using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Serialization; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; #if (UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE || UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_XBOXONE) using RayFire.DotNet; #endif namespace RayFire { [Serializable] public class RFDemolitionMesh { public enum MeshInputType { AtStart = 3, AtInitialization = 6, AtDemolition = 9 } public enum ConvertType { Disabled = 0, ConnectedCluster = 2, Connectivity = 4 } [FormerlySerializedAs ("amount")] public int am; [FormerlySerializedAs ("variation")] public int var; [FormerlySerializedAs ("depthFade")] public float dpf; [FormerlySerializedAs ("contactBias")] public float bias; [FormerlySerializedAs ("seed")] public int sd; [FormerlySerializedAs ("useShatter")] public bool use; [FormerlySerializedAs ("addChildren")] public bool cld; [FormerlySerializedAs ("simType")] public FragSimType sim; public ConvertType cnv; [FormerlySerializedAs ("meshInput")] public MeshInputType inp; [FormerlySerializedAs ("properties")] public RFFragmentProperties prp; [FormerlySerializedAs ("runtimeCaching")] public RFRuntimeCaching ch; [FormerlySerializedAs ("scrShatter")] public RayfireShatter sht; // Non serialized [NonSerialized] public int badMesh; [NonSerialized] public int shatterMode; [NonSerialized] public int totalAmount; [NonSerialized] public int innerSubId; [NonSerialized] public Mesh mesh; [NonSerialized] public RFShatter rfShatter; // Hidden [HideInInspector] public Quaternion rotStart; static string fragmentStr = "_fr_"; /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor public RFDemolitionMesh() { InitValues(); LocalReset(); prp = new RFFragmentProperties(); ch = new RFRuntimeCaching(); } // Starting values void InitValues() { am = 15; var = 0; dpf = 0.5f; bias = 0f; sd = 1; use = false; cld = true; cnv = 0; sim = FragSimType.Dynamic; inp = MeshInputType.AtDemolition; sht = null; shatterMode = 1; innerSubId = 0; rotStart = Quaternion.identity; mesh = null; rfShatter = null; } // Reset public void LocalReset() { badMesh = 0; totalAmount = 0; } // Pool Reset public void GlobalReset() { InitValues(); LocalReset(); prp.InitValues(); ch.InitValues(); } // Copy from public void CopyFrom (RFDemolitionMesh source) { am =; var = source.var; dpf = source.dpf; sd =; bias = source.bias; use = false; cld = source.cld; cnv = source.cnv; sim = source.sim; inp = source.inp; inp = MeshInputType.AtDemolition; prp.CopyFrom (source.prp); ch = new RFRuntimeCaching(); LocalReset(); shatterMode = 1; innerSubId = 0; rotStart = Quaternion.identity; mesh = null; rfShatter = null; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Static /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Demolish single mesh to fragments public static bool DemolishMesh (RayfireRigid scr) { // Object demolition if (scr.objTp != ObjectType.Mesh && scr.objTp != ObjectType.SkinnedMesh) return true; // Skip if reference if (scr.dmlTp == DemolitionType.ReferenceDemolition) return true; // Already has fragments if (scr.HasFragments == true) { // Set tm scr.rtC.position = scr.tsf.position; scr.rtC.rotation = scr.tsf.rotation; // Set parent RayfireMan.SetParentByManager (scr.rtC.transform); // Activate root and fragments scr.rtC.gameObject.SetActive (true); // Set demolished state scr.limitations.demolished = true; // Skip coroutines start if Awake prefragment and Convert if (scr.dmlTp == DemolitionType.AwakePrefragment && scr.mshDemol.cnv != ConvertType.Disabled) return true; // Start all coroutines for (int i = 0; i < scr.fragments.Count; i++) scr.fragments[i].StartAllCoroutines(); return true; } // Has unity meshes - create fragments if (scr.HasMeshes == true) { scr.fragments = CreateFragments (scr); scr.limitations.demolished = true; return true; } // Still has no Unity meshes - cache Unity meshes if (scr.HasMeshes == false) { // Cache unity meshes CacheRuntime (scr); // Caching in progress. Stop demolition if ( == true) return false; // Fragmentation on not supported platforms. approve and set dml to none if (scr.meshes == null) { scr.limitations.demolished = false; return true; } // Has unity meshes - create fragments if (scr.HasMeshes == true) { scr.fragments = CreateFragments (scr); scr.limitations.demolished = true; return true; } } return false; } // Create fragments by mesh and pivots array static List CreateFragments (RayfireRigid scr) { // Fragments list List scrArray = new List(scr.meshes.Length); // Stop if has no any meshes if (scr.meshes == null) return scrArray; // Create RayFire manager if not created RayfireMan.RayFireManInit(); // Create root object and parent RFLimitations.CreateRoot (scr); // Name string baseName = + fragmentStr; // Set rotation to precache rotation if (scr.dmlTp == DemolitionType.AwakePrecache) scr.rtC.transform.rotation = scr.chRot; // Create fragment objects MeshesToObjects (scr, scrArray, baseName); // Fix transform for precached fragments if (scr.dmlTp == DemolitionType.AwakePrecache) scr.rtC.rotation = scr.tsf.rotation; // Fix runtime caching rotation difference. Get rotation difference and add to root if (scr.dmlTp == DemolitionType.Runtime && != CachingType.Disabled) { Quaternion cacheRotationDif = scr.tsf.rotation * Quaternion.Inverse (scr.mshDemol.rotStart); scr.rtC.rotation = cacheRotationDif * scr.rtC.rotation; } // Reset scale for mesh fragments. IMPORTANT: skinned mesh fragments root should not be rescaled if (scr.skr == null) scr.rtC.localScale =; // Set root to manager RayfireMan.SetParentByManager (scr.rtC); // Ignore neib collisions RFPhysic.SetIgnoreColliders (scr.physics, scrArray); return scrArray; } // SLice mesh public static bool SliceMesh(RayfireRigid scr) { // Empty lists scr.DeleteCache(); scr.DeleteFragments(); // SLice RFFragment.SliceMeshes (ref scr.meshes, ref scr.pivots, ref scr.subIds, scr, scr.limitations.slicePlanes); // TODO check if has slicePlanes // Remove plane info Plane forcePlane = new Plane (scr.limitations.slicePlanes[1], scr.limitations.slicePlanes[0]); scr.limitations.slicePlanes.Clear(); // Stop if (scr.HasMeshes == false) return false; // Get fragments scr.fragments = CreateSlices(scr); // Check for sliced inactive/kinematic with unyielding RayfireUnyielding.SetUnyieldingFragments (scr, true); // TODO check for fragments // Set demolition scr.limitations.demolished = true; // Fragments initialisation scr.InitMeshFragments(); // Add force if (scr.limitations.sliceForce != 0) { foreach (var frag in scr.fragments) { // Skip inactive fragments if (scr.limitations.affectInactive == false && frag.simTp == SimType.Inactive) continue; // Apply force Vector3 closestPoint = forcePlane.ClosestPointOnPlane (frag.transform.position); Vector3 normalVector = (frag.tsf.position - closestPoint).normalized; frag.physics.rb.AddForce (normalVector * scr.limitations.sliceForce, ForceMode.VelocityChange); /* TODO force to spin fragments based on blades direction normalVector = new Vector3 (-1, 0, 0); frag.physics.rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition (normalVector * scr.limitations.sliceForce, closestPoint, ForceMode.VelocityChange); */ } } return true; } // Create slices by mesh and pivots array static List CreateSlices (RayfireRigid scr) { // Fragments list List scrArray = new List(scr.meshes.Length); // Stop if has no any meshes if (scr.meshes == null) return scrArray; // Create RayFire manager if not created RayfireMan.RayFireManInit(); // Create root object and parent RFLimitations.CreateRoot (scr); // Name string baseName = + "_"; // Create fragment objects MeshesToObjects (scr, scrArray, baseName); // Reset scale for mesh fragments. IMPORTANT: skinned mesh fragments root should not be rescaled if (scr.skr == null) scr.rtC.localScale =; // Set root to manager RayfireMan.SetParentByManager (scr.rtC); // Empty lists scr.DeleteCache(); return scrArray; } // Create objects for meshes static void MeshesToObjects(RayfireRigid scr, List scrArray, string baseName) { // Tag and layer int baseLayer = RFFragmentProperties.GetLayer(scr); string baseTag = RFFragmentProperties.GetTag(scr); // Set tag and layer to root. IMPORTANT. Some overlaps uses mask by root layer scr.rtC.gameObject.layer = baseLayer; scr.rtC.gameObject.tag = baseTag; // Get original mats Material[] mats = scr.skr != null ? scr.skr.sharedMaterials : scr.mRnd.sharedMaterials; // Create fragment objects for (int i = 0; i < scr.meshes.Length; ++i) { // Get object from pool or create RayfireRigid rfScr = RayfireMan.inst.fragments.rgInst == null ? RayfireMan.inst.fragments.CreateRigidInstance() : RayfireMan.inst.fragments.GetPoolObject(); // Setup rfScr.tsf.position = scr.tsf.position + scr.pivots[i]; rfScr.tsf.parent = scr.rtC; = baseName + i; rfScr.gameObject.tag = baseTag; rfScr.gameObject.layer = baseLayer; rfScr.mFlt.sharedMesh = scr.meshes[i]; rfScr.rtP = scr.rtC; // Copy properties from parent to fragment node scr.CopyPropertiesTo (rfScr); // Set custom fragment simulation type if not inherited SetFragmentSimulationType (rfScr, scr.simTp); // Copy particles RFPoolingParticles.CopyParticlesRigid (scr, rfScr); // Set collider RFPhysic.SetFragmentCollider (rfScr, scr.meshes[i]); // Copy Renderer properties CopyRenderer (scr, rfScr.mRnd, scr.meshes[i].bounds); // Turn on rfScr.gameObject.SetActive (true); // Update depth level and amount rfScr.limitations.currentDepth = scr.limitations.currentDepth + 1; = (int)( * rfScr.mshDemol.dpf); if ( < 3) = 3; // Disable outer mat for depth fragments if (rfScr.limitations.currentDepth >= 1) rfScr.materials.oMat = null; // Set multymaterial RFSurface.SetMaterial (scr.subIds, mats, scr.materials, rfScr.mRnd, i, scr.meshes.Length); // Set mass by mass value accordingly to parent if (rfScr.physics.mb == MassType.MassProperty) RFPhysic.SetMassByParent (rfScr.physics, rfScr.limitations.bboxSize,, scr.limitations.bboxSize); // Add in array scrArray.Add (rfScr); } } // Set custom fragment simulation type if not inherited public static void SetFragmentSimulationType (RayfireRigid frag, SimType sim) { frag.simTp = sim; if (frag.mshDemol.sim != FragSimType.Inherit) frag.simTp = (SimType)frag.mshDemol.sim; } // Set custom fragment simulation type if not inherited public static void SetClusterSimulationType (RayfireRigid frag, SimType sim) { frag.simTp = sim; if (frag.clsDemol.sim != FragSimType.Inherit) frag.simTp = (SimType)frag.clsDemol.sim; } // Copy mesh renderer properties static void CopyRenderer (RayfireRigid scr, MeshRenderer trg, Bounds bounds) { // Shadow casting if (RayfireMan.inst.advancedDemolitionProperties.sizeThreshold > 0 && RayfireMan.inst.advancedDemolitionProperties.sizeThreshold > bounds.size.magnitude) trg.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off; /* trg.receiveGI = scr.meshRenderer.receiveGI; trg.rayTracingMode = scr.meshRenderer.rayTracingMode; trg.lightProbeUsage = scr.meshRenderer.lightProbeUsage; trg.reflectionProbeUsage = scr.meshRenderer.reflectionProbeUsage; trg.allowOcclusionWhenDynamic = scr.meshRenderer.allowOcclusionWhenDynamic; */ } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Caching /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start cache fragment meshes. Instant or runtime static void CacheRuntime (RayfireRigid scr) { // Reuse existing cache if (scr.reset.action == RFReset.PostDemolitionType.DeactivateToReset && scr.reset.mesh == RFReset.MeshResetType.ReuseFragmentMeshes) if (scr.HasMeshes == true) return; // Clear all mesh data scr.DeleteCache(); // Cache meshes if ( == CachingType.Disabled) CacheInstant(scr); else scr.CacheFrames(); } // Instant caching into meshes static void CacheInstant (RayfireRigid scr) { // Input mesh, setup if (RFFragment.InputMesh (scr) == false) return; // Create fragments RFFragment.CacheMeshesInst (ref scr.meshes, ref scr.pivots, ref scr.subIds, scr); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Precache and Prefragment /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Precache meshes at awake public static void Awake(RayfireRigid scr) { // Not mesh if (scr.objTp != ObjectType.Mesh) return; // Precache if (scr.dmlTp == DemolitionType.AwakePrecache) PreCache(scr); // Precache and prefragment if (scr.dmlTp == DemolitionType.AwakePrefragment) { PreCache(scr); Prefragment(scr); } } // PreCache meshes static void PreCache(RayfireRigid scr) { // Save and disable bias float bias = scr.mshDemol.bias; scr.mshDemol.bias = 0; // Cache frag meshes CacheInstant (scr); // Restore bias scr.mshDemol.bias = bias; } // Predefine fragments static void Prefragment(RayfireRigid scr) { // Delete existing scr.DeleteFragments(); // Create fragments from cache scr.fragments = CreateFragments(scr); // Stop if (scr.HasFragments == false) { scr.dmlTp = DemolitionType.None; return; } // Set physics properties for (int i = 0; i < scr.fragments.Count; i++) { scr.fragments[i].SetComponentsBasic(); scr.fragments[i].SetComponentsPhysics(); scr.fragments[i].SetObjectType(); // Increment demolition depth. Disable if last scr.fragments[i].limitations.currentDepth = 1; if (scr.limitations.depth == 1) scr.fragments[i].dmlTp = DemolitionType.None; } // Copy Uny state to fragments in case object has Uny components RayfireUnyielding.SetUnyieldingFragments(scr, false); // Clusterize awake fragments SetupRuntimeConnectedCluster (scr, true); // Deactivate fragments root if (scr.rtC != null) scr.rtC.gameObject.SetActive (false); // Setup awake connectivity SetupRuntimeConnectivity(scr, true); } // Clusterize runtime fragments public static bool SetupRuntimeConnectedCluster (RayfireRigid rigid, bool awake) { // Clusterize disabled if (rigid.mshDemol.cnv != ConvertType.ConnectedCluster) return false; // Skip if Runtime init and fragments already clusterized in awake. if (rigid.dmlTp == DemolitionType.AwakePrefragment && rigid.limitations.demolished == true) return false; // Not mesh demolition if (rigid.objTp != ObjectType.Mesh) return false; // Not runtime if (rigid.dmlTp == DemolitionType.None || rigid.dmlTp == DemolitionType.ReferenceDemolition) return false; // No fragments if (rigid.HasFragments == false) return false; // Create Connected cluster Rigid RayfireRigid clsRigid = rigid.rtC.gameObject.AddComponent(); // Copy properties rigid.CopyPropertiesTo (clsRigid); // Copy particles RFPoolingParticles.CopyParticlesRigid (rigid, clsRigid); // Destroy particles on fragments for (int i = rigid.fragments.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Destroy Debris/Dust for all fragments if (rigid.fragments[i].HasDebris) for (int d = rigid.fragments[i].debrisList.Count - 1; d >= 0; d--) Object.Destroy (rigid.fragments[i].debrisList[d]); if (rigid.fragments[i].HasDust) for (int d = rigid.fragments[i].dustList.Count - 1; d >= 0; d--) Object.Destroy (rigid.fragments[i].dustList[d]); } // Set properties clsRigid.objTp = ObjectType.ConnectedCluster; clsRigid.dmlTp = DemolitionType.Runtime; clsRigid.clsDemol.cluster = new RFCluster(); // Init clsRigid.Initialize(); // Set uny states and sim RayfireUnyielding[] unyArray = rigid.GetComponents(); if (unyArray.Length > 0) for (int i = 0; i < unyArray.Length; i++) if (unyArray[i].enabled == true) RayfireUnyielding.ClusterOverlap(unyArray[i], clsRigid); // Stop if awake connected cluster if (awake == true) { DestroyComponents (rigid.fragments); return true; } // Set contact point for demolition clsRigid.limitations.contactPoint = rigid.limitations.contactPoint; clsRigid.limitations.contactNormal = rigid.limitations.contactNormal; clsRigid.limitations.contactVector3 = rigid.limitations.contactVector3; // Inherit velocity clsRigid.physics.velocity = rigid.physics.velocity; clsRigid.physics.rb.velocity = rigid.physics.velocity; // Demolish cluster and get solo shards List detachShards = RFDemolitionCluster.DemolishConnectedCluster (clsRigid); // No Shards to detach if (detachShards == null || detachShards.Count == 0) { DestroyComponents (rigid.fragments); return true; } // Get has for all detached objects to keep their Rigid and rigidbody. Should be used even if no detach shards. HashSet detachTms = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < detachShards.Count; i++) detachTms.Add (detachShards[i].tm); // Destroy fragments rigid, rigidbody for NOT detached shards for (int i = rigid.fragments.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Destroy rb, rigid if (detachTms.Contains (rigid.fragments[i].tsf) == false) { Object.Destroy (rigid.fragments[i].physics.rb); Object.Destroy (rigid.fragments[i]); rigid.fragments.RemoveAt (i); } } // TODO add main and child clusters to fragments list. get them in scr.fragments // Delete if cluster was completely demolished if (clsRigid.limitations.demolished == true) RayfireMan.DestroyFragment (clsRigid, null); return true; } // Destroy fragments rigid, rigidbody static void DestroyComponents(List list) { for (int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Object.Destroy (list[i].physics.rb); Object.Destroy (list[i]); } } // Setup Connectivity, Unyielding and MeshRoot public static void SetupRuntimeConnectivity(RayfireRigid scr, bool awake) { // Connectivity disabled if (scr.mshDemol.cnv != ConvertType.Connectivity) return; // Component check scr.activation.cnt = scr.GetComponent(); // Debug message and return if (scr.activation.cnt == null) { RayfireMan.Log (RFLimitations.rigidStr + + " Convert property set to " + scr.mshDemol.cnv.ToString() + " but object has no Connectivity component. Convertation disabled.", scr.gameObject); scr.mshDemol.cnv = ConvertType.Disabled; return; } // Add meshroot Rigid RayfireRigid mRoot = scr.rtC.gameObject.GetComponent(); // Skip if Runtime init and fragments already connected in awake. if (mRoot != null) return; mRoot = scr.rtC.gameObject.AddComponent(); // Set MeshRoot properties scr.CopyPropertiesTo (mRoot); mRoot.initialization = RayfireRigid.InitType.AtStart; mRoot.objTp = ObjectType.MeshRoot; mRoot.dmlTp = DemolitionType.None; mRoot.simTp = scr.simTp; mRoot.activation.con = true; /* // TODO set mRoot fragments Rigid sim type to FragSimType put SetUnyieldingFragments after this method Debug.Log (mRoot.simTp); // Set sim type for root as well. if (mRoot.mshDemol.sim != FragSimType.Inherit) mRoot.simTp = (SimType)scr.mshDemol.sim; Debug.Log (mRoot.simTp); */ // Set Connectivity activation for fragments for (int i = 0; i < scr.fragments.Count; i++) scr.fragments[i].activation.con = true; // Add Connectivity RayfireConnectivity mRootConnectivity = scr.rtC.gameObject.AddComponent(); // Copy Connectivity properties RayfireConnectivity.CopyTo (scr.activation.cnt, mRootConnectivity); // Activate to initialize scr.rtC.gameObject.SetActive (true); // DeActivate in awake / init at runtime if (awake == true) scr.rtC.gameObject.SetActive (false); else { mRoot.Initialize(); } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Children ops /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set children with mesh as additional fragments public static void ChildrenToFragments(RayfireRigid scr) { // Not for clusters if (scr.IsCluster == true) return; // Disabled if (scr.mshDemol.cld == false) return; // No children if (scr.tsf.childCount == 0) return; // Iterate children TODO precache in awake and use now. Set init type to by method at awake. Transform child; int childCount = scr.tsf.childCount; for (int i = childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Get child child = scr.tsf.GetChild (i); // Skip if has no mesh if (child.GetComponent() == false) continue; // Set parent to main fragments root child.parent = scr.rtC; // Get Already applied Rigid RayfireRigid childScr = child.GetComponent(); // Add new if has no. Copy properties if (childScr == null) { childScr = child.gameObject.AddComponent(); childScr.initialization = RayfireRigid.InitType.ByMethod; scr.CopyPropertiesTo (childScr); // Enable use shatter childScr.mshDemol.sht = child.GetComponent(); if (childScr.mshDemol.sht != null) childScr.mshDemol.use = true; } // Set custom fragment simulation type if not inherited SetFragmentSimulationType (childScr, scr.simTp); // Init childScr.Initialize(); // Update depth level and amount childScr.limitations.currentDepth = scr.limitations.currentDepth + 1; // Collect scr.fragments.Add (childScr); } } } }