using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Serialization; using Random = UnityEngine.Random; namespace RayFire { /// /// Rayfire Rigid and RigidRoot activation properties class. /// [Serializable] public class RFActivation { [FormerlySerializedAs ("byOffset")] public float off; [FormerlySerializedAs ("local")] public bool loc; [FormerlySerializedAs ("byVelocity")] public float vel; [FormerlySerializedAs ("byDamage")] public float dmg; [FormerlySerializedAs ("byActivator")] public bool act; [FormerlySerializedAs ("byImpact")] public bool imp; [FormerlySerializedAs ("byConnectivity")] public bool con; [FormerlySerializedAs ("unyielding")] public bool uny; [FormerlySerializedAs ("activatable")] public bool atb; public bool l; [FormerlySerializedAs ("layer")] public int lay; [FormerlySerializedAs ("connect")] public RayfireConnectivity cnt; // TODO non serialized // Non Serialized [NonSerialized] public int lb; // Backup Layer [NonSerialized] public bool activated; [NonSerialized] public bool inactiveCorState; [NonSerialized] public bool velocityCorState; [NonSerialized] public bool offsetCorState; // Static public static float randomRot = 0.3f; /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor public RFActivation() { InitValues(); LocalReset(); } void InitValues() { off = 0f; loc = false; vel = 0f; dmg = 0f; act = false; imp = false; con = false; uny = false; atb = false; l = false; lay = 0; cnt = null; lb = 0; } // Turn of all activation properties public void LocalReset() { activated = false; inactiveCorState = false; velocityCorState = false; offsetCorState = false; } // Pool Reset public void GlobalReset() { InitValues(); LocalReset(); } // Copy from public void CopyFrom (RFActivation source) { off =; loc = source.loc; vel = source.vel; dmg = source.dmg; act = source.act; imp = source.imp; con = source.con; uny = source.uny; atb = source.atb; l = source.l; lay = source.lay; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Methods /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Connectivity check public void CheckConnectivity() { if (con == true && cnt != null) { cnt.connectivityCheckNeed = true; cnt = null; } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Coroutines /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Activation by velocity and offset public IEnumerator InactiveCor (RayfireRigidRoot scr) { // Stop if running if (inactiveCorState == true) yield break; // Set running state inactiveCorState = true; int shardsAmount; while (scr.inactiveShards.Count > 0) { // Remove activated shards shardsAmount = scr.inactiveShards.Count - 1; for (int i = shardsAmount; i >= 0; i--) if (scr.inactiveShards[i].sm == SimType.Dynamic || scr.inactiveShards[i].rb == null) scr.inactiveShards.RemoveAt (i); // Velocity activation if (scr.activation.vel > 0) { shardsAmount = scr.inactiveShards.Count - 1; for (int i = shardsAmount; i >= 0; i--) { if (scr.inactiveShards[i].rb.velocity.magnitude > scr.activation.vel) if (ActivateShard (scr.inactiveShards[i], scr) == true) scr.inactiveShards.RemoveAt (i); } // Stop if (scr.inactiveShards.Count == 0) { inactiveCorState = false; yield break; } } // Offset activation if ( > 0) { shardsAmount = scr.inactiveShards.Count - 1; // By global offset if (scr.activation.loc == false) { for (int i = shardsAmount; i >= 0; i--) if (Vector3.Distance (scr.inactiveShards[i].tm.position, scr.inactiveShards[i].pos) > if (ActivateShard (scr.inactiveShards[i], scr) == true) scr.inactiveShards.RemoveAt (i); } // By local offset else { for (int i = shardsAmount; i >= 0; i--) if (Vector3.Distance (scr.inactiveShards[i].tm.localPosition, scr.inactiveShards[i].los) > if (ActivateShard (scr.inactiveShards[i], scr) == true) scr.inactiveShards.RemoveAt (i); } // Stop if (scr.inactiveShards.Count == 0) { inactiveCorState = false; yield break; } } // TODO repeat 30 times per second, not every frame yield return null; } inactiveCorState = false; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Activate Rigid / Shard /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Activate inactive object public static void ActivateRigid (RayfireRigid scr, bool connCheck = true) { // Stop if excluded if (scr.physics.exclude == true) return; // Skip not activatable unyielding objects if (scr.activation.atb == false && scr.activation.uny == true) return; // Initialize if not if (scr.initialized == false) scr.Initialize(); // Turn convex if kinematic activation if (scr.simTp == SimType.Kinematic) { MeshCollider meshCollider = as MeshCollider; if (meshCollider != null) meshCollider.convex = true; // Swap with animated object if (scr.physics.rec == true) { // Set dynamic before copy scr.simTp = SimType.Dynamic; scr.physics.rb.isKinematic = false; scr.physics.rb.useGravity =; // Create copy GameObject inst = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate (scr.gameObject); inst.transform.position = scr.tsf.position; inst.transform.rotation = scr.tsf.rotation; // Save velocity Rigidbody rBody = inst.GetComponent(); if (rBody != null) { rBody.velocity = scr.physics.rb.velocity; rBody.angularVelocity = scr.physics.rb.angularVelocity; } // Activate and init rigid scr.gameObject.SetActive (false); } } // RigidRoot Connected Cluster TODO fix. Initiate connectivity check recursively // RigidRootClusterActivation (scr); // Connectivity check if (connCheck == true) scr.activation.CheckConnectivity(); // Set layer SetActivationLayer (scr); // Set state scr.activation.activated = true; // Set props scr.simTp = SimType.Dynamic; scr.physics.rb.isKinematic = false; // TODO error at manual activation of stressed connectivity structure scr.physics.rb.useGravity =; // Disable drag RFPhysic.SetDrag (scr); // Fade on activation if (scr.fading.onActivation == true) scr.Fade(); // Parent if (RayfireMan.inst.parent != null) scr.gameObject.transform.parent = RayfireMan.inst.parent.transform; // Init particles on activation RFPoolingEmitter.SetHostRigidAct (scr); // Activation sound RFSound.ActivationSound (scr.sound, scr.limitations.bboxSize); // Events RFActivationEvent.RigidActivationEvent (scr); // Add initial rotation if still ActivationRandomRotation (scr.physics.rb); } // Activate Rigid Root shard public static bool ActivateShard (RFShard shard, RayfireRigidRoot rigidRoot) { // Skip not activatable unyielding shards if (shard.act == false && shard.uny == true) return false; // Set dynamic sim state = SimType.Dynamic; // Activate by Rigid if has rigid if (shard.rigid != null) { if (shard.rigid.objTp == ObjectType.Mesh) { ActivateRigid (shard.rigid); return true; } if (shard.rigid.objTp == ObjectType.ConnectedCluster) { if (shard.rigid.activation.activated == false) { ActivateRigid (shard.rigid); return true; } } } // Physics ops if (shard.rb != null) { // Set props if (shard.rb.isKinematic == true) shard.rb.isKinematic = false; // Turn On Gravity shard.rb.useGravity =; // Disable drag RFPhysic.SetDrag (shard, RayfireMan.inst.materialPresets.Drag (, RayfireMan.inst.materialPresets.AngularDrag (; // Add initial rotation if still ActivationRandomRotation (shard.rb); } // Set activation layer SetActivationLayer (shard, rigidRoot.activation); // Activation Fade TODO input Fade class by RigidRoot or MeshRoot if (rigidRoot.fading.onActivation == true) RFFade.FadeShard (rigidRoot, shard); // Parent if (RayfireMan.inst.parent != null) = RayfireMan.inst.parent.transform; // Connectivity check if shards was activated: TODO check only neibs of activated? if (rigidRoot.activation.con == true && rigidRoot.activation.cnt != null) { rigidRoot.activation.cnt.connectivityCheckNeed = true; } // Init particles on activation RFPoolingEmitter.SetHostRigidrootShardAct(rigidRoot, shard); // Activation sound RFSound.ActivationSound (rigidRoot.sound, rigidRoot.cluster.bound.size.magnitude); // Events RFActivationEvent.ShardActivationEvent (shard, rigidRoot); return true; } // Add initial rotation if still public static void ActivationRandomRotation(Rigidbody rb) { if (rb.angularVelocity == rb.angularVelocity = new Vector3 ( Random.Range (-randomRot, randomRot), Random.Range (-randomRot, randomRot), Random.Range (-randomRot, randomRot)); } // Init connectivity check of parent rigidroot at cluster activation TODO change rroot shards om other way static void RigidRootClusterActivation(RayfireRigid scr) { if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.ConnectedCluster && scr.rigidRoot != null) { for (int i = 0; i < scr.clsDemol.cluster.shards.Count; i++) scr.clsDemol.cluster.shards[i].sm = SimType.Dynamic; scr.rigidRoot.activation.cnt.CheckConnectivity(); } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Rigid Activation Layer /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set activation layer static void SetActivationLayer (RayfireRigid scr) { if (scr.activation.l == true) scr.gameObject.layer = scr.activation.lay; } // ReSet activation layer public static void RestoreActivationLayer (RayfireRigid scr) { if (scr.activation.l == true) scr.gameObject.layer =; } // Backup original layer in case rigid will change layer after activation public static void BackupActivationLayer (RayfireRigid scr) { if (scr.activation.l == true) = scr.gameObject.layer; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// RigidRoot Activation Layer /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set activation layer static void SetActivationLayer (RFShard shard, RFActivation activation) { if (activation.l == true) = activation.lay; } // Set activation layer public static void SetActivationLayer (List shards, RFActivation activation, Transform root) { if (activation.l == true) { // Set to shards for (int s = 0; s < shards.Count; s++) shards[s].tm.gameObject.layer = activation.lay; // Set to root as well. IMPORTANT: Runtime demolition doesnt work if shards and root has different layers if (root != null) root.gameObject.layer = activation.lay; } } // ReSet layer for activated shards public static void RestoreActivationLayer (RayfireRigidRoot root) { if (root.activation.l == true) for (int i = 0; i < root.cluster.shards.Count; i++) root.cluster.shards[i].tm.gameObject.layer = root.cluster.shards[i].lb; } // Backup original layer in case shard will change layer after activation public static void BackupActivationLayer (RayfireRigidRoot root) { if (root.activation.l == true) for (int i = 0; i < root.cluster.shards.Count; i++) root.cluster.shards[i].lb = root.cluster.shards[i].tm.gameObject.layer; } } }