191 lines
7.2 KiB
191 lines
7.2 KiB
using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RayFire
// TODO collision sound safe time, so not play if just played or playing
// TODO debris, impact
// TODO delay
// TODO Same clip play check. name hash
// copy to fragments
// Create sound object with advanced properties
[AddComponentMenu ("RayFire/Rayfire Sound")]
[HelpURL ("https://rayfirestudios.com/unity-online-help/components/unity-sound-component/")]
public class RayfireSound : MonoBehaviour
public float baseVolume;
public float sizeVolume;
public RFSound initialization;
public RFSound activation;
public RFSound demolition;
public RFSound collision;
public float relativeVelocity;
public float lastCollision;
public float minimumSize;
public float cameraDistance;
// Non Serialized
[NonSerialized] public RayfireRigid rigid;
[NonSerialized] RayfireRigidRoot rigidRoot;
[NonSerialized] MeshRenderer meshRenderer;
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Common
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Constructor
public RayfireSound()
baseVolume = 1f;
sizeVolume = 0.2f;
minimumSize = 0f;
cameraDistance = 0;
relativeVelocity = 5f;
// Start
void Start()
// Initialize
void SetComponents()
// Set rigid
rigid = GetComponent<RayfireRigid>();
if (rigid != null)
rigid.sound = this;
meshRenderer = rigid.mRnd;
// Set rigidroot
rigidRoot = GetComponent<RayfireRigidRoot>();
if (rigidRoot != null)
rigidRoot.sound = this;
// Mesh Renderer
if (meshRenderer == null)
meshRenderer = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
// Checks
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Methods
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Initialize
void WarningCheck()
// Skip warnings
if (RayfireMan.debugStateStatic == false)
// Has no host
if (initialization.enable == false &&
activation.enable == false &&
demolition.enable == false)
if (rigid == null && rigidRoot == null)
RayfireMan.Log ("RayFire Sound: " + name + " Warning. Sound component has no attached Rigid or RigidRoot component", gameObject);
// All disabled
if (initialization.enable == false &&
activation.enable == false &&
demolition.enable == false &&
collision.enable == false)
RayfireMan.Log ("RayFire Sound: " + name + " Warning. All events disabled", gameObject);
// No clips
if (initialization.enable == true)
if (initialization.clip == null && initialization.HasClips == false)
RayfireMan.Log ("RayFire Sound: " + name + " Warning. Initialization sound has no clips to play", gameObject);
if (activation.enable == true)
if (activation.clip == null && activation.HasClips == false)
RayfireMan.Log ("RayFire Sound: " + name + " Warning. Activation sound has no clips to play", gameObject);
if (demolition.enable == true)
if (demolition.clip == null && demolition.HasClips == false)
RayfireMan.Log ("RayFire Sound: " + name + " Warning. Demolition sound has no clips to play", gameObject);
if (collision.enable == true)
if (collision.clip == null && collision.HasClips == false)
RayfireMan.Log ("RayFire Sound: " + name + " Warning. Collision sound has no clips to play", gameObject);
// Copy from
public void CopyFrom (RayfireSound source)
baseVolume = source.baseVolume;
sizeVolume = source.sizeVolume;
initialization = new RFSound(source.initialization);
activation = new RFSound(source.activation);
demolition = new RFSound(source.demolition);
collision = new RFSound(source.collision);
minimumSize = source.minimumSize;
cameraDistance = source.cameraDistance;
// Create audio source and play clip
void CreateSource(RayfireRigid scr)
GameObject soundGo = new GameObject("SoundSource");
soundGo.transform.position = scr.gameObject.transform.position;
AudioSource audioSource = soundGo.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
audioSource.clip = demolition.clip;
audioSource.mute = false;
audioSource.bypassEffects = false;
audioSource.bypassListenerEffects = false;
audioSource.bypassReverbZones = false;
audioSource.playOnAwake = false;
audioSource.loop = false;
audioSource.priority = 127;
audioSource.volume = demolition.multiplier;
audioSource.pitch = 1f;
audioSource.panStereo = 0f;
audioSource.spatialBlend = 0f;
audioSource.reverbZoneMix = 1f;
audioSource.minDistance = 0f;
//audioSource.maxDistance = demolitionSound.maxDistance;
audioSource.PlayOneShot (demolition.clip, demolition.multiplier);
Destroy (soundGo, demolition.clip.length);
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Collision
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Collision check
public void OnCollisionEnter (Collision coll)
CollisionSound (coll);
// Collision sound
void CollisionSound(Collision coll)
if (collision.enable == true)
// Save last collision strength
lastCollision = coll.relativeVelocity.magnitude;
// Play sound if higher than threshold
if (lastCollision > relativeVelocity)
// Get size
float size = 0f;
if (rigid != null)
size = rigid.limitations.size;
else if (meshRenderer != null)
size = meshRenderer.bounds.size.magnitude;
// Play
RFSound.CollisionSound (this, size);