices[ind++] = vertCountSides; indices[ind++] = vertCountSides + 1; indices[ind++] = vertCountSides + numSides; } Debug.Assert(ind == indices.Length); if (!doubleSided) { mesh.triangles = indices; } else { var indices2 = new int[indices.Length * 2]; indices.CopyTo(indices2, 0); for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i += 3) { indices2[indices.Length + i + 0] = indices[i + 0] + vertCountTotal; indices2[indices.Length + i + 1] = indices[i + 2] + vertCountTotal; indices2[indices.Length + i + 2] = indices[i + 1] + vertCountTotal; } mesh.triangles = indices2; } } mesh.bounds = ComputeBounds(lengthZ, radiusStart, radiusEnd); Debug.Assert(mesh.vertexCount == GetVertexCount(numSides, numSegments, genCap ? CapMode.SpecificVerticesPerCap_1Cap : CapMode.None, doubleSided)); Debug.Assert(mesh.triangles.Length == GetIndicesCount(numSides, numSegments, genCap ? CapMode.SpecificVerticesPerCap_1Cap : CapMode.None, doubleSided)); return mesh; } // Cone with double caps, no segments, vertices only (no UVs) public static Mesh GenerateConeZ_Radii_DoubleCaps(float lengthZ, float radiusStart, float radiusEnd, int numSides, bool inverted) { Debug.Assert(lengthZ > 0f); Debug.Assert(radiusStart >= 0f); Debug.Assert(numSides >= 3); var mesh = new Mesh(); // We use the XY position of the vertices to compute the cone normal in the shader. // With a perfectly sharp cone, we couldn't compute accurate normals at its top. radiusStart = Mathf.Max(radiusStart, kMinTruncatedRadius); int vertCountSides = numSides * 2; int vertCountTotal = vertCountSides; System.Func vertSidesStartFromSlide = (int slideID) => { return numSides * slideID; }; System.Func vertCenterFromSlide = (int slideID) => { return vertCountSides + slideID; }; vertCountTotal += 2; // caps // VERTICES { float angleOffset = GetAngleOffset(numSides); var vertices = new Vector3[vertCountTotal]; for (int i = 0; i < numSides; i++) { float angle = angleOffset + 2 * Mathf.PI * i / numSides; float angleCos = Mathf.Cos(angle); float angleSin = Mathf.Sin(angle); for (int seg = 0; seg < 2; seg++) { float tseg = (float)seg; Debug.Assert(tseg >= 0f && tseg <= 1f); float radius = Mathf.Lerp(radiusStart, radiusEnd, tseg); vertices[i + vertSidesStartFromSlide(seg)] = new Vector3(radius * angleCos, radius * angleSin, tseg * lengthZ); } } vertices[vertCenterFromSlide(0)] =; // cap start vertices[vertCenterFromSlide(1)] = new Vector3(0f, 0f, lengthZ); // cap end mesh.vertices = vertices; } // INDICES { int triCountSides = numSides * 2; int indCountSides = triCountSides * 3; int indCountTotal = indCountSides; indCountTotal += numSides * 3; // cap start indCountTotal += numSides * 3; // cap end var indices = new int[indCountTotal]; int ind = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numSides; i++) { int ip1 = i + 1; if (ip1 == numSides) ip1 = 0; for (int k = 0; k < 1; ++k) { var offset = k * numSides; indices[ind + 0] = offset + i; indices[ind + (inverted ? 1 : 2)] = offset + ip1; indices[ind + (inverted ? 2 : 1)] = offset + i + numSides; indices[ind + 3] = offset + ip1 + numSides; indices[ind + (inverted ? 4 : 5)] = offset + i + numSides; indices[ind + (inverted ? 5 : 4)] = offset + ip1; ind += 6; } } System.Action generateCapIndexes = (int slideID, bool invert) => { int vertSidesStart = vertSidesStartFromSlide(slideID); for (int i = 0; i < numSides - 1; i++) { indices[ind + 0] = vertCenterFromSlide(slideID); indices[ind + (invert ? 1 : 2)] = vertSidesStart + i + 1; indices[ind + (invert ? 2 : 1)] = vertSidesStart + i + 0; ind += 3; } indices[ind + 0] = vertCenterFromSlide(slideID); indices[ind + (invert ? 1 : 2)] = vertSidesStart; indices[ind + (invert ? 2 : 1)] = vertSidesStart + numSides - 1; ind += 3; }; generateCapIndexes(0, inverted); // cap start generateCapIndexes(1, !inverted); // cap end Debug.Assert(ind == indices.Length); mesh.triangles = indices; } var bounds = new Bounds( new Vector3(0, 0, lengthZ * 0.5f), new Vector3(Mathf.Max(radiusStart, radiusEnd) * 2, Mathf.Max(radiusStart, radiusEnd) * 2, lengthZ) ); mesh.bounds = bounds; Debug.Assert(mesh.vertexCount == GetVertexCount(numSides, 0, CapMode.OneVertexPerCap_2Caps, doubleSided: false)); Debug.Assert(mesh.triangles.Length == GetIndicesCount(numSides, 0, CapMode.OneVertexPerCap_2Caps, doubleSided: false)); return mesh; } public static Bounds ComputeBounds(float lengthZ, float radiusStart, float radiusEnd) { float maxDiameter = Mathf.Max(radiusStart, radiusEnd) * 2; return new Bounds( new Vector3(0, 0, lengthZ * 0.5f), new Vector3(maxDiameter, maxDiameter, lengthZ) ); } public enum CapMode { None, OneVertexPerCap_1Cap, OneVertexPerCap_2Caps, SpecificVerticesPerCap_1Cap, SpecificVerticesPerCap_2Caps, } static int GetCapAdditionalVerticesCount(CapMode capMode, int numSides) { switch (capMode) { case CapMode.None: return 0; case CapMode.OneVertexPerCap_1Cap: return 1; case CapMode.OneVertexPerCap_2Caps: return 2; case CapMode.SpecificVerticesPerCap_1Cap: return 1 * (numSides + 1); case CapMode.SpecificVerticesPerCap_2Caps: return 2 * (numSides + 1); default: return 0; } } static int GetCapAdditionalIndicesCount(CapMode capMode, int numSides) { switch (capMode) { case CapMode.None: return 0; case CapMode.OneVertexPerCap_1Cap: case CapMode.SpecificVerticesPerCap_1Cap: return 1 * (numSides * 3); case CapMode.OneVertexPerCap_2Caps: case CapMode.SpecificVerticesPerCap_2Caps: return 2 * (numSides * 3); default: return 0; } } public static int GetVertexCount(int numSides, int numSegments, CapMode capMode, bool doubleSided) { Debug.Assert(numSides >= 2); Debug.Assert(numSegments >= 0); int count = numSides * (numSegments + 2); count += GetCapAdditionalVerticesCount(capMode, numSides); if (doubleSided) count *= 2; return count; } public static int GetIndicesCount(int numSides, int numSegments, CapMode capMode, bool doubleSided) { Debug.Assert(numSides >= 2); Debug.Assert(numSegments >= 0); int count = numSides * (numSegments + 1) * 2 * 3; count += GetCapAdditionalIndicesCount(capMode, numSides); if (doubleSided) count *= 2; return count; } public static int GetSharedMeshVertexCount() { return GetVertexCount(Config.Instance.sharedMeshSides, Config.Instance.sharedMeshSegments, CapMode.SpecificVerticesPerCap_1Cap, Config.Instance.SD_requiresDoubleSidedMesh); } public static int GetSharedMeshIndicesCount() { return GetIndicesCount(Config.Instance.sharedMeshSides, Config.Instance.sharedMeshSegments, CapMode.SpecificVerticesPerCap_1Cap, Config.Instance.SD_requiresDoubleSidedMesh); } public static int GetSharedMeshHDVertexCount() { return GetVertexCount(Config.Instance.sharedMeshSides, 0, CapMode.OneVertexPerCap_2Caps, doubleSided: false); } public static int GetSharedMeshHDIndicesCount() { return GetIndicesCount(Config.Instance.sharedMeshSides, 0, CapMode.OneVertexPerCap_2Caps, doubleSided: false); } } }