using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Serialization; namespace RayFire { [Serializable] public class RFRigidRootDemolition { public RFLimitations limitations = new RFLimitations(); [FormerlySerializedAs ("clusterDemolition")] public RFDemolitionCluster clsDemol = new RFDemolitionCluster(); } [SelectionBase] [DisallowMultipleComponent] [AddComponentMenu ("RayFire/Rayfire Rigid Root")] [HelpURL ("")] public class RayfireRigidRoot : MonoBehaviour { public enum InitType { ByMethod = 0, AtStart = 1 } // UI public InitType initialization = InitType.AtStart; [FormerlySerializedAs ("simulationType")] public SimType simTp = SimType.Dynamic; public RFPhysic physics = new RFPhysic(); public RFActivation activation = new RFActivation(); [FormerlySerializedAs ("demolition")] public RFRigidRootDemolition dml = new RFRigidRootDemolition(); public RFFade fading = new RFFade(); public RFReset reset = new RFReset(); // Hidden public bool initialized; public bool cached; public Transform tm; public RFCluster cluster; public List meshRoots; public List connClusters; public List collidersList; public List meshRootShards; public List rigidRootShards; public List connClusterShards; // Non Serialized [NonSerialized] public float sizeSum; [NonSerialized] public RayfireSound sound; [NonSerialized] public List clusters; [NonSerialized] public List inactiveShards; [NonSerialized] public List offsetFadeShards; [NonSerialized] List destroyShards; // TODO remove or use. not in use right now [NonSerialized] List meshRigidShards; [NonSerialized] public Transform[] parentList; [NonSerialized] public List debrisList; [NonSerialized] public List dustList; [NonSerialized] public RayfireUnyielding[] unyList; [NonSerialized] public List particleList; [NonSerialized] public bool corState; [NonSerialized] public HashSet collidersHash; // Events public RFActivationEvent activationEvent = new RFActivationEvent(); // Static static readonly string strRoot = "RayFire RigidRoot: "; /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Common /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Awake void Awake() { if (initialization == InitType.AtStart) { Initialize(); } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Enable/Disable /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Disable void OnDisable() { // Set coroutines states corState = false; activation.inactiveCorState = false; fading.offsetCorState = false; } // Activation void OnEnable() { if (gameObject.activeSelf == true && initialized == true && corState == false) StartAllCoroutines(); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Awake ops /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initialize public void Initialize() { // Deactivated if (gameObject.activeSelf == false) return; // No children if (transform.childCount == 0) { RayfireMan.Log (strRoot + name + " has no children. RigidRoot should be used on object with children.", gameObject); return; } // Not initialized if (initialized == false) { // Init Awake methods AwakeMethods(); // Init sound RFSound.InitializationSound(sound, cluster.bound.size.magnitude); } } // Init connectivity if has void InitConnectivity() { activation.cnt = GetComponent(); if (activation.cnt != null) { activation.cnt.cluster.shards.Clear(); activation.cnt.rigidRootHost = this; // Cached RigidRoot but no Connectivity if (RayfireMan.debugStateStatic == true) if (cached == true && activation.cnt.cluster.cachedHost == false) RayfireMan.Log (strRoot + name + " object has Editor Setup but its connection data is not cached. Reset Setup and use Editor Setup again.", gameObject); // Init connectivity activation.cnt.Initialize(); // Clear shards list in Editor setup to avoid prefab double shard list if (Application.isPlaying == false) activation.cnt.cluster.shards.Clear(); } // Warnings if (RayfireMan.debugStateStatic == true) { if (activation.con == true && activation.cnt == null) RayfireMan.Log (strRoot + name + " object has enabled Connectivity activation but has no Connectivity component.", gameObject); if (activation.con == false && activation.cnt != null) RayfireMan.Log (strRoot + name + " object has Connectivity component but activation by Connectivity is disabled.", gameObject); } } // Reset object public void ResetRigidRoot() { RFReset.RigidRootReset (this); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Setup /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Editor Setup public void EditorSetup() { // Check if manager should be destroyed after setup bool destroyMan = RayfireMan.inst == null; // Create RayFire manager if not created RayfireMan.RayFireManInit(); // Reset ResetSetup(); // Set components SetComponents(); // Set new cluster and set shards components SetShards(); // Set shard colliders SetColliders(); // Set unyielding shards RayfireUnyielding.SetUnyielding(this); // Init connectivity component. InitConnectivity(); // Ignore collision. Editor mode RFPhysic.SetIgnoreColliders(physics, cluster.shards); // Destroy manager if (destroyMan == true) DestroyImmediate (RayfireMan.inst.transform.gameObject); cached = true; } // Editor Reset. EDITOR only public void ResetSetup() { /* TODO // Reset MeshRoot for (int i = 0; i < meshRoots.Count; i++) { meshRoots[i].rigidroot = null; meshRoots[i].debrisList = null; meshRoots[i].dustList = null; } for (int i = 0; i < rigids.Count; i++) { rigids[i].rigidroot = null; rigids[i].debrisList = null; rigids[i].dustList = null; } */ // Reset connectivity shards if (activation.cnt != null) activation.cnt.ResetSetup(); activation.cnt = null; // Destroy editor defined colliders if (collidersList != null && collidersList.Count > 0) { collidersHash = new HashSet(collidersList); collidersList.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < rigidRootShards.Count; i++) if (rigidRootShards[i].col != null) if (collidersHash.Contains (rigidRootShards[i].col) == true) DestroyImmediate (rigidRootShards[i].col); for (int i = 0; i < meshRootShards.Count; i++) if (meshRootShards[i].col != null) if (collidersHash.Contains (meshRootShards[i].col) == true) DestroyImmediate (meshRootShards[i].col); } // Reset cluster = new RFCluster(); inactiveShards = new List(); destroyShards = new List(); meshRoots = new List(); connClusters = new List(); physics.ign = null; sound = null; debrisList = null; dustList = null; unyList = null; destroyShards = null; cached = false; // TODO Reset colliders } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Init methods /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Awake ops void AwakeMethods() { // Create RayFire manager if not created RayfireMan.RayFireManInit(); // Objects null check NullCheck(); // Set components SetComponents(); // Set shards components SetShards(); // Set shard colliders SetColliders(); // Set colliders material SetCollidersMaterial(); // Ignore collision RFPhysic.SetIgnoreColliders (physics, cluster.shards); // Set unyielding shards. Should be before SetPhysics to change simType RayfireUnyielding.SetUnyielding(this); // Set physics properties for shards RFPhysic.SetPhysics (this); // Set particles. After Physics set collider material if (Application.isPlaying == true) RFPoolingParticles.InitializeParticles (this); // Setup list for activation. After set simState because collect Inactive and Kinematic SetInactiveList (); // Setup list with fade by offset shards // TODO add conn cls roots RFFade.SetOffsetFadeList (this); // Init Rigid shards if (Application.isPlaying == true) for (int i = 0; i < meshRigidShards.Count; i++) meshRigidShards[i].rigid.Initialize(); // Start all necessary coroutines StartAllCoroutines(); // Initialize connectivity InitConnectivity(); // Object initialized initialized = true; // TODO Fade destroyShards } // Define basic components void SetComponents() { tm = GetComponent(); unyList = GetComponents(); } // Check MeshRoots bool MeshRootCheck() { if (meshRoots != null && meshRoots.Count > 0) for (int i = 0; i < meshRoots.Count; i++) if (meshRoots[i] == null) return false; return true; } // Set shards components void SetShards() { // Set lists clusters = new List(); // Already cached: set changed properties if (cached == true) { // Custom Shards Lists SetCustomShardsLists(); // Set simulation type SetShardsSimulationType(); // Set parent list for all shards SetParentList(); // Save tm cluster.pos = tm.position; cluster.rot = tm.rotation; cluster.scl = tm.localScale; return; } // Set lists meshRoots = new List(); connClusters = new List(); destroyShards = new List(); // Set new cluster cluster = new RFCluster { childClusters = new List(), pos = tm.position, rot = tm.rotation, scl = tm.localScale }; // Get children Transform[] children = new Transform[tm.childCount]; for (int i = 0; i < tm.childCount; i++) children[i] = tm.GetChild (i); // Convert children to shards for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++) { // Skip inactive children if (children[i].gameObject.activeSelf == false) continue; // Check if already has rigid RayfireRigid rigid = children[i].gameObject.GetComponent(); // Has no own rigid if (rigid == null) { // Has no children. Collect as shard if (children[i].childCount == 0) AddShard (children[i]); // Has children. Collect its children as shards else for (int m = 0; m < children[i].childCount; m++) AddShard (children[i].GetChild (m)); } // Has own rigid else { // Set own rigidroot rigid.rigidRoot = this; rigid.reset.action = reset.action; rigid.initialization = RayfireRigid.InitType.ByMethod; // Mesh if (rigid.objTp == ObjectType.Mesh) AddMeshRigidShard (rigid); // Mesh Root else if (rigid.objTp == ObjectType.MeshRoot) { // Collect meshRoots.Add (rigid); // Bake getter properties RFPhysic.BakeProperties (rigid.physics); // Get mesh root children List meshRootChildren = new List(rigid.transform.childCount); for (int m = 0; m < rigid.transform.childCount; m++) meshRootChildren.Add (rigid.transform.GetChild (m)); // Convert mesh root children to shards for (int m = 0; m < meshRootChildren.Count; m++) { // Check if already has rigid RayfireRigid meshRootRigid = meshRootChildren[m].GetComponent(); // Has own rigid if (meshRootRigid != null) { // Set own rigidroot meshRootRigid.rigidRoot = this; meshRootRigid.reset.action = reset.action; meshRootRigid.initialization = RayfireRigid.InitType.ByMethod; // Mesh if (meshRootRigid.objTp == ObjectType.Mesh) AddMeshRigidShard (meshRootRigid); } // Add MeshRoot children shard. Set MeshRoot as Rigid for shard to use its physics, activation, fade else AddShard (meshRootChildren[m], rigid); } } // Connected cluster else if (rigid.objTp == ObjectType.ConnectedCluster) { // Collect connClusters.Add (rigid); // Bake getter properties RFPhysic.BakeProperties (rigid.physics); // Disable runtime demolition TODO temp. Issues with later id change // rigid.demolitionType = DemolitionType.None; // Init rigid.Initialize(); // Stop coroutines. Rigid Root runs own coroutines // rigid.StopAllCoroutines(); // Set shards cls rigid for (int r = 0; r < rigid.clsDemol.cluster.shards.Count; r++) rigid.clsDemol.cluster.shards[r].rigid = rigid; // Collect to all shards TODO create new shards cluster.shards.AddRange (rigid.clsDemol.cluster.shards); } } } // Set shards id for (int id = 0; id < cluster.shards.Count; id++) cluster.shards[id].id = id; // Custom Shards Lists SetCustomShardsLists(); // Set simulation type. Should be before SetUnyielding because it changes simType. SetShardsSimulationType(); // Set parent list for all shards SetParentList(); // Set bound if has not cluster.bound = RFCluster.GetShardsBound (cluster.shards); } // Set Custom Shards List void SetCustomShardsLists() { rigidRootShards = new List(); meshRigidShards = new List(); meshRootShards = new List(); connClusterShards = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < cluster.shards.Count; i++) if (cluster.shards[i].rigid == null) rigidRootShards.Add (cluster.shards[i]); else { if (cluster.shards[i].rigid.objTp == ObjectType.MeshRoot) meshRootShards.Add (cluster.shards[i]); else if (cluster.shards[i].rigid.objTp == ObjectType.Mesh) meshRigidShards.Add (cluster.shards[i]); else if (cluster.shards[i].rigid.objTp == ObjectType.ConnectedCluster) connClusterShards.Add (cluster.shards[i]); } // Backup original layer in case shard will change layer after activation RFActivation.BackupActivationLayer (this); } // Set physics properties void SetShardsSimulationType() { // Set sim type in case of change for (int i = 0; i < rigidRootShards.Count; i++) rigidRootShards[i].sm = simTp; for (int i = 0; i < meshRootShards.Count; i++) meshRootShards[i].sm = meshRootShards[i].rigid.simTp; for (int i = 0; i < meshRigidShards.Count; i++) meshRigidShards[i].sm = meshRigidShards[i].rigid.simTp; for (int i = 0; i < connClusterShards.Count; i++) connClusterShards[i].sm = connClusterShards[i].rigid.simTp; } // Set parent list for all shards void SetParentList() { parentList = new Transform[cluster.shards.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < cluster.shards.Count; i++) parentList[i] = cluster.shards[i].tm.parent; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add shards /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add shard without rigid component void AddShard(Transform shardTm, RayfireRigid rigid = null) { // Has children if (shardTm.childCount > 0) return; // Create shard RFShard shard = new RFShard (shardTm); // Filter if (ShardFilter(shard, this) == true) { // Set host rigid shard.rigid = rigid; // Collect cluster.shards.Add (shard); } } // Add shard with rigid component void AddMeshRigidShard(RayfireRigid rigid) { // Disable runtime demolition TODO temp rigid.dmlTp = DemolitionType.None; // Init rigid.Initialize(); // Stop coroutines. Rigid Root runs own coroutines rigid.StopAllCoroutines(); // TODO check for exclude and missing components // Collect cluster.shards.Add (new RFShard (rigid)); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Collider ops /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define collider void SetColliders() { // Add colliders if RigidRoot not cached if (cached == false) { collidersList = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < rigidRootShards.Count; i++) RFPhysic.SetRigidRootCollider (this, physics, rigidRootShards[i]); for (int i = 0; i < meshRootShards.Count; i++) RFPhysic.SetRigidRootCollider (this, meshRootShards[i].rigid.physics, meshRootShards[i]); collidersHash = new HashSet(collidersList); } } // Define components void SetCollidersMaterial() { // Bake getter properties RFPhysic.BakeProperties (physics); // Set Collider material for (int i = 0; i < rigidRootShards.Count; i++) RFPhysic.SetColliderMaterial (physics, rigidRootShards[i]); for (int i = 0; i < meshRootShards.Count; i++) RFPhysic.SetColliderMaterial (meshRootShards[i].rigid.physics, meshRootShards[i]); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Activation ops /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Setup inactive shards public void SetInactiveList() { if (inactiveShards == null) inactiveShards = new List(); else inactiveShards.Clear(); for (int s = 0; s < cluster.shards.Count; s++) { if (cluster.shards[s].InactiveOrKinematic == true) { cluster.shards[s].pos = cluster.shards[s].tm.position; cluster.shards[s].rot = cluster.shards[s].tm.rotation; cluster.shards[s].los = cluster.shards[s].tm.localPosition; inactiveShards.Add (cluster.shards[s]); } } } // Start all coroutines public void StartAllCoroutines() { // Stop if static if (simTp == SimType.Static) return; // Inactive if (gameObject.activeSelf == false) return; // Prevent physics cors if (physics.exclude == true) return; // Init inactive every frame update coroutine TODO activation check per shard properties if (inactiveShards.Count > 0) StartCoroutine (activation.InactiveCor(this)); // Offset fade if (offsetFadeShards.Count > 0) { fading.offsetEnum = RFFade.FadeOffsetCor (this); StartCoroutine (fading.offsetEnum); } // All coroutines are running corState = true; } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Children change //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [NonSerialized] bool childrenChanged; // Children change void OnTransformChildrenChanged() { childrenChanged = true; } // Connectivity check cor IEnumerator ChildrenCor() { // Stop if running if (childrenCorState == true) yield break; // Set running state childrenCorState = true; bool checkChildren = true; while (checkChildren == true) { // Get not connected groups if (childrenChanged == true) connectivityCheckNeed = true; yield return null; } // Set state childrenCorState = false; } */ /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Static /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copy rigid root properties to rigid public void CopyPropertiesTo (RayfireRigid toScr) { // Set self as rigidRoot toScr.rigidRoot = this; // Object type toScr.objTp = ObjectType.ConnectedCluster; toScr.dmlTp = DemolitionType.None; toScr.simTp = SimType.Dynamic; // Copy physics toScr.physics.CopyFrom (physics); toScr.activation.CopyFrom (activation); toScr.limitations.CopyFrom (dml.limitations); // toScr.meshDemolition.CopyFrom (demolition.meshDemolition); toScr.clsDemol.CopyFrom (dml.clsDemol); // toScr.materials.CopyFrom (demolition.materials); // toScr.damage.CopyFrom (damage); toScr.fading.CopyFrom (fading); toScr.reset.CopyFrom (reset, toScr.objTp); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Checks /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check if root is nested cluster static bool IsNestedCluster (Transform trans) { for (int c = 0; c < trans.childCount; c++) if (trans.GetChild (c).childCount > 0) return true; return false; } // Objects null checks void NullCheck() { // Cluster Integrity check if (RFCluster.IntegrityCheck (cluster) == false) { RayfireMan.Log (strRoot + name + " has missing shards. Reset Setup and use Editor Setup again.", gameObject); ResetSetup(); } // MeshRoots check if (MeshRootCheck() == false) { RayfireMan.Log (strRoot + name + " has missing Rigid component with MeshRoot object type. Reset Setup and use Editor Setup again.", gameObject); ResetSetup(); } // TODO Connected cluster check } // Shard filter static bool ShardFilter(RFShard shard, RayfireRigidRoot scr) { // No mesh filter if ( == null) { RayfireMan.Log (strRoot + + " has no MeshFilter. Shard won't be simulated.",; scr.destroyShards.Add (shard); return false; } // No mesh if ( == null) { RayfireMan.Log (strRoot + + " has no mesh. Shard won't be simulated.",; scr.destroyShards.Add (shard); return false; } // Low vert check if ( <= 3) { RayfireMan.Log (strRoot + + " has 3 or less vertices. Shard can't get Mesh Collider and won't be simulated.",; scr.destroyShards.Add (shard); return false; } // Size check if (RayfireMan.colliderSizeStatic > 0) { if ( < RayfireMan.colliderSizeStatic) { RayfireMan.Log (strRoot + + " is very small and won't be simulated.",; scr.destroyShards.Add (shard); return false; } } // Optional coplanar check if (scr.physics.pc == true && < RayfireMan.coplanarVertLimit) { if (RFShatterAdvanced.IsCoplanar (, RFShatterAdvanced.planarThreshold) == true) { RayfireMan.Log (strRoot + + " has planar low poly mesh. Shard can't get Mesh Collider and won't be simulated.",; scr.destroyShards.Add (shard); return false; } } return true; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Getters /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public bool HasClusters { get { return clusters != null && clusters.Count > 0; } } public bool HasDebris { get { return debrisList != null && debrisList.Count > 0; } } public bool HasDust { get { return dustList != null && dustList.Count > 0; } } public bool HasUny { get { return unyList != null && unyList.Length > 0; } } public void CollideTest() { /* List tmList = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++) tmList.Add (transform.GetChild (i)); List colliders = new List(); foreach (var tm in tmList) { Collider col = tm.GetComponent(); if (col == null) { col = tm.gameObject.AddComponent(); (col as MeshCollider).convex = true; } colliders.Add (col); } */ // Physics.Simulate (0.01f); // Physics.autoSimulation = true; // Physics.autoSyncTransforms = false; // // // } } }