516 lines
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516 lines
21 KiB
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace RayFire
public class RFBackupCluster
// Connected
public RFCluster cluster;
bool saved;
// Constructor
saved = false;
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Save / Restore
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Save backup cluster to restore it later
public static void BackupConnectedCluster (RayfireRigid scr)
// No need to save
if (scr.reset.action != RFReset.PostDemolitionType.DeactivateToReset)
// Do not backup child clusters
if (scr.clsDemol.cluster.id > 1)
// Create backup if not exist
if (scr.clsDemol.backup == null)
scr.clsDemol.backup = new RFBackupCluster();
// Already saved
if (scr.clsDemol.backup.saved == true)
// Copy class
scr.clsDemol.backup.cluster = new RFCluster(scr.clsDemol.cluster);
// Init shards: set non serialized vars
RFCluster.InitCluster (scr, scr.clsDemol.backup.cluster);
// Save nested clusters shards and clusters position and rotation
SaveTmRecursive (scr.clsDemol.backup.cluster);
// Backup created, do not create again at next reset
scr.clsDemol.backup.saved = true;
// Debug.Log ("Saved");
// Restore cluster using backup cluster
public static void ResetRigidCluster (RayfireRigid scr)
if (scr.reset.action == RFReset.PostDemolitionType.DeactivateToReset)
// Do not restore child clusters
if (scr.clsDemol.cluster.id > 1)
// Has no backup
if (scr.clsDemol.backup == null)
// Cluster was not demolished. Stop
if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.ConnectedCluster)
if (scr.clsDemol.cluster.shards.Count == scr.clsDemol.backup.cluster.shards.Count)
// TODO check if nested cluster was demolished
// if (false) if (scr.objectType == ObjectType.NestedCluster)
// if (scr.clusterDemolition.cluster.tm.gameObject.activeSelf == true)
// Completely demolished child clusters do not deactivates if saved
// Unyielding component with inactive overlap bug
// Reset fragments list
scr.fragments = null;
// Remove particles
DestroyParticles (scr);
// Reset local shard rigid, destroy components TODO INPUT ORIGINAL CLUSTER, GET RIGIDS
ResetDeepShardRigid (scr, scr.clsDemol.backup.cluster);
// Create new child clusters roots destroy by nested cluster. BEFORE reparent shards
if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.NestedCluster)
ResetNestedRootsRecursive (scr.clsDemol.backup.cluster);
ResetNestedTransformRecursive (scr.clsDemol.backup.cluster);
ResetNestedParentsRecursive (scr.clsDemol.backup.cluster);
// Restore shards parent, position and rotation
RestoreShardTmRecursive (scr.clsDemol.backup.cluster);
// Destroy new child clusters roots created by connected cluster. AFTER reparent shards
if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.ConnectedCluster)
DestroyRoots (scr);
// Copy class
scr.clsDemol.cluster = new RFCluster(scr.clsDemol.backup.cluster);
// Reset colliders
RFPhysic.CollectClusterColliders (scr, scr.clsDemol.cluster);
// Init shards: set non serialized vars
RFCluster.InitCluster (scr, scr.clsDemol.cluster);
scr.clsDemol.collapse.inProgress = false;
// Remove particles
static void DestroyParticles(RayfireRigid scr)
if (scr.HasDebris == true)
for (int i = 0; i < scr.debrisList.Count; i++)
for (int c = scr.debrisList[i].children.Count - 1; c >= 0; c--)
if (scr.debrisList[i].children[c] != null)
if (scr.debrisList[i].children[c].hostTm != null)
Object.Destroy (scr.debrisList[i].children[c].hostTm.gameObject);
Object.Destroy (scr.debrisList[i].children[c]);
scr.debrisList[i].children.RemoveAt (c);
scr.debrisList[i].children = null;
if (scr.HasDust == true)
for (int i = 0; i < scr.dustList.Count; i++)
for (int c = scr.dustList[i].children.Count - 1; c >= 0; c--)
if (scr.dustList[i].children[c] != null)
if (scr.dustList[i].children[c].hostTm != null)
Object.Destroy (scr.dustList[i].children[c].hostTm.gameObject);
Object.Destroy (scr.dustList[i].children[c]);
scr.dustList[i].children.RemoveAt (c);
scr.dustList[i].children = null;
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Reset shard rigid
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Reset local shard rigid, destroy components
static void ResetDeepShardRigid (RayfireRigid scr, RFCluster cluster)
// Collect shards colliders
for (int i = 0; i < cluster.shards.Count; i++)
ResetShardRigid (cluster.shards[i]);
// Set child cluster colliders
if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.NestedCluster)
if (cluster.HasChildClusters == true)
for (int i = 0; i < cluster.childClusters.Count; i++)
ResetDeepShardRigid (scr, cluster.childClusters[i]);
// Reset local shard rigid, destroy components
static void ResetShardRigid (RFShard shard)
// Set parent
shard.tm.parent = shard.cluster.tm;
// Enable collider in case of fade disable
if (shard.col.enabled == false)
shard.col.enabled = true;
// Get shard's rigid
if (shard.rigid == null)
shard.rigid = shard.tm.GetComponent<RayfireRigid>();
if (shard.rigid != null && shard.rigid.initialized == true)
// Stop all cors in case object restarted
shard.rigid.initialized = false;
// Destroy rigid body
if (shard.rigid.physics.rb != null)
shard.rigid.physics.rb.velocity = Vector3.zero;
Object.Destroy (shard.rigid.physics.rb);
// Save faded/demolished state before reset
int faded = shard.rigid.fading.state;
bool demolished = shard.rigid.limitations.demolished;
// Reset activation TODO check if it was Kinematic
if (shard.rigid.activation.activated == true)
shard.rigid.simTp = SimType.Inactive;
// Reset rigid props
// Reset if object fading/faded
if (faded >= 1)
// Demolished. Restore
if (demolished == true)
RFReset.ResetMeshDemolition (shard.rigid);
// Remove particles
// DestroyParticles (shard.rigid);
// shard.rigid.initialized = false;
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Transform / parent
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Save cluster/shards tm
public static void SaveTmRecursive(RFCluster cluster)
// Save cluster tm
cluster.pos = cluster.tm.position;
cluster.rot = cluster.tm.rotation;
cluster.scl = cluster.tm.lossyScale;
// Save shards tm
for (int i = 0; i < cluster.shards.Count; i++)
cluster.shards[i].pos = cluster.shards[i].tm.position;
cluster.shards[i].rot = cluster.shards[i].tm.rotation;
cluster.shards[i].scl = cluster.shards[i].tm.localScale;
// Repeat for child clusters
if (cluster.HasChildClusters == true)
for (int i = 0; i < cluster.childClusters.Count; i++)
SaveTmRecursive (cluster.childClusters[i]);
// Save cluster/shards tm
static void RestoreShardTmRecursive(RFCluster cluster)
// Save shards tm
for (int i = 0; i < cluster.shards.Count; i++)
cluster.shards[i].tm.SetParent (null);
cluster.shards[i].tm.SetPositionAndRotation (cluster.shards[i].pos, cluster.shards[i].rot);
cluster.shards[i].tm.SetParent (cluster.tm, true);
cluster.shards[i].tm.localScale = cluster.shards[i].scl;
// Repeat for child clusters
if (cluster.HasChildClusters == true)
for (int i = 0; i < cluster.childClusters.Count; i++)
RestoreShardTmRecursive (cluster.childClusters[i]);
// Save cluster/shards tm
static void ResetNestedTransformRecursive(RFCluster cluster)
// Save cluster tm
cluster.tm.rotation = cluster.rot;
cluster.tm.position = cluster.pos;
// TODO FIND PROPER ORDER cluster.tm.localScale = cluster.scl;
// Repeat for child clusters
if (cluster.HasChildClusters == true)
for (int i = 0; i < cluster.childClusters.Count; i++)
ResetNestedTransformRecursive (cluster.childClusters[i]);
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Roots
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Create deleted roots and restore their tm back
static void ResetNestedRootsRecursive(RFCluster cluster)
if (cluster.HasChildClusters == true)
for (int i = 0; i < cluster.childClusters.Count; i++)
// Reset parent
cluster.childClusters[i].tm.parent = null;
//cluster.tm.localScale = cluster.scl;
// Get rigid component
if (cluster.childClusters[i].rigid == null)
cluster.childClusters[i].rigid = cluster.childClusters[i].tm.GetComponent<RayfireRigid>();
// Destroy rigid
if (cluster.childClusters[i].rigid != null)
// Destroy rigid body
if (cluster.childClusters[i].rigid.physics.rb != null)
Object.Destroy (cluster.childClusters[i].rigid.physics.rb);
// Destroy rigid
Object.Destroy (cluster.childClusters[i].rigid);
// Activate
cluster.childClusters[i].tm.gameObject.SetActive (true);
// Repeat for children
ResetNestedRootsRecursive (cluster.childClusters[i]);
// Create deleted roots and restore their tm back
static void ResetNestedParentsRecursive(RFCluster cluster)
if (cluster.HasChildClusters == true)
for (int i = cluster.childClusters.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
cluster.childClusters[i].tm.parent = cluster.tm;
ResetNestedParentsRecursive (cluster.childClusters[i]);
// Destroy new child clusters roots created by connected cluster
static void DestroyRoots (RayfireRigid scr)
for (int i = 0; i < scr.clsDemol.minorClusters.Count; i++)
if (scr.clsDemol.minorClusters[i].tm != null)
scr.clsDemol.minorClusters[i].tm.gameObject.SetActive (false);
Object.Destroy (scr.clsDemol.minorClusters[i].tm.gameObject);
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Connectivity
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Backup abd restore state
static bool BackupState (RayfireConnectivity scr, bool warning = false)
// Not for in editor setup. Runtime only
if (Application.isPlaying == false)
return false;
// Has no connectivity
if (scr == null)
return false;
// No Rigid or Rigid Root
if (scr.meshRootHost == null && scr.rigidRootHost == null)
return false;
// Rigid not mesh root
if (scr.meshRootHost != null && scr.meshRootHost.objTp != ObjectType.MeshRoot)
return false;
// Backup disabled
if (scr.meshRootHost != null && scr.meshRootHost.reset.connectivity == false)
if (warning == true)
Debug.Log ("RayFire Rigid: " + scr.name + " can not reset Connectivity. Enable Connectivity Reset in Reset properties", scr.gameObject);
return false;
// Backup disabled
if (scr.rigidRootHost != null && scr.rigidRootHost.reset.connectivity == false)
if (warning == true)
Debug.Log ("RayFire Rigid Root: " + scr.name + " can not reset Connectivity. Enable Connectivity Reset in Reset properties", scr.gameObject);
return false;
return true;
// Save backup cluster to restore it later
public static void BackupConnectivity (RayfireConnectivity scr)
// Checks state
if (BackupState(scr) == false)
// Create backup if not exist
if (scr.backup == null)
scr.backup = new RFBackupCluster();
// Already saved
if (scr.backup.saved == true)
// Copy class TODO copy shards stress
scr.backup.cluster = new RFCluster(scr.cluster);
// TODO init non serialized vars
// Save nested clusters shards and clusters position and rotation
SaveTmRecursive (scr.backup.cluster);
// Backup created, do not create again at next reset
scr.backup.saved = true;
// Restore cluster using backup cluster
public static void RestoreConnectivity (RayfireConnectivity scr)
// Checks state
if (BackupState(scr, true) == false)
// Has no backup
if (scr.backup == null)
// Stop all coroutines
// Reset connectivity
// Mesh Root Rigid init
if (scr.meshRootHost != null)
// Restore shards parent, position and rotation
RestoreShardTmRecursive (scr.backup.cluster);
// Copy class
scr.cluster = new RFCluster(scr.backup.cluster);
// Shards were cached, reinit non serialized vars, clear list otherwise
if (RayfireConnectivity.InitCachedShardsByRigidList (scr.rigidList, scr.cluster) == true)
// Set this connectivity as main connectivity node
for (int i = 0; i < scr.rigidList.Count; i++)
scr.rigidList[i].activation.cnt = scr;
// Rigid Root' Connectivity cluster shards init
if (scr.rigidRootHost != null)
// Copy connection data from backup cluster back to RigidRoot cluster
for (int i = 0; i < scr.rigidRootHost.cluster.shards.Count; i++)
// if (scr.rigidRootHost.cluster.shards[i].sm == SimType.Inactive || scr.rigidRootHost.cluster.shards[i].sm == SimType.Kinematic)
// Neib ids
scr.rigidRootHost.cluster.shards[i].nIds = new List<int> (scr.backup.cluster.shards[i].nIds.Count);
for (int j = 0; j < scr.backup.cluster.shards[i].nIds.Count; j++)
scr.rigidRootHost.cluster.shards[i].nIds.Add (scr.backup.cluster.shards[i].nIds[j]);
// Neib areas
scr.rigidRootHost.cluster.shards[i].nArea = new List<float> (scr.backup.cluster.shards[i].nArea.Count);
for (int j = 0; j < scr.backup.cluster.shards[i].nArea.Count; j++)
scr.rigidRootHost.cluster.shards[i].nArea.Add (scr.backup.cluster.shards[i].nArea[j]);
if (scr.stress.enable == true)
for (int s = 0; s < scr.rigidRootHost.cluster.shards.Count; s++)
scr.rigidRootHost.cluster.shards[s].sIds = new List<int> (scr.backup.cluster.shards[s].sIds.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < scr.backup.cluster.shards[s].sIds.Count; i++)
scr.rigidRootHost.cluster.shards[s].sIds.Add (scr.backup.cluster.shards[s].sIds[i]);
scr.rigidRootHost.cluster.shards[s].nSt = new List<float>();
for (int i = 0; i < scr.backup.cluster.shards[s].nSt.Count; i++)
scr.rigidRootHost.cluster.shards[s].nSt.Add (scr.backup.cluster.shards[s].nSt[i]);
scr.rigidRootHost.cluster.shards[s].sSt = scr.backup.cluster.shards[s].sSt;
// Shards were cached, reinit non serialized vars, clear list otherwise
RayfireConnectivity.InitCachedShardsByRigidRoot (scr.rigidRootHost, scr.cluster);
// Set range for area and size
RFCollapse.CopyRangeData (scr.cluster, scr.backup.cluster);
// Reset coroutines
scr.childrenChanged = false;
scr.connectivityCheckNeed = false;
scr.collapse.inProgress = false;
scr.stress.inProgress = false;
// Start all coroutines