using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System; using Random = UnityEngine.Random; namespace RayFire { [Serializable] public class RFShard : IComparable { // Main public int id; public float sz; // Size public bool uny; // Unyielding public bool act; // Activatable public Bounds bnd; public SimType sm; public float dm; // Neib info public int nAm; // Initial amount of neibs public List nIds; public List nArea; // Stress info public List sIds; // Shards id which support this shard public List nSt; // Dir; // 0.0 - UP; 0.5 - SIDE; 1.0 - DOWN; // Rat; // < 1 - Neib less; > 1 - Neib bigger public float sSt; // Size stress multiplier // Components public Transform tm; public MeshFilter mf; public Collider col; public Rigidbody rb; public RayfireRigid rigid; // Non Serialized [NonSerialized] public Quaternion rot; [NonSerialized] public Vector3 scl; [NonSerialized] public Vector3 pos; // global position. [NonSerialized] public Vector3 los; // local position. Used for Local offset activation [NonSerialized] public float m; // Mass, calculates once [NonSerialized] public int lb; // Layer backup to restore if shard has activation layer [NonSerialized] public int fade; // 1-Living, 2-Fading, 3-Faded [NonSerialized] public float fo; // Fade offset distance [NonSerialized] public List tris; [NonSerialized] public List poly; [NonSerialized] public List neibShards; [NonSerialized] public RFCluster cluster; [NonSerialized] public bool check; [NonSerialized] public bool[] sCheck; /* [NonSerialized] public float v; // Velocity activation [NonSerialized] public float o; // Offset activation, [NonSerialized] public int imp; // Impact activation [NonSerialized] public int acv; // Activator activation, */ /// Static public static float neibPosThreshold = 0.01f; public static float neibAreaThreshold = 0.005f; public static float bBoxSharedAreaDiv = 4f; /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor public RFShard() { scl =; sSt = 1f; } // Constructor public RFShard(RFShard source) { // Main id =; sz =; uny = source.uny; act = source.act; bnd = source.bnd; pos = source.pos; rot = source.rot; scl = source.scl; sm =; los = source.los; // Neib nAm = source.nAm; if (source.nIds != null) { nIds = new List (source.nIds.Count); for (int i = 0; i < source.nIds.Count; i++) nIds.Add (source.nIds[i]); nArea = new List (source.nArea.Count); for (int i = 0; i < source.nArea.Count; i++) nArea.Add (source.nArea[i]); neibShards = new List (source.nArea.Count); } // Stress if (source.sIds != null) { sIds = new List (source.sIds.Count); for (int i = 0; i < source.sIds.Count; i++) sIds.Add (source.sIds[i]); nSt = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < source.nSt.Count; i++) nSt.Add (source.nSt[i]); sSt = source.sSt; } // Components tm =; col = source.col; rb = source.rb; rigid = source.rigid; mf =; // IMPORTANT: Cluster, neibShards init after all shards copied } // Constructor public RFShard(Transform Tm) { // Get mesh filter mf = Tm.GetComponent(); tm = Tm; pos = Tm.position; rot = Tm.rotation; scl = Tm.localScale; los = Tm.localPosition; // Set bounds Renderer mr = Tm.GetComponent(); if (mr != null) bnd = mr.bounds; sz = bnd.size.magnitude; } // Constructor public RFShard(RayfireRigid scr) { sz = scr.limitations.bboxSize; uny = scr.activation.uny; act = scr.activation.atb; bnd = scr.limitations.bound; pos = scr.tsf.position; rot = scr.tsf.rotation; scl = scr.tsf.localScale; los = scr.tsf.localPosition; sm = scr.simTp; tm = scr.tsf; mf = scr.mFlt; col =; rb = scr.physics.rb; rigid = scr; } // Compare by size public int CompareTo(RFShard otherShard) { if (sz > return -1; if (sz < return 1; return 0; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set Mesh data /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set Triangles and Faces data public static void SetMeshData(List shards, ConnectivityType type) { if (type != ConnectivityType.ByBoundingBox) for (int i = 0; i < shards.Count; i++) RFTriangle.SetTriangles (shards[i]); if (type == ConnectivityType.ByPolygons || type == ConnectivityType.ByBoundingBoxAndPolygons) for (int i = 0; i < shards.Count; i++) RFFace.SetPolys (shards[i]); } // Set Triangles and Faces data public static void SetMeshData(RFShard shard, ConnectivityType type) { if (type != ConnectivityType.ByBoundingBox) RFTriangle.SetTriangles (shard); if (type == ConnectivityType.ByPolygons || type == ConnectivityType.ByBoundingBoxAndPolygons) RFFace.SetPolys (shard); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set Shards /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Prepare shards. Set bounds, set neibs public static void SetConnectedClusterShards(RFCluster cluster, ConnectivityType connectivity, bool setRigid = false) { // Get all children tms Transform[] tmList = new Transform[]; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) tmList[i] = (i); // Connected cluster with deep children TODO: reset empty roots. // List tmList =; // Get child shards SetShardsByTransformList (cluster, tmList, connectivity, setRigid); } // Prepare shards. Set bounds, set neibs public static void SetShards(RFCluster cluster, ConnectivityType connectivity, bool setRigid = false) { // Get all children tms Transform[] tmList = new Transform[]; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) tmList[i] = (i); // Connected cluster with deep children TODO: reset empty roots. // List tmList =; // Get child shards SetShardsByTransformList (cluster, tmList, connectivity, setRigid); } // Prepare shards. Set bounds, set neibs. For Connected Cluster public static void SetShardsByTransformList(RFCluster cluster, Transform[] tmList, ConnectivityType connectivity, bool setRigid = false) { cluster.shards = new List (tmList.Length); for (int i = 0; i < tmList.Length; i++) { // Create new shard RFShard shard = new RFShard (tmList[i]); // Child has no mesh if ( == null || == null) continue; = i; shard.cluster = cluster; // Set mesh data SetMeshData (shard, connectivity); // Collect shard cluster.shards.Add (shard); } // Set rigid component if (setRigid == true) for (int i = 0; i < cluster.shards.Count; i++) cluster.shards[i].rigid = cluster.shards[i].tm.GetComponent(); } // Prepare shards. Set bounds, set neibs. For Mesh Root public static void SetShardsByRigidList(RFCluster cluster, List rigids, ConnectivityType connectivity) { for (int i = 0; i < rigids.Count; i++) { // Create new shard RFShard shard = new RFShard (rigids[i]) { cluster = cluster, id = i }; // Set mesh data SetMeshData (shard, connectivity); // Collect shard cluster.shards.Add (shard); } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Neibs /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get shared area with another shard TODO add pos difference check static float NeibAreaByPoly(RFShard thisShard, RFShard otherShard) { float areaDif; float area = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < thisShard.poly.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < otherShard.poly.Count; j++) { // Area check areaDif = Mathf.Abs (thisShard.poly[i].area - otherShard.poly[j].area); if (areaDif < neibAreaThreshold) { // Normal check if (thisShard.poly[i].normal == -otherShard.poly[j].normal) { area += thisShard.poly[i].area; break; } } } } return area; } // Get shared area with another shard static float NeibAreaByTris(RFShard thisShard, RFShard otherShard) { float posDif; float areaDif; float area = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < thisShard.tris.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < otherShard.tris.Count; j++) { // Area check areaDif = Mathf.Abs (thisShard.tris[i].area - otherShard.tris[j].area); if (areaDif < neibAreaThreshold) { // Position check posDif = Vector3.Distance (thisShard.tris[i].pos, otherShard.tris[j].pos); if (posDif < neibPosThreshold) { area += thisShard.tris[i].area; break; } } } } return area; } // Set shard neibs public static void SetShardNeibs(List shards, ConnectivityType type, float minArea = 0, float minSize = 0, int perc = 0, int seed = 0) { // Set list for (int i = 0; i < shards.Count; i++) { shards[i].neibShards = new List(); shards[i].nArea = new List(); shards[i].nIds = new List(); shards[i].nAm = 0; } //float t1 = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; // Random of fixed connections seed if (seed > 0) Random.InitState (seed); // Set neib and area info float area; for (int i = 0; i < shards.Count; i++) { // Skip by size if (minSize > 0 && shards[i].sz < minSize) continue; for (int s = 0; s < shards.Count; s++) { // Skip itself if (s == i) continue; // Skip by size if (minSize > 0 && shards[s].sz < minSize) continue; // Set random state for same pair if (perc > 0 && Random.Range (0, 100) < perc) continue; // Check if shard was not added as neib before if (shards[s].nIds.Contains (shards[i].id) == false) { // Bounding box intersection check if (shards[i].bnd.Intersects (shards[s].bnd) == true) { // Get areas area = 0; if (type == ConnectivityType.ByBoundingBox) area = (shards[i].sz + shards[s].sz) / bBoxSharedAreaDiv; else if (type == ConnectivityType.ByTriangles || type == ConnectivityType.ByBoundingBoxAndTriangles) area = NeibAreaByTris (shards[i], shards[s]); else if (type == ConnectivityType.ByPolygons || type == ConnectivityType.ByBoundingBoxAndPolygons) area = NeibAreaByPoly (shards[i], shards[s]); // Area still 0, get by bounds if ByBoundingBoxAndMesh if (area == 0) if (type == ConnectivityType.ByBoundingBoxAndTriangles || type == ConnectivityType.ByBoundingBoxAndPolygons) area = (shards[i].sz + shards[s].sz) / bBoxSharedAreaDiv; // Skip low area neibs TODO filter after all connected, leave one biggest ?? if (minArea > 0 && area < minArea) continue; // Collect if (area > 0) { // Roundup for 3 digits after comma area = (int)(area * 1000.0f) / 1000.0f; shards[i].neibShards.Add (shards[s]); shards[i].nArea.Add (area); shards[i].nIds.Add (shards[s].id); shards[s].neibShards.Add (shards[i]); shards[s].nArea.Add (area); shards[s].nIds.Add (shards[i].id); } } } } // Set original neib amount to know if neibs was removed shards[i].nAm = shards[i].nIds.Count; } //float t2 = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; //Debug.Log ("Time " + (t2 - t1)); //Debug.Log ("Checks " + checks); // Clear triangles data if (type == ConnectivityType.ByTriangles || type == ConnectivityType.ByBoundingBoxAndTriangles) for (int i = 0; i < shards.Count; i++) RFTriangle.Clear (shards[i]); if (type == ConnectivityType.ByPolygons || type == ConnectivityType.ByBoundingBoxAndPolygons) for (int i = 0; i < shards.Count; i++) RFFace.Clear (shards[i]); } // Remove neib shards which are not in current cluster anymore public static void ReinitNeibs(List shards) { if (shards.Count > 0) // Remove detach shards from neib. Edit neib shards data for (int i = 0; i < shards.Count; i++) // Check very neib shard for (int n = shards[i].neibShards.Count - 1; n >= 0; n--) // Neib shard was detached if (shards[i].neibShards[n].cluster != shards[i].cluster) shards[i].RemoveNeibAt (n); } // Clear neib lists public void RemoveNeibAt(int ind) { nIds.RemoveAt (ind); nArea.RemoveAt (ind); neibShards.RemoveAt (ind); if (StressState == true) { nSt.RemoveAt (ind * 3 + 2); nSt.RemoveAt (ind * 3 + 1); nSt.RemoveAt (ind * 3); } } // Clear neib lists public void ClearNeib() { nIds.Clear(); nArea.Clear(); neibShards.Clear(); if (StressState == true) nSt.Clear(); } // Set positive id for shards for checks public static void SetUnchecked(List shards) { for (int i = 0; i < shards.Count; i++) shards[i].check = false; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Slice /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get slice plane at middle of longest bound edge public static Plane GetSlicePlane(Bounds bound) { Vector3 normal; Vector3 size = bound.size; Vector3 point =; if (size.x >= size.y && size.x >= size.z) normal = Vector3.right; else if (size.y >= size.x && size.y >= size.z) normal = Vector3.up; else normal = Vector3.forward; return new Plane (normal, point); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Sort by distance /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sort list by distance to point public static RFShard[] SortByDistanceToPoint(RFShard[] shards, Vector3 point, int amount) { int shardsCount = shards.Length; float[] distances = new float[shardsCount]; for (int s = 1; s < shardsCount; s++) distances[s] = Vector3.Distance (point, shards[s].tm.position); Array.Sort (distances, shards); Array.Resize (ref shards, amount); return shards; } // Sort list by distance to point public static RFShard[] SortByDistanceToPlane(RFShard[] shards, Vector3 point, Vector3 normal, int amount) { int shardsCount = shards.Length; float[] distances = new float[shardsCount]; Plane plane = new Plane (normal, point); for (int s = 1; s < shardsCount; s++) distances[s] = Math.Abs (plane.GetDistanceToPoint (shards[s].tm.position)); Array.Sort (distances, shards); Array.Resize (ref shards, amount); return shards; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set Unyielding /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check if cluster has unyielding shards public static bool UnyieldingByShard(List shards) { for (int i = 0; i < shards.Count; i++) if (shards[i].uny == true) return true; return false; } // Check if cluster has unyielding shards public static bool AllUnyShards(List shards) { for (int i = 0; i < shards.Count; i++) if (shards[i].uny == false) return false; return true; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Getters /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Has supported shards public bool StressState { get { return nSt != null && nSt.Count > 0; } } // Has supported shards public bool SupportState { get { return sIds.Count > 0; } } // Activatable type public bool InactiveOrKinematic { get { return (sm == SimType.Inactive || sm == SimType.Kinematic); } } // Check if visible public bool Visible { get { if (tm != null) { MeshRenderer mr = tm.GetComponent(); if (mr != null) return mr.isVisible; } return false; } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Static /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get biggest cluster public static RFShard GetShardByCollider(List shards, Collider collider) { for (int i = 0; i < shards.Count; i++) if (shards[i].col == collider) return shards[i]; return null; } // Get biggest cluster public static List GetShardsByColliders(List shards, List colliders) { List colliderShards = new List(); HashSet collidersHash = new HashSet (colliders); for (int i = 0; i < shards.Count; i++) if (collidersHash.Contains (shards[i].col) == true) colliderShards.Add (shards[i]); return colliderShards; } } }