103 lines
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103 lines
4.3 KiB
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
namespace VLB
public struct MinMaxRangeFloat : IEquatable<MinMaxRangeFloat>
public float minValue { get { return m_MinValue; } }
public float maxValue { get { return m_MaxValue; } }
public float randomValue { get { return UnityEngine.Random.Range(minValue, maxValue); } }
public Vector2 asVector2 { get { return new Vector2(minValue, maxValue); } }
public float GetLerpedValue(float lerp01) { return Mathf.Lerp(minValue, maxValue, lerp01); }
public MinMaxRangeFloat(float min, float max) { m_MinValue = min; m_MaxValue = max; Debug.Assert(min <= max); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is MinMaxRangeFloat other && this.Equals(other);
public bool Equals(MinMaxRangeFloat other) => (m_MinValue == other.m_MinValue) && (m_MaxValue == other.m_MaxValue);
public override int GetHashCode() => (m_MinValue, m_MaxValue).GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(MinMaxRangeFloat lhs, MinMaxRangeFloat rhs) => lhs.Equals(rhs);
public static bool operator !=(MinMaxRangeFloat lhs, MinMaxRangeFloat rhs) => !(lhs == rhs);
[SerializeField] float m_MinValue;
[SerializeField] float m_MaxValue;
public class MinMaxRangeAttribute : System.Attribute
public float minValue { get; private set; }
public float maxValue { get; private set; }
public MinMaxRangeAttribute(float min, float max) { minValue = min; maxValue = max; Debug.Assert(min <= max); }
[CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(MinMaxRangeFloat), true)]
public class MinMaxRangeFloatPropertyDrawer : PropertyDrawer
static float RoundFloat(float f) { return (float)Math.Round(f * 100f) / 100f; }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
label = EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property);
position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, label);
var propMin = property.FindPropertyRelative("m_MinValue");
Debug.AssertFormat(propMin != null, "Failed to find property 'MinMaxRangeFloat.m_MinValue'");
var propMax = property.FindPropertyRelative("m_MaxValue");
Debug.AssertFormat(propMax != null, "Failed to find property 'MinMaxRangeFloat.m_MaxValue'");
float valueMin = RoundFloat(propMin.floatValue);
float valueMax = RoundFloat(propMax.floatValue);
float rangeMin = 0.0f, rangeMax = 1.0f;
var ranges = (MinMaxRangeAttribute[])fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MinMaxRangeAttribute), true);
if (ranges.Length > 0)
rangeMin = ranges[0].minValue;
rangeMax = ranges[0].maxValue;
const float kBoundsFieldWidth = 40.0f;
const float kWidthOffset = 5.0f;
EditorGUI.showMixedValue = propMin.hasMultipleDifferentValues || propMax.hasMultipleDifferentValues;
var rectMinValue = new Rect(position);
rectMinValue.width = kBoundsFieldWidth;
valueMin = EditorGUI.FloatField(rectMinValue, valueMin);
position.xMin += kBoundsFieldWidth + kWidthOffset;
var reactMaxValue = new Rect(position);
reactMaxValue.xMin = reactMaxValue.xMax - kBoundsFieldWidth;
valueMax = EditorGUI.FloatField(reactMaxValue, valueMax);
position.xMax -= kBoundsFieldWidth + kWidthOffset;
EditorGUI.MinMaxSlider(position, ref valueMin, ref valueMax, rangeMin, rangeMax);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
propMin.floatValue = valueMin;
propMax.floatValue = valueMax;
EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false;