using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Serialization; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace RayFire { /// /// Rayfire Man fragment pooling class. /// [Serializable] public class RFPoolingFragment { // UI public bool enable; public bool reuse; [FormerlySerializedAs ("capacity")] public int minCap; public int maxCap; // Non serialized [NonSerialized] Transform root; [NonSerialized] GameObject host; [NonSerialized] MeshFilter mf; [NonSerialized] MeshRenderer mr; [NonSerialized] RayfireRigid rg; [NonSerialized] Rigidbody rb; [NonSerialized] public RayfireRigid rgInst; [NonSerialized] public Queue queue; [NonSerialized] public bool inProgress; // Static public static int rate = 2; // Constructor public RFPoolingFragment() { enable = true; minCap = 60; reuse = false; maxCap = 120; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Methods /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create pool root public void CreatePoolRoot (Transform manTm) { // Already has pool root if (root != null) return; GameObject poolGo = new GameObject ("Pool_Fragments"); root = poolGo.transform; root.position = manTm.position; root.parent = manTm; } // Create pool object public void CreateInstance (Transform manTm) { // Return if not null if (rgInst != null) return; // Create pool instance rgInst = CreateRigidInstance(); // Set tm rgInst.tsf.SetPositionAndRotation (manTm.position, manTm.rotation); rgInst.tsf.parent = root; } // Create pool object public RayfireRigid CreateRigidInstance() { host = new GameObject ("rg"); host.SetActive (false); mf = host.AddComponent(); mr = host.AddComponent(); rg = host.AddComponent(); rb = host.AddComponent(); rb.interpolation = RayfireMan.inst.interpolation; rb.collisionDetectionMode = RayfireMan.inst.meshCollision; rg.initialization = RayfireRigid.InitType.AtStart; rg.tsf = host.transform; rg.mFlt = mf; rg.mRnd = mr; rg.physics.rb = rb; return rg; } // Get pool object public RayfireRigid GetPoolObject () { if (enable == true) { while (queue.Count > 0) { // Check if destroyed with demolished cluster if (queue.Peek() == null) queue.Dequeue(); else return queue.Dequeue(); } } return CreatePoolObject (RayfireMan.inst.transForm); } // Create pool object RayfireRigid CreatePoolObject (Transform manTm) { // Create instance if null if (rgInst == null) CreateInstance (manTm); // Create return Object.Instantiate (rgInst, root); } // Destroy Rigid or reset back to pool public void DestroyOrReset(RayfireRigid rgBack, float lifeTime) { // Destroy if backpooling disabled or max capacity reached if (reuse == false || queue.Count > maxCap) { if (lifeTime <= 0) Object.Destroy (rgBack.gameObject, lifeTime); else Object.Destroy (rgBack.gameObject); } // Add to backpooling else { RigidPoolReset (rgBack); } } // Keep full pool public IEnumerator StartPoolingCor (Transform manTm) { const float delayTime = 0.5f; queue = new Queue(minCap); WaitForSeconds delay = new WaitForSeconds (delayTime); // Create some in advance for quick test demolitions for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) if (queue.Count < minCap) queue.Enqueue (CreatePoolObject (manTm)); // Pooling loop inProgress = true; while (enable == true) { // Create if not enough if (queue.Count < minCap) for (int i = 0; i < rate; i++) queue.Enqueue (CreatePoolObject (manTm)); // Wait next frame yield return delay; } inProgress = false; } // Reset Rigid for pooling void RigidPoolReset(RayfireRigid rgBack) { // Set tm rgBack.tsf.parent = root; rgBack.tsf.localPosition =; rgBack.tsf.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; rgBack.tsf.localScale =; // Reset properties GlobalReset (rgBack); // Add back to queue queue.Enqueue (rgBack); } // Reset Rigid back to pool public static void GlobalReset(RayfireRigid scr) { scr.initialization = RayfireRigid.InitType.ByMethod; scr.simTp = SimType.Dynamic; scr.objTp = ObjectType.Mesh; scr.dmlTp = DemolitionType.None; scr.physics.GlobalReset(); // TODO reset rigidbody and mesh collider props scr.activation.GlobalReset(); scr.limitations.GlobalReset();; // TODO bound and contact point scr.mshDemol.GlobalReset(); scr.clsDemol.GlobalReset(); scr.refDemol.GlobalReset(); scr.materials.GlobalReset(); scr.damage.GlobalReset(); scr.fading.GlobalReset(); scr.reset.GlobalReset(); // Hidden scr.initialized = false; scr.fragments = null; scr.chRot = Quaternion.identity; scr.rtC = null; scr.rtP = null; = null; scr.sound = null; // Non Serialized scr.corState = false; scr.particleList = null; scr.debrisList = null; scr.dustList = null; scr.subIds = null; scr.pivots = null; scr.meshes = null; scr.meshRoot = null; scr.rigidRoot = null; // Reset components if (scr.mFlt != null) scr.mFlt.sharedMesh = null; else scr.mFlt = scr.gameObject.AddComponent(); if (scr.mRnd != null) { scr.mRnd.sharedMaterial = null; scr.mRnd.sharedMaterials = new Material[] {null}; // TODO reset other properties } else scr.mRnd = scr.gameObject.AddComponent(); scr.skr = null; // TODO Reset /* scr.demolitionEvent = new RFDemolitionEvent(); scr.activationEvent = new RFActivationEvent(); scr.restrictionEvent = new RFRestrictionEvent(); */ } } }