using System; using UnityEngine; namespace VLB { public static class Utils { public static float ComputeConeRadiusEnd(float fallOffEnd, float spotAngle) { return fallOffEnd * Mathf.Tan(spotAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad * 0.5f); } public static float ComputeSpotAngle(float fallOffEnd, float coneRadiusEnd) { return Mathf.Atan2(coneRadiusEnd, fallOffEnd) * Mathf.Rad2Deg * 2.0f; } public static void Swap(ref T a, ref T b) { var temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } public static string GetPath(Transform current) { if (current.parent == null) return "/" +; return GetPath(current.parent) + "/" +; } public static T NewWithComponent(string name) where T : Component { return (new GameObject(name, typeof(T))).GetComponent(); } public static T GetOrAddComponent(this GameObject self) where T : Component { var component = self.GetComponent(); if (component == null) component = self.AddComponent(); return component; } public static T GetOrAddComponent(this MonoBehaviour self) where T : Component { return self.gameObject.GetOrAddComponent(); } // Call the function for each component placed on any children (every depth), but not on itself public static void ForeachComponentsInAnyChildrenOnly(this GameObject self, Action lambda, bool includeInactive = false) where T : Component { var components = self.GetComponentsInChildren(includeInactive); foreach (var comp in components) { if (comp.gameObject != self) { lambda(comp); } } } // Call the function for each component placed on any direct children on this GameObject public static void ForeachComponentsInDirectChildrenOnly(this GameObject self, Action lambda, bool includeInactive = false) where T : Component { var components = self.GetComponentsInChildren(includeInactive); foreach (var comp in components) { if (comp.transform.parent == self.transform) { lambda(comp); } } } public static void SetupDepthCamera(Camera depthCamera , float coneApexOffsetZ, float maxGeometryDistance, float coneRadiusStart, float coneRadiusEnd , Vector3 beamLocalForward, Vector3 lossyScale, bool isScalable, Quaternion beamInternalLocalRotation , bool shouldScaleMinNearClipPlane) { Debug.Assert(depthCamera); if(!isScalable) lossyScale.x = lossyScale.y = 1.0f; float apexDist = coneApexOffsetZ; bool isPersp = apexDist >= 0.0f; apexDist = Mathf.Max(apexDist, 0.0f); depthCamera.orthographic = !isPersp; depthCamera.transform.localPosition = beamLocalForward * (-apexDist); var localRot = beamInternalLocalRotation; if (Mathf.Sign(lossyScale.z) < 0f) localRot *= Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f); depthCamera.transform.localRotation = localRot; if (!Mathf.Approximately(lossyScale.y * lossyScale.z, 0)) { float kMinNearClipPlane = isPersp ? 0.1f : 0.0f; // should be the same than in shader float absScaleZ = Mathf.Abs(lossyScale.z); depthCamera.nearClipPlane = Mathf.Max(apexDist * absScaleZ, kMinNearClipPlane * (shouldScaleMinNearClipPlane ? absScaleZ : 1.0f)); depthCamera.farClipPlane = (maxGeometryDistance + apexDist * (isScalable ? 1 : absScaleZ)) * (isScalable ? absScaleZ : 1); depthCamera.aspect = Mathf.Abs(lossyScale.x / lossyScale.y); if (isPersp) { float fov = Mathf.Atan2(coneRadiusEnd * Mathf.Abs(lossyScale.y), depthCamera.farClipPlane) * Mathf.Rad2Deg * 2.0f; Debug.Assert(fov < 180.0f); depthCamera.fieldOfView = fov; } else { depthCamera.orthographicSize = coneRadiusStart * lossyScale.y; } } } /// /// true if the bit field or bit fields that are set in flags are also set in the current instance; otherwise, false. /// public static bool HasFlag(this Enum mask, Enum flags) // Same behavior than Enum.HasFlag is .NET 4 { #if DEBUG if (mask.GetType() != flags.GetType()) throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("The argument type, '{0}', is not the same as the enum type '{1}'.", flags.GetType(), mask.GetType())); #endif return ((int)(IConvertible)mask & (int)(IConvertible)flags) == (int)(IConvertible)flags; } /// /// Returns this vector divided by the vector passed as argument /// public static Vector3 Divide(this Vector3 aVector, Vector3 scale) { if(Mathf.Approximately(scale.x * scale.y * scale.z, 0.0f)) return; return new Vector3(aVector.x / scale.x, aVector.y / scale.y, aVector.z / scale.z); } public static Vector2 xy(this Vector3 aVector) { return new Vector2(aVector.x, aVector.y); } public static Vector2 xz(this Vector3 aVector) { return new Vector2(aVector.x, aVector.z); } public static Vector2 yz(this Vector3 aVector) { return new Vector2(aVector.y, aVector.z); } public static Vector2 yx(this Vector3 aVector) { return new Vector2(aVector.y, aVector.x); } public static Vector2 zx(this Vector3 aVector) { return new Vector2(aVector.z, aVector.x); } public static Vector2 zy(this Vector3 aVector) { return new Vector2(aVector.z, aVector.y); } const float kEpsilon = 0.00001f; public static bool Approximately(this float a, float b, float epsilon = kEpsilon) { return Mathf.Abs(a - b) < epsilon; } public static bool Approximately(this Vector2 a, Vector2 b, float epsilon = kEpsilon) { return Vector2.SqrMagnitude(a - b) < epsilon; } public static bool Approximately(this Vector3 a, Vector3 b, float epsilon = kEpsilon) { return Vector3.SqrMagnitude(a - b) < epsilon; } public static bool Approximately(this Vector4 a, Vector4 b, float epsilon = kEpsilon) { return Vector4.SqrMagnitude(a - b) < epsilon; } public static Vector4 AsVector4(this Vector3 vec3, float w) { return new Vector4(vec3.x, vec3.y, vec3.z, w); } public static Vector4 PlaneEquation(Vector3 normalizedNormal, Vector3 pt) { return normalizedNormal.AsVector4(-Vector3.Dot(normalizedNormal, pt)); } public static float GetVolumeCubic(this Bounds self) { return self.size.x * self.size.y * self.size.z; } public static float GetMaxArea2D(this Bounds self) { return Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(self.size.x * self.size.y, self.size.y * self.size.z), self.size.x * self.size.z); } public static Color Opaque(this Color self) { return new Color(self.r, self.g, self.b, 1f); } public static Color ComputeComplementaryColor(this Color self, bool blackAndWhite) { if (blackAndWhite) { // return (self.r * 0.299 + self.g * 0.587 + self.b * 0.114) > (186.0f / 255) ? : Color.white; } return new Color(1.0f - self.r, 1.0f - self.g, 1.0f - self.b); } #if UNITY_EDITOR public static void GizmosDrawPlane(Vector3 normal, Vector3 position, Color color, Matrix4x4 mat, float size = 1f, float normalLength = 0.0f) { normal = normal.normalized; var prevMat = UnityEditor.Handles.matrix; var prevColor = UnityEditor.Handles.color; UnityEditor.Handles.matrix = mat; UnityEditor.Handles.color = color; UnityEditor.Handles.RectangleHandleCap(0, position, Quaternion.LookRotation(normal), size, EventType.Repaint); if (normalLength > 0.0f) { UnityEditor.Handles.DrawLine(position, position + normal * normalLength); UnityEditor.Handles.ConeHandleCap(0, position + normal * normalLength, Quaternion.LookRotation(normal), normalLength * 0.25f, EventType.Repaint); } UnityEditor.Handles.matrix = prevMat; UnityEditor.Handles.color = prevColor; } #endif // UNITY_EDITOR // Plane.Translate is not available in Unity 5 public static Plane TranslateCustom(this Plane plane, Vector3 translation) { plane.distance += Vector3.Dot(translation.normalized, plane.normal) * translation.magnitude; return plane; } // Plane.ClosestPointOnPlaneCustom is not available in Unity 5 public static Vector3 ClosestPointOnPlaneCustom(this Plane plane, Vector3 point) { return point - plane.GetDistanceToPoint(point) * plane.normal; } public static bool IsAlmostZero(float f) { return Mathf.Abs(f) < 0.001f; } public static bool IsValid(this Plane plane) { return plane.normal.sqrMagnitude > 0.5f; } public static void SetKeywordEnabled(this Material mat, string name, bool enabled) { if(enabled) mat.EnableKeyword(name); else mat.DisableKeyword(name); } public static void SetShaderKeywordEnabled(string name, bool enabled) { if (enabled) Shader.EnableKeyword(name); else Shader.DisableKeyword(name); } public static Matrix4x4 SampleInMatrix(this Gradient self, int floatPackingPrecision) { const int kSamplesCount = 16; var mat = new Matrix4x4(); for (int i = 0; i < kSamplesCount; ++i) { var color = self.Evaluate(Mathf.Clamp01((float)(i) / (kSamplesCount - 1))); mat[i] = color.PackToFloat(floatPackingPrecision); } return mat; } public static Color[] SampleInArray(this Gradient self, int samplesCount) { var array = new Color[samplesCount]; for (int i = 0; i < samplesCount; ++i) array[i] = self.Evaluate(Mathf.Clamp01((float)(i) / (samplesCount - 1))); return array; } static Vector4 Vector4_Floor(Vector4 vec) { return new Vector4(Mathf.Floor(vec.x), Mathf.Floor(vec.y), Mathf.Floor(vec.z), Mathf.Floor(vec.w)); } public static float PackToFloat(this Color color, int floatPackingPrecision) { Vector4 iVal = Vector4_Floor(color * (floatPackingPrecision - 1)); float output = 0; output += iVal.x * floatPackingPrecision * floatPackingPrecision * floatPackingPrecision; output += iVal.y * floatPackingPrecision * floatPackingPrecision; output += iVal.z * floatPackingPrecision; output += iVal.w; return output; } public enum FloatPackingPrecision { High = 64, Low = 8, Undef = 0 } static FloatPackingPrecision ms_FloatPackingPrecision = FloatPackingPrecision.Undef; // OpenGL ES 2.0 GPU (graphicsShaderLevel = 30) usually have low float precision (16 bits on fragments) // So we lower the float packing precision on them (8 seems fine on Adreno (TM) 220, NVIDIA Tegra 3 and on Mali-450 MP) // const int kFloatPackingHighMinShaderLevel = 35; public static FloatPackingPrecision GetFloatPackingPrecision() { if (ms_FloatPackingPrecision == FloatPackingPrecision.Undef) { ms_FloatPackingPrecision = SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel >= kFloatPackingHighMinShaderLevel ? FloatPackingPrecision.High : FloatPackingPrecision.Low; } return ms_FloatPackingPrecision; } /// /// true if at least one of the bit of 'flags' is also set in the current instance; otherwise, false. /// public static bool HasAtLeastOneFlag(this Enum mask, Enum flags) { #if DEBUG if (mask.GetType() != flags.GetType()) throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("The argument type, '{0}', is not the same as the enum type '{1}'.", flags.GetType(), mask.GetType())); #endif return ((int)(IConvertible)mask & (int)(IConvertible)flags) != 0; } public static void MarkCurrentSceneDirty() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) { UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.MarkSceneDirty(UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.GetActiveScene()); } #endif } public static void MarkObjectDirty(UnityEngine.Object obj) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) { UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(obj); } #endif } #if UNITY_EDITOR public static void _EditorSetAllBeamGeomDirty() { VolumetricLightBeamSD._EditorSetAllBeamGeomDirty(); VolumetricLightBeamHD._EditorSetAllBeamGeomDirty(); } public static void _EditorSetAllMeshesDirty() { VolumetricLightBeamSD._EditorSetAllMeshesDirty(); VolumetricLightBeamHD._EditorSetAllMeshesDirty(); } public static bool IsEditorCamera(Camera cam) { var sceneView = UnityEditor.SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView; if (sceneView) { return cam ==; } return false; } public static void SetSameSceneVisibilityStatesThan(this GameObject self, GameObject model) { // SceneVisibilityManager is a feature available from 2019.2, but fixed for transient objects only from 2019.3.14f1 // #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER bool pickingDisabled = UnityEditor.SceneVisibilityManager.instance.IsPickingDisabled(model); self.SetScenePickabilityState(!pickingDisabled); bool hidden = UnityEditor.SceneVisibilityManager.instance.IsHidden(model); self.SetSceneVisibilityState(!hidden); #endif // UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER } #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER public static void SetScenePickabilityState(this GameObject self, bool pickable) { if (pickable) UnityEditor.SceneVisibilityManager.instance.EnablePicking(self, true); else UnityEditor.SceneVisibilityManager.instance.DisablePicking(self, true); } public static void SetSceneVisibilityState(this GameObject self, bool visible) { if (visible) UnityEditor.SceneVisibilityManager.instance.Show(self, true); else UnityEditor.SceneVisibilityManager.instance.Hide(self, true); } #endif // UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER #endif // UNITY_EDITOR } }