
450 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-12-01 20:53:59 +08:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
namespace RayFire
public class RFLimitations
[FormerlySerializedAs ("byCollision")] public bool col;
[FormerlySerializedAs ("solidity")] public float sol;
public string tag;
public int depth;
public float time;
public float size;
[FormerlySerializedAs ("visible")] public bool vis;
[FormerlySerializedAs ("sliceByBlade")] public bool bld;
public Bounds bound;
// Non serialized
[NonSerialized] public List<Vector3> slicePlanes;
[NonSerialized] public ContactPoint contactPoint;
[NonSerialized] public Vector3 contactVector3;
[NonSerialized] public Vector3 contactNormal;
[NonSerialized] public bool demolitionShould;
[NonSerialized] public bool demolished;
[NonSerialized] public float birthTime;
[NonSerialized] public float bboxSize;
[NonSerialized] public int currentDepth;
// Blade props
[NonSerialized] public float sliceForce;
[NonSerialized] public bool affectInactive;
// Family data. Do not nullify in Reset
[NonSerialized] public RayfireRigid anc; // ancestor
[NonSerialized] public List<RayfireRigid> desc; // descendants
// Static
static float kinematicCollisionMult = 7f;
static string rootStr = "_root";
public static string rigidStr = "RayFire Rigid: ";
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Constructor
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Constructor
public RFLimitations()
// Copy from
public void CopyFrom (RFLimitations source)
col = source.col;
sol = source.sol;
depth = source.depth;
time = source.time;
size = source.size;
tag = source.tag;
vis = source.vis;
bld = source.bld;
// Do not copy currentDepth. Set in other place
// Starting values
void InitValues()
col = true;
sol = 0.1f;
depth = 1;
time = 0.2f;
size = 0.1f;
tag = "Untagged";
vis = false;
bld = false;
anc = null;
desc = null;
// Reset
public void LocalReset()
slicePlanes = null;
contactVector3 =;
contactNormal = Vector3.down;
demolitionShould = false;
demolished = false;
affectInactive = false;
currentDepth = 0;
birthTime = 0f;
sliceForce = 0;
// Pool Reset
public void GlobalReset()
// bound = new Bounds ();
// contactPoint = null;
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Static
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// MeshRoot Integrity check
public static void MeshRootCheck (RayfireRigid scr)
// Null fragments
if (scr.HasFragments == true)
for (int f = 0; f < scr.fragments.Count; f++)
if (scr.fragments[f] == null)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " object has missing fragments. Reset Setup and used Editor Setup again", scr.gameObject);
scr.fragments = new List<RayfireRigid>();
// Check for user mistakes
public static void Checks (RayfireRigid scr)
// ////////////////
// Sim Type
// ////////////////
// Static and demolishable
if (scr.simTp == SimType.Static)
if (scr.dmlTp != DemolitionType.None)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Simulation Type set to " + scr.simTp.ToString() + " but Demolition Type is not None. Static object can not be demolished. Demolition Type set to None.", scr.gameObject);
scr.dmlTp = DemolitionType.None;
// Non static simulation but static property
if (scr.simTp != SimType.Static)
if (scr.gameObject.isStatic == true)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Simulation Type set to " + scr.simTp.ToString() + " but object is Static. Turn off Static checkbox in Inspector.", scr.gameObject);
// ////////////////
// Object Type
// ////////////////
// Object can not be simulated as mesh
if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.Mesh)
// Has no mesh
if (scr.mFlt == null || scr.mFlt.sharedMesh == null)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Object Type set to " + scr.objTp.ToString() + " but object has no mesh. Object Excluded from simulation.", scr.gameObject);
scr.physics.exclude = true;
// Awake or Runtime Convertation to Connectivity but fragments are not Inactive/Kinematik
if (scr.mshDemol.cnv == RFDemolitionMesh.ConvertType.Connectivity)
if (scr.mshDemol.sim != FragSimType.Inactive && scr.mshDemol.sim != FragSimType.Kinematic)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Convert property set to " + scr.mshDemol.cnv.ToString() + " but Fragments Sim Type is not Inactive or Kinematik. Convertation disabled.", scr.gameObject);
scr.mshDemol.cnv = RFDemolitionMesh.ConvertType.Disabled;
// Not readable mesh
if (scr.dmlTp != DemolitionType.None && scr.dmlTp != DemolitionType.ReferenceDemolition)
if (scr.mFlt != null && scr.mFlt.sharedMesh != null && scr.mFlt.sharedMesh.isReadable == false)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Mesh is not readable. Demolition type set to None. Open Import Settings and turn On Read/Write Enabled property", scr.mFlt.gameObject);
scr.dmlTp = DemolitionType.None;
scr.mshDemol.badMesh = 10;
// Object can not be simulated as cluster
else if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.NestedCluster || scr.objTp == ObjectType.ConnectedCluster)
if (scr.tsf.childCount == 0)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Object Type set to " + scr.objTp.ToString() + " but object has no children. Object Excluded from simulation.", scr.gameObject);
scr.physics.exclude = true;
// Object can not be simulated as mesh
else if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.SkinnedMesh)
if (scr.skr == null)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Object Type set to " + scr.objTp.ToString() + " but object has no SkinnedMeshRenderer. Object Excluded from simulation.", scr.gameObject);
// Excluded from sim by default
scr.physics.exclude = true;
// ////////////////
// Demolition Type
// ////////////////
// Demolition checks
if (scr.dmlTp != DemolitionType.None)
// // Static
// if (scr.simulationType == SimType.Static)
// {
// Debug.Log (rigidStr + + " Simulation Type set to " + scr.simulationType.ToString() + " but Demolition Type is " + scr.demolitionType.ToString() + ". Demolition Type set to None.", scr.gameObject);
// scr.demolitionType = DemolitionType.None;
// }
// Set runtime demolition for clusters and skinned mesh
if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.SkinnedMesh ||
scr.objTp == ObjectType.NestedCluster ||
scr.objTp == ObjectType.ConnectedCluster)
if (scr.dmlTp != DemolitionType.Runtime && scr.dmlTp != DemolitionType.ReferenceDemolition)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Object Type set to " + scr.objTp.ToString() + " but Demolition Type is " + scr.dmlTp.ToString() + ". Demolition Type set to Runtime.", scr.gameObject);
scr.dmlTp = DemolitionType.Runtime;
// No Shatter component for runtime demolition with Use Shatter on
if (scr.dmlTp == DemolitionType.Runtime ||
scr.dmlTp == DemolitionType.AwakePrecache ||
scr.dmlTp == DemolitionType.AwakePrefragment)
if (scr.mshDemol.use == true && scr.mshDemol.sht == null)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + "Demolition Type is " + scr.dmlTp.ToString() + ". Has no Shatter component, but Use Shatter property is On. Use Shatter property was turned Off.", scr.gameObject);
scr.mshDemol.use = false;
// None check
if (scr.dmlTp == DemolitionType.None)
if (scr.HasMeshes == true)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Demolition Type set to None. Had precached meshes which were destroyed.", scr.gameObject);
if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.Mesh && scr.HasFragments == true)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Demolition Type set to None. Had prefragmented objects which were destroyed.", scr.gameObject);
// Runtime check
else if (scr.dmlTp == DemolitionType.Runtime)
if (scr.HasMeshes == true)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Demolition Type set to Runtime. Had precached meshes which were destroyed.", scr.gameObject);
if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.Mesh && scr.HasFragments == true)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Demolition Type set to Runtime. Had prefragmented objects which were destroyed.", scr.gameObject);
// No runtime caching for rigid with shatter with tets/slices/glue
if (scr.mshDemol.use == true && != CachingType.Disabled)
if (scr.mshDemol.sht.type == FragType.Decompose ||
scr.mshDemol.sht.type == FragType.Tets ||
scr.mshDemol.sht.type == FragType.Slices ||
scr.mshDemol.sht.clusters.enable == true)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Demolition Type is Runtime, Use Shatter is On. Unsupported fragments type. Runtime Caching supports only Voronoi, Splinters, Slabs and Radial fragmentation types. Runtime Caching was Disabled.", scr.gameObject); = CachingType.Disabled;
// Awake precache check
else if (scr.dmlTp == DemolitionType.AwakePrecache)
if (scr.HasMeshes == true)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Demolition Type set to Awake Precache. Had manually precached Unity meshes which were overwritten.", scr.gameObject);
if (scr.HasFragments == true)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Demolition Type set to Awake Precache. Had manually prefragmented objects which were destroyed.", scr.gameObject);
// Awake prefragmented check
else if (scr.dmlTp == DemolitionType.AwakePrefragment)
if (RayfireMan.debugStateStatic == true)
if (scr.HasFragments == true)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Demolition Type set to Awake Prefragment. Has manually prefragmented objects", scr.gameObject);
if (scr.HasMeshes == true)
RayfireMan.Log (rigidStr + + " Demolition Type set to Awake Prefragment. Has manually precached Unity meshes.", scr.gameObject);
// Reference demolition
else if (scr.dmlTp == DemolitionType.ReferenceDemolition)
if (scr.refDemol.rfs == null && scr.refDemol.HasRandomRefs == false)
//Debug.Log (rigidStr + + " Demolition Type set to Reference Demolition but Reference is not defined.", scr.gameObject);
// Set bound and size
public static void SetBound (RayfireRigid scr)
if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.Mesh)
scr.limitations.bound = scr.mRnd.bounds;
else if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.SkinnedMesh)
scr.limitations.bound = scr.skr.bounds;
else if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.NestedCluster || scr.objTp == ObjectType.ConnectedCluster)
scr.limitations.bound = RFCluster.GetChildrenBound (scr.tsf);
scr.limitations.bboxSize = scr.limitations.bound.size.magnitude;
// Set ancestor
public static void SetAncestor (RayfireRigid scr)
// Set ancestor to this if it is ancestor
if (scr.limitations.anc == null)
for (int i = 0; i < scr.fragments.Count; i++)
scr.fragments[i].limitations.anc = scr;
for (int i = 0; i < scr.fragments.Count; i++)
scr.fragments[i].limitations.anc = scr.limitations.anc;
// Set descendants
public static void SetDescendants (RayfireRigid scr)
if (scr.reset.action == RFReset.PostDemolitionType.DestroyWithDelay)
if (scr.limitations.anc == null)
scr.limitations.desc.AddRange (scr.fragments);
scr.limitations.anc.limitations.desc.AddRange (scr.fragments);
// Create root
public static void CreateRoot (RayfireRigid rfScr)
GameObject root = new GameObject( + rootStr);
rfScr.rtC = root.transform;
rfScr.rtC.position = rfScr.tsf.position;
rfScr.rtC.rotation = rfScr.tsf.rotation;
rfScr.rtC.SetParent (rfScr.transform.parent);
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Demolition
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Check if collision data needed
public bool CollisionCheck(RayfireRigid rigid)
if (rigid.limitations.col == true)
return true;
if (rigid.damage.en == true && rigid.damage.col == true)
return true;
return false;
// Set Contact info
public void SetContactInfo(ContactPoint contact)
contactPoint = contact;
contactVector3 = contactPoint.point;
contactNormal = contactPoint.normal;
// Collision with kinematic object. Uses collision.impulse
public bool KinematicCollisionCheck(Collision collision, float finalSolidity)
if (collision.rigidbody != null && collision.rigidbody.isKinematic == true)
if (collision.impulse.magnitude > finalSolidity * kinematicCollisionMult)
SetContactInfo (collision.GetContact(0));
return true;
return false;
// Collision force checks. Uses relativeVelocity
public bool ContactPointsCheck(Collision collision, float finalSolidity)
float collisionMagnitude = collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude;
for (int i = 0; i < collision.contactCount; i++)
// Set contact point
SetContactInfo (collision.GetContact(i));
// Demolish if collision high enough
if (collisionMagnitude > finalSolidity)
return true;
return false;
// Collision force checks. Uses relativeVelocity
public bool DamagePointsCheck(Collision collision, RayfireRigid rigid)
float collisionMagnitude = collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude;
for (int i = 0; i < collision.contactCount; i++)
// Set contact point
SetContactInfo (collision.GetContact(i));
// Collect damage by collision
if (rigid.ApplyDamage (collisionMagnitude * rigid.damage.mlt, contactVector3, 0f, collision.contacts[i].thisCollider) == true)
return true;
return false;