using System; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace RayFire { [Serializable] public class RFReset { public enum PostDemolitionType { DestroyWithDelay = 0, DeactivateToReset = 1 } public enum MeshResetType { Destroy = 0, ReuseInputMesh = 2, ReuseFragmentMeshes = 4 } public enum FragmentsResetType { Destroy = 0, Reuse = 2, Preserve = 4 } // UI public bool transform; public bool damage; public bool connectivity; public PostDemolitionType action; public float destroyDelay; public MeshResetType mesh; public FragmentsResetType fragments; // Non serialized [NonSerialized] public bool toBeDestroyed; /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor public RFReset() { InitValues(); } void InitValues() { transform = true; damage = true; connectivity = false; action = PostDemolitionType.DestroyWithDelay; destroyDelay = 1; mesh = MeshResetType.ReuseFragmentMeshes; fragments = FragmentsResetType.Destroy; toBeDestroyed = false; } // Pool Reset public void GlobalReset() { InitValues(); } // Copy from public void CopyFrom (RFReset source, ObjectType objectType) { transform = source.transform; damage = source.damage; action = source.action; destroyDelay = source.destroyDelay; // Copy to initial object: mesh root copy if (objectType == ObjectType.MeshRoot) { mesh = source.mesh; fragments = source.fragments; } // Copy to cluster shards else if (objectType == ObjectType.ConnectedCluster) { mesh = source.mesh; fragments = source.fragments; } // Copy to demolished mesh fragments else if (objectType == ObjectType.Mesh) { mesh = MeshResetType.Destroy; fragments = FragmentsResetType.Destroy; // Do not keep fragments at destroy if parent not going to reuse fragments or getting destroyed if (source.action == PostDemolitionType.DestroyWithDelay || source.fragments == FragmentsResetType.Destroy) action = PostDemolitionType.DestroyWithDelay; } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Rigid Mesh /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rigid public static void ResetRigid (RayfireRigid scr) { // Object can't be reused if (ObjectReuseState (scr) == false) return; // Mesh Root reset if (MeshRootReset (scr) == true) return; // Save faded/demolished state before reset int faded = scr.fading.state; bool demolished = scr.limitations.demolished; // Reset tm if (scr.reset.transform == true) RestoreTransform(scr); // Reset activation TODO check if it was Kinematic if (scr.activation.activated == true) scr.simTp = SimType.Inactive; // ReSet activation layer. IMPORTANT before Reset() RFActivation.RestoreActivationLayer (scr); // Reset rigid props Reset (scr); // Stop all cors in case object restarted scr.StopAllCoroutines(); // Reset if object fading/faded if (faded >= 1) ResetFade(scr); // Demolished. Restore if (demolished == true) ResetMeshDemolition (scr); // Restore cluster even if it was not demolished ResetClusterDemolition (scr); // Reset sound ResetSound(scr.sound); // Remove particles DestroyRigidParticles (scr); // Enable Rigid because of cluster fade and reset if (scr.enabled == false) scr.enabled = true; // Activate if deactivated if (scr.gameObject.activeSelf == false) scr.gameObject.SetActive (true); // Start all coroutines scr.StartAllCoroutines(); // Restart restrictions cors if ( != null) (scr); } // Reset if object fading/faded public static void ResetFade (RayfireRigid scr) { // Was excluded if (scr.fading.fadeType == FadeType.SimExclude) { // Null check because of Planar check fragments without collider if ( != null) = true;// TODO CHECK CLUSTER COLLIDERS } // Was fall down else if (scr.fading.fadeType == FadeType.FallDown) { // Null check because of Planar check fragments without collider if ( != null) = true;// TODO CHECK CLUSTER COLLIDERS scr.gameObject.SetActive (true); } // Was scaled down else if (scr.fading.fadeType == FadeType.ScaleDown) { scr.tsf.localScale = scr.physics.initScale; scr.gameObject.SetActive (true); } // Was moved down if (scr.fading.fadeType == FadeType.MoveDown) { // Null check because of Planar check fragments without collider if ( != null) = true; // TODO CHECK CLUSTER COLLIDERS // Reset gravity if (scr.simTp != SimType.Inactive) scr.physics.rb.useGravity =; scr.gameObject.SetActive (true); } // Was destroyed else if (scr.fading.fadeType == FadeType.Destroy) scr.gameObject.SetActive (true); // Was set static if (scr.fading.fadeType == FadeType.SetStatic) scr.gameObject.SetActive (true); // Was set static if (scr.fading.fadeType == FadeType.SetKinematic) scr.gameObject.SetActive (true); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Rigid Mesh Root /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Mesh Root static bool MeshRootReset (RayfireRigid scr) { // Not mesh root if (scr.objTp != ObjectType.MeshRoot) return false; // Cleanup destroyed/faded fragments if (MeshRootCleanup (scr) == false) return true; // Destroy particles DestroyMeshRootParticles (scr); // Reset tm scr.physics.LoadInitTransform (scr.transform); // Reset fragments first foreach (var fragment in scr.fragments) { // Add rigid body to Rigid if it was deleted because of clustering if (fragment.physics.rb == null) fragment.physics.rb = fragment.gameObject.AddComponent(); // Set object type back in case of clustering->demolition fragment.simTp = scr.simTp; // Set parent in case of clustering->demolition fragment.tsf.parent = scr.tsf; // Reset rigid ResetRigid (fragment); // Set density. After collider defined TODO save mass at first apply, reuse now RFPhysic.SetDensity (fragment); // Set drag properties RFPhysic.SetDrag (fragment); // Destroy parent connected cluster if rigid was clustered if (fragment.rtP != null) Object.Destroy (fragment.rtP.gameObject); // TODO Test fragments reuse with transform state copied to fragments } // Reset uny data RayfireUnyielding.SetMeshRootUnyState (scr.transform, null); // Restore connectivity cluster RFBackupCluster.RestoreConnectivity (scr.activation.cnt); return true; } // Cleanup and check for mesh root fragments static bool MeshRootCleanup (RayfireRigid scr) { // Cleanup destroyed/faded fragments for (int i = scr.fragments.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (scr.fragments[i] == null) { Debug.Log ( + ": Mesh Root Fragment destroyed", scr.gameObject); scr.fragments.RemoveAt (i); } // Check after cleanup if (scr.HasFragments == false) return false; return true; } // Destroy particles static void DestroyMeshRootParticles (RayfireRigid scr) { if (scr.particleList.Count > 0) { for (int i = scr.particleList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (scr.particleList[i] != null) RayfireMan.DestroyGo (scr.particleList[i].gameObject); scr.particleList.Clear(); } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Reset Rigid Root /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reinit demolished mesh object public static void RigidRootReset (RayfireRigidRoot scr) { // Stop all cors in case object restarted scr.StopAllCoroutines(); scr.corState = false; scr.activation.inactiveCorState = false; scr.fading.offsetCorState = false; if (scr.activation.cnt != null) { scr.activation.cnt.StopAllCoroutines(); RFCollapse.StopCollapse (scr.activation.cnt); RFStress.StopStress (scr.activation.cnt); } // Reset activation scr.activation.LocalReset(); // TODO CHECK FOR RESET STATES // TODO CLEANUP // Destroy particle roots DestroyRigidRootParticles (scr); // Reset tm scr.transform.position = scr.cluster.pos; scr.transform.rotation = scr.cluster.rot; scr.transform.localScale = scr.cluster.scl; // Set object type back in case of clustering->demolition ResetSimType (scr); // ReSet parents for all shards ResetParentAndTm (scr); // Reset shards for (int i = 0; i < scr.cluster.shards.Count; i++) { // Shard faded if (scr.cluster.shards[i].fade != 0) { // Enable collider if (scr.cluster.shards[i].col.enabled == false) scr.cluster.shards[i].col.enabled = true; // Reset fading scr.cluster.shards[i].fade = 0; } // TODO Destroy parent connected cluster if rigid was clustered // Activate if (scr.cluster.shards[i].tm.gameObject.activeSelf == false) scr.cluster.shards[i].tm.gameObject.SetActive (true); } // ReSet layer for activated shards RFActivation.RestoreActivationLayer (scr); // Set physics properties for shards RFPhysic.SetPhysics(scr.cluster.shards, scr.physics); /* TODO check if should be here // Reset shards with Rigid for (int i = 0; i < scr.cluster.shards.Count; i++) if (scr.cluster.shards[i].rigid != null) scr.cluster.shards[i].rigid.ResetRigid(); */ // Setup list for activation shards scr.SetInactiveList (); // Setup list with fade by offset shards RFFade.SetOffsetFadeList (scr); // Destroy child clusters if they were created DestroyClusters (scr); // Restore connectivity cluster RFBackupCluster.RestoreConnectivity (scr.activation.cnt); // Reset sound ResetSound(scr.sound); // Start coroutines scr.StartAllCoroutines(); } // ReSet parents and transform for all shards static void ResetParentAndTm(RayfireRigidRoot scr) { // TODO null checks for (int i = 0; i < scr.cluster.shards.Count; i++) { scr.cluster.shards[i].tm.SetParent (null); scr.cluster.shards[i].tm.SetPositionAndRotation (scr.cluster.shards[i].pos, scr.cluster.shards[i].rot); scr.cluster.shards[i].tm.SetParent (scr.parentList[i], true); scr.cluster.shards[i].tm.localScale = scr.cluster.shards[i].scl; } } // Set object type back in case of clustering->demolition static void ResetSimType(RayfireRigidRoot scr) { // Reset by RigidRoot and Rigid components for (int i = 0; i < scr.cluster.shards.Count; i++) { if (scr.cluster.shards[i].rigid == null) scr.cluster.shards[i].sm = scr.simTp; else { if (scr.cluster.shards[i].rigid.objTp == ObjectType.MeshRoot) scr.cluster.shards[i].sm = scr.cluster.shards[i].rigid.simTp; else if (scr.cluster.shards[i].rigid.objTp == ObjectType.Mesh) scr.cluster.shards[i].rigid.ResetRigid(); } // Reset velocity if (scr.cluster.shards[i].rb != null) { scr.cluster.shards[i].rb.velocity =; scr.cluster.shards[i].rb.angularVelocity =; } } // Reset uny states and sim state for (int i = 0; i < scr.unyList.Length; i++) scr.unyList[i].SetRigidRootUnyShardList(); } // Destroy particles static void DestroyRigidRootParticles (RayfireRigidRoot scr) { if (scr.particleList.Count > 0) { for (int i = scr.particleList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (scr.particleList[i] != null) RayfireMan.DestroyGo (scr.particleList[i].gameObject); scr.particleList.Clear(); } } // Destroy clusters static void DestroyClusters (RayfireRigidRoot scr) { for (int i = 0; i < scr.clusters.Count; i++) if (scr.clusters[i].tm != null) RayfireMan.DestroyGo (scr.clusters[i].tm.gameObject); scr.clusters.Clear(); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Demolition reset /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reinit demolished mesh object public static void ResetMeshDemolition (RayfireRigid scr) { // Edit meshes and fragments only if object was demolished if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.Mesh) { // Reset input shatter if (scr.reset.mesh != MeshResetType.ReuseInputMesh) scr.mshDemol.rfShatter = null; // Reset Meshes if (scr.reset.mesh != MeshResetType.ReuseFragmentMeshes) scr.meshes = null; // Fragments need to be reused if (scr.reset.fragments == FragmentsResetType.Reuse) { // Can be reused. Destroyed if can not if (FragmentReuseState (scr) == true) ReuseFragments (scr); else DestroyFragments (scr); } // Destroy fragments else if (scr.reset.fragments == FragmentsResetType.Destroy) DestroyFragments (scr); // Fragments should be kept in scene. Forget about them else if (scr.reset.fragments == FragmentsResetType.Preserve) PreserveFragments (scr); } // Activate scr.gameObject.SetActive (true); } // Destroy fragments and root // TODO send to pool static void DestroyFragments (RayfireRigid scr) { // Destroy fragments if (scr.HasFragments == true) { // Get amount of fragments int fragmentNum = scr.fragments.Count (t => t != null); // Destroy fragments and root for (int i = scr.fragments.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (scr.fragments[i] != null) { // Destroy particles DestroyRigidParticles (scr.fragments[i]); // Destroy fragment scr.fragments[i].gameObject.SetActive (false); RayfireMan.DestroyGo (scr.fragments[i].gameObject); // Destroy root if (scr.fragments[i].rtP != null) { scr.fragments[i].rtP.gameObject.SetActive (false); RayfireMan.DestroyGo (scr.fragments[i].rtP.gameObject); } } } // Nullify scr.fragments = null; // Subtract amount of deleted fragments RayfireMan.inst.advancedDemolitionProperties.ChangeCurrentAmount (-fragmentNum); // Destroy descendants if (scr.limitations.desc != null && scr.limitations.desc.Count > 0) { // Get amount of descendants int descendantNum = scr.limitations.desc.Count (t => t != null); // Destroy fragments and root for (int i = 0; i < scr.limitations.desc.Count; i++) { if (scr.limitations.desc[i] != null) { // Destroy fragment scr.limitations.desc[i].gameObject.SetActive (false); RayfireMan.DestroyGo (scr.limitations.desc[i].gameObject); // Destroy root if (scr.limitations.desc[i].rtP != null) { scr.limitations.desc[i].rtP.gameObject.SetActive (false); RayfireMan.DestroyGo (scr.limitations.desc[i].rtP.gameObject); } } } // Clear scr.limitations.desc.Clear(); // Subtract amount of deleted fragments RayfireMan.inst.advancedDemolitionProperties.ChangeCurrentAmount (-descendantNum); } } } // Destroy particles // TODO send to pool static void DestroyRigidParticles (RayfireRigid scr) { // Destroy debris if (scr.HasDebris == true) for (int d = 0; d < scr.debrisList.Count; d++) if (scr.debrisList[d].hostTm != null) { scr.debrisList[d].hostTm.gameObject.SetActive (false); RayfireMan.DestroyGo (scr.debrisList[d].hostTm.gameObject); } // Destroy debris if (scr.HasDust == true) for (int d = 0; d < scr.dustList.Count; d++) if (scr.dustList[d].hostTm != null) { scr.dustList[d].hostTm.gameObject.SetActive (false); RayfireMan.DestroyGo (scr.dustList[d].hostTm.gameObject); } } // Fragments need and can be reused static void ReuseFragments (RayfireRigid scr) { // Sub amount RayfireMan.inst.advancedDemolitionProperties.ChangeCurrentAmount (-scr.fragments.Count); // Activate root if (scr.rtC != null) { scr.rtC.gameObject.SetActive (false); scr.rtC.position = scr.tsf.position; scr.rtC.rotation = scr.tsf.rotation; } // Reset fragments tm for (int i = scr.fragments.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Destroy particles DestroyRigidParticles (scr.fragments[i]); scr.fragments[i].tsf.localScale = scr.fragments[i].physics.initScale; scr.fragments[i].tsf.position = scr.tsf.position + scr.pivots[i]; scr.fragments[i].tsf.rotation = Quaternion.identity; // Reset activation TODO check if it was Kinematic if (scr.fragments[i].activation.activated == true) scr.fragments[i].simTp = SimType.Inactive; // Reset fading if (scr.fragments[i].fading.state >= 1) ResetFade(scr.fragments[i]); // Reset rigid props Reset (scr.fragments[i]); } // Clear descendants scr.limitations.desc.Clear(); } // Preserve Fragments static void PreserveFragments (RayfireRigid scr) { scr.fragments = null; scr.rtC = null; scr.limitations.desc.Clear(); } // Reinit demolished mesh object static void ResetClusterDemolition (RayfireRigid scr) { if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.ConnectedCluster || scr.objTp == ObjectType.NestedCluster) { RFBackupCluster.ResetRigidCluster (scr); } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Reuse state /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check fragments reuse state static bool ObjectReuseState (RayfireRigid scr) { // Mesh Root reset if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.MeshRoot) return true; // Excluded from sim if (scr.physics.exclude == true) { Debug.Log ("Demolished " + scr.objTp.ToString() + " reset not supported yet."); return false; } // Not mesh object type if (scr.objTp == ObjectType.Mesh || scr.objTp == ObjectType.ConnectedCluster || scr.objTp == ObjectType.NestedCluster) return true; // Object can be reused return false; } // Check fragments reuse state static bool FragmentReuseState (RayfireRigid scr) { // Do not reuse reference demolition if (scr.dmlTp == DemolitionType.ReferenceDemolition) return false; // Fragments list null or empty if (scr.HasFragments == false) return false; // One of the fragment null if (scr.fragments.Any (t => t == null)) return false; // One of the fragment going to be destroyed TODO make reusable if (scr.fragments.Any (t => t.reset.toBeDestroyed == true)) return false; // One of the fragment demolished TODO make reusable if (scr.fragments.Any (t => t.limitations.demolished == true)) return false; // Fragments can be reused return true; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Other /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Restore transform or initial static void RestoreTransform (RayfireRigid scr) { // Restore tm scr.physics.LoadInitTransform (scr.tsf); scr.physics.velocity =; // Restore rigidbody TODO save initial velocity into vars and reset to them if (scr.physics.rb != null) { scr.physics.rb.velocity =; scr.physics.rb.angularVelocity =; } } // Restore rigid properties static void Reset (RayfireRigid scr) { // Reset caching if it is on; scr.physics.LocalReset(); scr.activation.LocalReset(); if ( != null); scr.limitations.LocalReset(); scr.mshDemol.LocalReset(); scr.clsDemol.LocalReset(); scr.fading.LocalReset(); if (scr.reset.damage == true) scr.damage.LocalReset(); // Set physical simulation type. Important. Should after collider material define RFPhysic.SetSimulationType (scr.physics.rb, scr.simTp, scr.objTp,,,; // Set sleeping state TODO if (scr.simTp == SimType.Sleeping) { scr.physics.velocity =; scr.physics.rb.velocity =; scr.physics.rb.angularVelocity =; scr.physics.rb.Sleep(); } } // Reset sound static void ResetSound (RayfireSound scr) { if (scr != null) { scr.initialization.played = false; scr.activation.played = false; scr.demolition.played = false; } } } }