// Author: Daniele Giardini - http://www.demigiant.com
// Created: 2015/03/27 19:02
// License Copyright (c) Daniele Giardini.
// This work is subject to the terms at http://dotween.demigiant.com/license.php
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
namespace DG.Tweening
/// Methods that extend Text Mesh Pro objects and allow to directly create and control tweens from their instances.
public static class ShortcutExtensionsTextMeshPro
#region Colors
/// Tweens a TextMeshPro's color to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshPro as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOColor(this TextMeshPro target, Color endValue, float duration)
return DOTween.To(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration)
/// Tweens a TextMeshPro's faceColor to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshPro as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOFaceColor(this TextMeshPro target, Color32 endValue, float duration)
return DOTween.To(() => target.faceColor, x => target.faceColor = x, endValue, duration)
/// Tweens a TextMeshPro's outlineColor to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshPro as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOOutlineColor(this TextMeshPro target, Color32 endValue, float duration)
return DOTween.To(() => target.outlineColor, x => target.outlineColor = x, endValue, duration)
/// Tweens a TextMeshPro's glow color to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshPro as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
/// If TRUE will use the fontSharedMaterial instead than the fontMaterial
public static Tweener DOGlowColor(this TextMeshPro target, Color endValue, float duration, bool useSharedMaterial = false)
return useSharedMaterial
? target.fontSharedMaterial.DOColor(endValue, "_GlowColor", duration).SetTarget(target)
: target.fontMaterial.DOColor(endValue, "_GlowColor", duration).SetTarget(target);
/// Tweens a TextMeshPro's alpha color to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshPro as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOFade(this TextMeshPro target, float endValue, float duration)
return DOTween.ToAlpha(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration)
/// Tweens a TextMeshPro faceColor's alpha to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshPro as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOFaceFade(this TextMeshPro target, float endValue, float duration)
return DOTween.ToAlpha(() => target.faceColor, x => target.faceColor = x, endValue, duration)
#region Other
/// Tweens a TextMeshPro's scale to the given value (using correct uniform scale as TMP requires).
/// Also stores the TextMeshPro as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOScale(this TextMeshPro target, float endValue, float duration)
Transform t = target.transform;
Vector3 endValueV3 = new Vector3(endValue, endValue, endValue);
return DOTween.To(() => t.localScale, x => t.localScale = x, endValueV3, duration).SetTarget(target);
/// Tweens a TextMeshPro's fontSize to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshPro as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOFontSize(this TextMeshPro target, float endValue, float duration)
return DOTween.To(() => target.fontSize, x => target.fontSize = x, endValue, duration)
/// Tweens a TextMeshPro's maxVisibleCharacters to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshPro as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOMaxVisibleCharacters(this TextMeshPro target, int endValue, float duration)
return DOTween.To(() => target.maxVisibleCharacters, x => target.maxVisibleCharacters = x, endValue, duration)
/// Tweens a TextMeshPro's text to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshPro as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end string to tween toThe duration of the tween
/// If TRUE (default), rich text will be interpreted correctly while animated,
/// otherwise all tags will be considered as normal text
/// The type of scramble mode to use, if any
/// A string containing the characters to use for scrambling.
/// Use as many characters as possible (minimum 10) because DOTween uses a fast scramble mode which gives better results with more characters.
/// Leave it to NULL (default) to use default ones
public static Tweener DOText(this TextMeshPro target, string endValue, float duration, bool richTextEnabled = true, ScrambleMode scrambleMode = ScrambleMode.None, string scrambleChars = null)
return DOTween.To(() => target.text, x => target.text = x, endValue, duration)
.SetOptions(richTextEnabled, scrambleMode, scrambleChars)
/// Methods that extend Text Mesh Pro objects and allow to directly create and control tweens from their instances.
public static class ShortcutExtensionsTextMeshProUGUI
#region Colors
/// Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI's color to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshProUGUI as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOColor(this TextMeshProUGUI target, Color endValue, float duration)
return DOTween.To(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration)
/// Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI's faceColor to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshProUGUI as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOFaceColor(this TextMeshProUGUI target, Color32 endValue, float duration)
return DOTween.To(() => target.faceColor, x => target.faceColor = x, endValue, duration)
/// Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI's outlineColor to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshProUGUI as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOOutlineColor(this TextMeshProUGUI target, Color32 endValue, float duration)
return DOTween.To(() => target.outlineColor, x => target.outlineColor = x, endValue, duration)
/// Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI's glow color to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshProUGUI as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
/// If TRUE will use the fontSharedMaterial instead than the fontMaterial
public static Tweener DOGlowColor(this TextMeshProUGUI target, Color endValue, float duration, bool useSharedMaterial = false)
return useSharedMaterial
? target.fontSharedMaterial.DOColor(endValue, "_GlowColor", duration).SetTarget(target)
: target.fontMaterial.DOColor(endValue, "_GlowColor", duration).SetTarget(target);
/// Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI's alpha color to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshProUGUI as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOFade(this TextMeshProUGUI target, float endValue, float duration)
return DOTween.ToAlpha(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration)
/// Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI faceColor's alpha to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshProUGUI as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOFaceFade(this TextMeshProUGUI target, float endValue, float duration)
return DOTween.ToAlpha(() => target.faceColor, x => target.faceColor = x, endValue, duration)
#region Other
/// Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI's scale to the given value (using correct uniform scale as TMP requires).
/// Also stores the TextMeshProUGUI as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOScale(this TextMeshProUGUI target, float endValue, float duration)
Transform t = target.transform;
Vector3 endValueV3 = new Vector3(endValue, endValue, endValue);
return DOTween.To(() => t.localScale, x => t.localScale = x, endValueV3, duration).SetTarget(target);
/// Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI's fontSize to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshProUGUI as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOFontSize(this TextMeshProUGUI target, float endValue, float duration)
return DOTween.To(() => target.fontSize, x => target.fontSize = x, endValue, duration)
/// Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI's maxVisibleCharacters to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshProUGUI as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOMaxVisibleCharacters(this TextMeshProUGUI target, int endValue, float duration)
return DOTween.To(() => target.maxVisibleCharacters, x => target.maxVisibleCharacters = x, endValue, duration)
/// Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI's text to the given value.
/// Also stores the TextMeshProUGUI as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end string to tween toThe duration of the tween
/// If TRUE (default), rich text will be interpreted correctly while animated,
/// otherwise all tags will be considered as normal text
/// The type of scramble mode to use, if any
/// A string containing the characters to use for scrambling.
/// Use as many characters as possible (minimum 10) because DOTween uses a fast scramble mode which gives better results with more characters.
/// Leave it to NULL (default) to use default ones
public static Tweener DOText(this TextMeshProUGUI target, string endValue, float duration, bool richTextEnabled = true, ScrambleMode scrambleMode = ScrambleMode.None, string scrambleChars = null)
return DOTween.To(() => target.text, x => target.text = x, endValue, duration)
.SetOptions(richTextEnabled, scrambleMode, scrambleChars)