using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine; namespace RayFire { [System.Serializable] public class RFParticles { public enum BurstType { None = 0, AmountPerUnit = 2, AmountAndVariation = 3 } // Static static ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve stConstantMinMaxCurve = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(1, 2); static ParticleSystem.Burst stBurst = new ParticleSystem.Burst(0.0f, 5, 5, 1, 999f); static ParticleSystem.Burst[] stBursts = new [] { stBurst }; // Static SetSizeOverLifeTime vars static Keyframe[] stSizeLifeKeys = { new Keyframe(0f, 0f), new Keyframe(0.01f, 1f), new Keyframe(0.90f, 1f), new Keyframe(1f, 0f), }; static ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve stSizeLifeCurve = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve (1f, new AnimationCurve(stSizeLifeKeys)); // SetColorOverLife vars static Gradient stGradient; static ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient stMinMaxGradient; // SetRotationOverLifeTime vars static AnimationCurve stCurveMaxRotationLife; static AnimationCurve stCurveMinRotationLife; static ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve stCurveMinMaxRotationLife; // SetRotationBySpeed static AnimationCurve stCurveMinRotationSpeed = new AnimationCurve (new Keyframe(0f, 1f), new Keyframe(0.5f, 0f)); static AnimationCurve stCurveMaxRotationSpeed = new AnimationCurve (new Keyframe(0f, 1f), new Keyframe(0.5f, 0f)); static ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve stCurveRotationSpeed = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(1f, stCurveMinRotationSpeed, stCurveMaxRotationSpeed); /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Main Module /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set main module public static void SetMain (ParticleSystem.MainModule main, float lifeMin, float lifeMax, float sizeMin, float sizeMax, float gravityMin, float gravityMax, float speedMin, float speedMax, float divergence, int maxParticles, float duration) { main.duration = duration; main.loop = false; main.simulationSpace = ParticleSystemSimulationSpace.World; main.maxParticles = maxParticles; main.emitterVelocityMode = ParticleSystemEmitterVelocityMode.Transform; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMin = lifeMin; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMax = lifeMax; main.startLifetime = stConstantMinMaxCurve; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMin = speedMin; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMax = speedMax; main.startSpeed = stConstantMinMaxCurve; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMin = sizeMin; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMax = sizeMax; main.startSize = stConstantMinMaxCurve; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMin = -divergence; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMax = divergence; main.startRotation = stConstantMinMaxCurve; // Max 6.25f = 360 degree stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMin = gravityMin; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMax = gravityMax; main.gravityModifier = stConstantMinMaxCurve; // Destroy after stop main.stopAction = ParticleSystemStopAction.Destroy; } // Set particle to be reused after stop public static void Reuse (ParticleSystem pSystem, RFPoolingEmitter emitter) { if (emitter.reuse == true) { SetMainStopAction (pSystem.main); RFParticleMan man = pSystem.gameObject.GetComponent(); if (man == null) man = pSystem.gameObject.AddComponent(); man.em = emitter; = pSystem; = pSystem.transform; } } // Set main module static void SetMainStopAction (ParticleSystem.MainModule main) { // Callback script after stop main.stopAction = ParticleSystemStopAction.Callback; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Emission /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set emission public static void SetEmission(ParticleSystem.EmissionModule emissionModule, float distanceRate, int burstAmount, int burstVar) { emissionModule.enabled = true; emissionModule.rateOverTimeMultiplier = 0f; emissionModule.rateOverDistanceMultiplier = distanceRate; // Set burst if (burstAmount > 0) { stBursts[0].minCount = (short)burstAmount; stBursts[0].maxCount = (short)(burstAmount + burstVar); emissionModule.SetBursts(stBursts); } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Emission /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set host emitter shape to mesh public static void SetShapeMesh(ParticleSystem.ShapeModule shape, MeshFilter mf, Transform tm, Renderer mr, Material emissionMaterial) { if (mf != null) { int emitMatIndex = 0; if (emissionMaterial != null) { if (mr == null) mr = tm.GetComponent(); emitMatIndex = GetEmissionMatIndex (mr, emissionMaterial); } SetShapeModule (shape, mf.sharedMesh, emitMatIndex, tm.localScale); } else SetShapeHemisphere(shape); } // Set emitter mesh shape static int GetEmissionMatIndex(Renderer renderer, Material mat) { if (mat != null && renderer != null) for (int i = 0; i < renderer.sharedMaterials.Length; i++) if (renderer.sharedMaterials[i] == mat) return i; return -1; } // Set emitter mesh shape static void SetShapeModule (ParticleSystem.ShapeModule shapeModule, Mesh mesh, int emitMatIndex, Vector3 shapeScale) { shapeModule.shapeType = ParticleSystemShapeType.Mesh; shapeModule.meshShapeType = ParticleSystemMeshShapeType.Triangle; shapeModule.mesh = mesh; shapeModule.useMeshColors = false; shapeModule.normalOffset = 0f; shapeModule.scale = shapeScale; // Emit from inner surface if (emitMatIndex > 0) { shapeModule.useMeshMaterialIndex = true; shapeModule.meshMaterialIndex = emitMatIndex; } } // Set emitter mesh shape public static void SetShapeHemisphere(ParticleSystem.ShapeModule shapeModule) { shapeModule.shapeType = ParticleSystemShapeType.Hemisphere; shapeModule.radius = 0.2f; shapeModule.radiusThickness = 0f; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Velocity /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set velocity public static void SetVelocity(ParticleSystem.InheritVelocityModule velocity, RFParticleDynamicDebris dynamic) { if (dynamic.velocityMin > 0 || dynamic.velocityMax > 0) { velocity.enabled = true; velocity.mode = ParticleSystemInheritVelocityMode.Initial; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMin = dynamic.velocityMin; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMax = dynamic.velocityMax; velocity.curve = stConstantMinMaxCurve; } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Rotation Over Lifetime /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set Rotation public static void SetRotationOverLifeTime(ParticleSystem.RotationOverLifetimeModule rotation, RFParticleDynamicDust dynamic) { if (dynamic.rotation > 0) { rotation.enabled = true; rotation.separateAxes = true; stCurveMinRotationLife = new AnimationCurve (new Keyframe(0f, dynamic.rotation * 4f), new Keyframe(1f, dynamic.rotation * 4f * 0.1f)); stCurveMaxRotationLife = new AnimationCurve (new Keyframe(0f, -dynamic.rotation * 4f), new Keyframe(1f, -dynamic.rotation * 4f * 0.1f)); stCurveMinMaxRotationLife = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve (1f, stCurveMinRotationLife, stCurveMaxRotationLife); rotation.z = stCurveMinMaxRotationLife; } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Size Over Life Time /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set size over life time. different axis. Increase almost instantly particles after birth public static void SetSizeOverLifeTime(ParticleSystem.SizeOverLifetimeModule sizeOverLifeTime) { sizeOverLifeTime.enabled = true; sizeOverLifeTime.size = stSizeLifeCurve; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Rotation by Speed /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set Rotation by Speed public static void SetRotationBySpeed(ParticleSystem.RotationBySpeedModule rotationBySpeed, float rotationSpeed) { if (rotationSpeed > 0f) { rotationBySpeed.enabled = true; rotationBySpeed.range = new Vector2 (1f, 0f); stCurveMinRotationSpeed = new AnimationCurve (new Keyframe(0f, rotationSpeed * 40f), new Keyframe(0.5f, 0f)); stCurveMaxRotationSpeed = new AnimationCurve (new Keyframe(0f, -rotationSpeed * 40f), new Keyframe(0.5f, 0f)); stCurveRotationSpeed = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(1f, stCurveMinRotationSpeed, stCurveMaxRotationSpeed); rotationBySpeed.z = stCurveRotationSpeed; } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Color Over Lifetime /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set color over life time public static void SetColorOverLife(ParticleSystem.ColorOverLifetimeModule colorLife, float opacity) { colorLife.enabled = true; stGradient = new Gradient { alphaKeys = new [] { new GradientAlphaKey (0f, 0f), new GradientAlphaKey (opacity, 0.1f), new GradientAlphaKey (opacity, 0.2f), new GradientAlphaKey (0f, 1f) } }; stMinMaxGradient = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient (stGradient); colorLife.color = stMinMaxGradient; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Noise /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set particle system noise public static void SetNoise (ParticleSystem.NoiseModule psNoise, RFParticleNoise scrNoise) { psNoise.enabled = scrNoise.enabled; if (scrNoise.enabled == true) { psNoise.strength = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve (scrNoise.strengthMin, scrNoise.strengthMax); psNoise.frequency = scrNoise.frequency; psNoise.scrollSpeed = scrNoise.scrollSpeed; psNoise.damping = scrNoise.damping; psNoise.quality = scrNoise.quality; psNoise.separateAxes = true; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMin = scrNoise.strengthMin; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMax = scrNoise.strengthMax; psNoise.strengthX = stConstantMinMaxCurve; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMin = scrNoise.strengthMin * 0.3f; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMax = scrNoise.strengthMax * 0.3f; psNoise.strengthY = stConstantMinMaxCurve; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMin = scrNoise.strengthMin; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMax = scrNoise.strengthMax; psNoise.strengthZ = stConstantMinMaxCurve; } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Collision /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set collision for debris public static void SetCollisionDebris (ParticleSystem.CollisionModule colMod, RFParticleCollisionDebris colDeb) { colMod.enabled = true; colMod.type = ParticleSystemCollisionType.World; colMod.collidesWith = colDeb.collidesWith; colMod.quality = colDeb.quality; colMod.radiusScale = colDeb.radiusScale; colMod.enableDynamicColliders = true; colDeb.SetMaterialProps (); stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMin = colDeb.dampenMin; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMax = colDeb.dampenMax; colMod.dampen = stConstantMinMaxCurve; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMin = colDeb.bounceMin; stConstantMinMaxCurve.constantMax = colDeb.bounceMax; colMod.bounce = stConstantMinMaxCurve; } // Set collision for dust public static void SetCollisionDust (ParticleSystem.CollisionModule psCollision, RFParticleCollisionDust coll) { psCollision.enabled = true; psCollision.type = ParticleSystemCollisionType.World; psCollision.collidesWith = coll.collidesWith; psCollision.quality = coll.quality; psCollision.radiusScale = coll.radiusScale; psCollision.enableDynamicColliders = false; psCollision.dampenMultiplier = 0f; psCollision.bounceMultiplier = 0f; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Renderer /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set renderer public static void SetParticleRendererDebris (ParticleSystemRenderer rn, RayfireDebris scr) { // Common vars rn.renderMode = ParticleSystemRenderMode.Mesh; rn.alignment = ParticleSystemRenderSpace.World; rn.sortMode = ParticleSystemSortMode.None; // Set predefined meshes if (RayfireDebris.stMsh.Length > 0) { rn.SetMeshes (RayfireDebris.stMsh); rn.mesh = RayfireDebris.stMsh[0]; } // Set material rn.sharedMaterial = scr.debrisMaterial; // Common rendering properties SetParticleRendererCommon (rn, scr.rendering); // Reset RayfireDebris.stMsh = null; } // Set renderer public static void SetParticleRendererDust(ParticleSystemRenderer rn, RayfireDust scr) { // Common vars rn.renderMode = ParticleSystemRenderMode.Billboard; rn.alignment = ParticleSystemRenderSpace.Facing; rn.sortMode = ParticleSystemSortMode.OldestInFront; // Set material rn.sharedMaterial = scr.HasMaterials == true ? scr.dustMaterials[Random.Range (0, scr.dustMaterials.Count)] : scr.dustMaterial; // Dust vars rn.minParticleSize = 0.0001f; rn.maxParticleSize = 999999f; // Common rendering properties SetParticleRendererCommon (rn, scr.rendering); } // Common rendering properties static void SetParticleRendererCommon(ParticleSystemRenderer rn, RFParticleRendering rendering) { // Shadow casting rn.shadowCastingMode = rendering.castShadows == true ? ShadowCastingMode.On : ShadowCastingMode.Off; // Props rn.receiveShadows = rendering.receiveShadows; rn.lightProbeUsage = rendering.lightProbes; rn.motionVectorGenerationMode = rendering.motionVectors; // Tag if (rendering.t == true) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (rendering.tag)) rendering.tag = "Untagged"; rn.gameObject.tag = rendering.tag; } else rn.gameObject.tag = "Untagged"; // Layer rn.gameObject.layer = rendering.l == true ? rendering.layer : 0; } } }