using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; #if (UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE || UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_XBOXONE) using RayFire.DotNet; #endif namespace RayFire { [AddComponentMenu ("RayFire/Rayfire Shatter")] [HelpURL ("")] public class RayfireShatter : MonoBehaviour { public enum RFEngineType { Max = 0, UnityBeta = 1 } public enum FragLastMode { New = 0, ToLast = 1 } // UI public RFEngineType engine = RFEngineType.Max; public FragType type = FragType.Voronoi; public RFVoronoi voronoi = new RFVoronoi(); public RFSplinters splinters = new RFSplinters(); public RFSplinters slabs = new RFSplinters(); public RFRadial radial = new RFRadial(); public RFHexagon hexagon = new RFHexagon(); public RFCustom custom = new RFCustom(); public RFMirrored mirrored = new RFMirrored(); public RFSlice slice = new RFSlice(); public RFBricks bricks = new RFBricks(); public RFVoxels voxels = new RFVoxels(); public RFTets tets = new RFTets(); public RFSurface material = new RFSurface(); public RFShatterCluster clusters = new RFShatterCluster(); public FragmentMode mode = FragmentMode.Editor; public RFShatterAdvanced advanced = new RFShatterAdvanced(); public RFMeshExport export = new RFMeshExport(); // Center public bool showCenter; public Vector3 centerPosition; public Quaternion centerDirection; // Components public Transform transForm; public MeshFilter meshFilter; public MeshRenderer meshRenderer; public SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMeshRend; public List meshFilters; // Vars [NonSerialized] public Mesh[] meshes; [NonSerialized] public Vector3[] pivots; [NonSerialized] public RFDictionary[] rfOrigSubMeshIds; public List rootChildList = new List(); public List fragmentsAll = new List(); public List fragmentsLast = new List(); public Material[] materials; // Hidden public int shatterMode = 1; public bool colorPreview; public bool scalePreview = true; public float previewScale; public float size; public float rescaleFix = 1f; public Vector3 originalScale; public Bounds bound; public bool resetState; // Interactive public bool interactive; public RFShatter shatterInt; public GameObject intGo; public MeshFilter intMf; public MeshRenderer intMr; // Static static float minSize = 0.01f; public string fragAddStr = "_sh_"; public string shatterStr = "RayFire Shatter: "; /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Common /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reset private void Reset() { InteractiveStop(); ResetCenter(); } // Set default vars before fragment void SetVariables() { size = 0f; rescaleFix = 1f; originalScale = transForm.localScale; rfOrigSubMeshIds = null; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Checks /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Basic proceed check bool MainCheck() { // Check if prefab if (gameObject.scene.rootCount == 0) { Debug.Log (shatterStr + name + " Can't fragment prefab because prefab unable to store Unity mesh. Fragment prefab in scene.", gameObject); return false; } // Single mesh mode if (advanced.combineChildren == false) if (SingleMeshCheck() == false) return false; // Multiple mesh mode if (advanced.combineChildren == true) { // Has no children meshes if (meshFilters.Count == 1) if (SingleMeshCheck() == false) return false; // Remove no meshes if (meshFilters.Count > 0) for (int i = meshFilters.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (meshFilters[i].sharedMesh == null) { Debug.Log (shatterStr + meshFilters[i].name + " MeshFilter has no Mesh, object excluded.", meshFilters[i].gameObject); meshFilters.RemoveAt (i); } // Remove no readable meshes if (meshFilters.Count > 0) for (int i = meshFilters.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (meshFilters[i].sharedMesh.isReadable == false) { Debug.Log (shatterStr + meshFilters[i].name + " Mesh is not Readable, object excluded.", meshFilters[i].gameObject); meshFilters.RemoveAt (i); } // No meshes left if (meshFilters.Count == 0) return false; } return true; } // Single mesh mode checks bool SingleMeshCheck() { // No mesh storage components if (meshFilter == null && skinnedMeshRend == null) { Debug.Log (shatterStr + name + " Object has no mesh to fragment.", gameObject); return false; } // Has mesh filter if (meshFilter != null) { // No shared mesh if (meshFilter.sharedMesh == null) { Debug.Log (shatterStr + name + " Object has no mesh to fragment.", gameObject); return false; } // Not readable mesh if (meshFilter.sharedMesh.isReadable == false) { Debug.Log (shatterStr + name + "Mesh is not readable. Open Import Settings and turn On Read/Write Enabled", gameObject); return false; } } // Has skinned mesh if (skinnedMeshRend != null && skinnedMeshRend.sharedMesh == null) { Debug.Log (shatterStr + name + " Object has no mesh to fragment.", gameObject); return false; } return true; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Methods /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Cache variables bool DefineComponents() { // Mesh storage transForm = GetComponent(); meshFilter = GetComponent(); meshRenderer = GetComponent(); skinnedMeshRend = GetComponent(); // Multymesh fragmentation meshFilters = new List(); if (advanced.combineChildren == true) meshFilters = GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); // Basic proceed check if (MainCheck() == false) return false; // Mesh renderer if (skinnedMeshRend == null) { if (meshRenderer == null) meshRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent(); bound = meshRenderer.bounds; } // Skinned mesh if (skinnedMeshRend != null) bound = skinnedMeshRend.bounds; return true; } // Get bounds public Bounds GetBound() { // Mesh renderer if (meshRenderer == null) { meshRenderer = GetComponent(); if (meshRenderer != null) return meshRenderer.bounds; } else return meshRenderer.bounds; // Skinned mesh if (skinnedMeshRend == null) { skinnedMeshRend = GetComponent(); if (skinnedMeshRend != null) return skinnedMeshRend.bounds; } return new Bounds(); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Methods /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fragment this object by shatter properties List public void Fragment(FragLastMode fragmentMode = FragLastMode.New) { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); // Engine if (engine == RFEngineType.Max) FragmentMax(fragmentMode); if (engine == RFEngineType.UnityBeta) FragmentUnity(); stopWatch.Stop(); Debug.Log("Total Time == " + stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds + " ms)"); } // New Unity fragmentation engine void FragmentUnity() { } // Original 3dsMax engine fragmentation void FragmentMax(FragLastMode fragmentMode) { // Prepare to cache fragments if (PreCache() == false) return; // Cache RFFragment.CacheMeshes (ref meshes, ref pivots, ref rfOrigSubMeshIds, this); // Stop if (meshes == null) return; // Create fragments if (fragmentMode == FragLastMode.ToLast) { if (rootChildList[rootChildList.Count - 1] != null) fragmentsLast = CreateFragments (rootChildList[rootChildList.Count - 1]); else fragmentMode = FragLastMode.New; } // Create new fragments if (fragmentMode == FragLastMode.New) fragmentsLast = CreateFragments(); // Post create fragments operations PostFragments(); } // Prepare and cache fragments public bool PreCache() { // Cache variables if (DefineComponents() == false) return false; // Cache default vars SetVariables(); // Check if object is too small ScaleCheck(); return true; } // Create fragments by mesh and pivots array List CreateFragments(Transform root = null) { // No mesh were cached if (meshes == null) return null; // Clear array for new fragments GameObject[] fragArray = new GameObject[meshes.Length]; // Create root object if (root == null) { GameObject rootGo = new GameObject ( + "_root"); rootGo.transform.position = transForm.position; rootGo.transform.rotation = transForm.rotation; rootGo.tag = gameObject.tag; rootGo.layer = gameObject.layer; root = rootGo.transform; rootChildList.Add (root); } // Create instance for fragments GameObject fragInstance; if (advanced.copyComponents == true) { fragInstance = Instantiate (gameObject); fragInstance.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; fragInstance.transform.localScale =; // Destroy shatter DestroyImmediate (fragInstance.GetComponent()); } else { fragInstance = new GameObject(); fragInstance.AddComponent(); fragInstance.AddComponent(); } // Get original mats. in case of combined meshes it is already defined in CombineShatter() if (advanced.combineChildren == false) materials = skinnedMeshRend != null ? skinnedMeshRend.sharedMaterials : meshRenderer.sharedMaterials; // Vars string baseName = + fragAddStr; // Create fragment objects MeshFilter mf; GameObject go; MeshCollider mc; MeshRenderer rn; for (int i = 0; i < meshes.Length; ++i) { // Rescale mesh if (rescaleFix != 1f) RFFragment.RescaleMesh (meshes[i], rescaleFix); // Instantiate. IMPORTANT do not parent when Instantiate go = Instantiate (fragInstance); go.transform.localScale =; // Set multymaterial rn = go.GetComponent(); RFSurface.SetMaterial (rfOrigSubMeshIds, materials, material, rn, i, meshes.Length); // Set fragment object name and tm = baseName + (i + 1); go.transform.position = root.transform.position + (pivots[i] / rescaleFix); go.transform.parent = root.transform; go.tag = gameObject.tag; go.layer = gameObject.layer; // Set fragment mesh mf = go.GetComponent(); mf.sharedMesh = meshes[i]; =; // Set mesh collider mc = go.GetComponent(); if (mc != null) mc.sharedMesh = meshes[i]; // Add in array fragArray[i] = go; } // Root back to original parent root.transform.parent = transForm.parent; // Reset scale for mesh fragments. IMPORTANT: skinned mesh fragments root should not be rescaled if (skinnedMeshRend == null) root.transform.localScale =; // Destroy instance DestroyImmediate (fragInstance); // Empty lists meshes = null; pivots = null; rfOrigSubMeshIds = null; return fragArray.ToList(); } // Post create fragments operations void PostFragments() { // Limitation fragment RFShatterAdvanced.Limitations (this); // Collect to all fragments fragmentsAll.AddRange (fragmentsLast); // Reset original object back if it was scaled transForm.localScale = originalScale; } // Fragment by limitations public void LimitationFragment(int ind) { RayfireShatter shat = fragmentsLast[ind].AddComponent(); shat.voronoi.amount = 10; shat.Fragment(); if (shat.fragmentsLast.Count > 0) { fragmentsLast.AddRange (shat.fragmentsLast); DestroyImmediate (shat.gameObject); fragmentsLast.RemoveAt (ind); // Parent and destroy root foreach (var frag in shat.fragmentsLast) frag.transform.parent = rootChildList[rootChildList.Count - 1]; DestroyImmediate (shat.rootChildList[rootChildList.Count - 1].gameObject); } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Deleting /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Delete fragments from last Fragment method public void DeleteFragmentsLast(int destroyMode = 0) { // Destroy last fragments if (destroyMode == 1) for (int i = fragmentsLast.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (fragmentsLast[i] != null) DestroyImmediate (fragmentsLast[i]); // Clean fragments list pre fragmentsLast.Clear(); for (int i = fragmentsAll.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (fragmentsAll[i] == null) fragmentsAll.RemoveAt (i); // Check for all roots for (int i = rootChildList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (rootChildList[i] == null) rootChildList.RemoveAt (i); // No roots if (rootChildList.Count == 0) return; // Destroy with root if (destroyMode == 0) { // Destroy root with fragments DestroyImmediate (rootChildList[rootChildList.Count - 1].gameObject); // Remove from list rootChildList.RemoveAt (rootChildList.Count - 1); } // Clean all fragments list post for (int i = fragmentsAll.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (fragmentsAll[i] == null) fragmentsAll.RemoveAt (i); } // Delete all fragments and roots public void DeleteFragmentsAll() { // Clear lists fragmentsLast.Clear(); fragmentsAll.Clear(); // Check for all roots for (int i = rootChildList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (rootChildList[i] != null) DestroyImmediate (rootChildList[i].gameObject); rootChildList.Clear(); } // Reset center helper public void ResetCenter() { centerPosition =; centerDirection = Quaternion.identity; Renderer rend = GetComponent(); if (rend != null) centerPosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint (; } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Scale /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check if object is too small void ScaleCheck() { // Geе size from renderers if (meshRenderer != null) size = meshRenderer.bounds.size.magnitude; if (skinnedMeshRend != null) size = skinnedMeshRend.bounds.size.magnitude; // Get rescaleFix if too small if (size != 0f && size < minSize) { // Get rescaleFix factor rescaleFix = 1f / size; // Scale small object up to shatter Vector3 newScale = transForm.localScale * rescaleFix; transForm.localScale = newScale; // Warning Debug.Log ("Warning. Object " + name + " is too small."); } } // Reset original object and fragments scale public void ResetScale(float scaleValue) { // Reset scale if (resetState == true && scaleValue == 0f) { if (skinnedMeshRend != null) skinnedMeshRend.enabled = true; if (meshRenderer != null) meshRenderer.enabled = true; if (fragmentsLast.Count > 0) foreach (GameObject fragment in fragmentsLast) if (fragment != null) fragment.transform.localScale =; resetState = false; } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copy shatter component public static void CopyRootMeshShatter(RayfireRigid source, List targets) { // No shatter if (source.mshDemol.sht == null) return; // Copy shatter for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; i++) { targets[i].mshDemol.sht = targets[i].gameObject.AddComponent(); targets[i].mshDemol.sht.CopyFrom (source.mshDemol.sht); } } // Copy from void CopyFrom(RayfireShatter shatter) { type = shatter.type; voronoi = new RFVoronoi (shatter.voronoi); splinters = new RFSplinters (shatter.splinters); slabs = new RFSplinters (shatter.slabs); radial = new RFRadial (shatter.radial); custom = new RFCustom (shatter.custom); slice = new RFSlice (shatter.slice); tets = new RFTets (shatter.tets); mode = shatter.mode; material.CopyFrom (shatter.material); clusters = new RFShatterCluster (shatter.clusters); advanced = new RFShatterAdvanced (shatter.advanced); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Interactive /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create Interactive object public void InteractiveCreate() { if (intGo == null) { intGo = new GameObject (name + "_Interactive"); intMf = intGo.AddComponent(); } if (intMf == null) { intMf = intGo.GetComponent(); if (intMf == null) intMf = intGo.AddComponent(); } // Copy tm intGo.transform.position = transForm.position; intGo.tag = gameObject.tag; intGo.layer = gameObject.layer; if (meshRenderer != null) { if (intMr == null) { intMr = intGo.AddComponent(); intMr.sharedMaterials = meshRenderer.sharedMaterials; } } else if (skinnedMeshRend != null) { // TODO skinned mesh renderer support } } // Fragment all meshes into own mesh public void InteractiveStart() { RFFragment.InteractiveStart (this); } // Property changed public void InteractiveChange() { RFFragment.InteractiveChange (this); } // Create interactively cached fragments public void InteractiveFragment() { // Create new fragments fragmentsLast = CreateFragments(); // Post create fragments operations PostFragments(); // Reset original mesh InteractiveStop(); } // Revert original mesh public void InteractiveStop() { // Enable own Renderer OriginalRenderer(true); // Destroy interactive object if (intGo != null) DestroyImmediate (intGo); // Reset intGo = null; intMf = null; intMr = null; shatterInt = null; interactive = false; } // Set original renderer state public void OriginalRenderer(bool state) { if (meshRenderer != null) meshRenderer.enabled = state; if (skinnedMeshRend != null) skinnedMeshRend.enabled = state; } public void InteractiveReset() { if (interactive == true) { InteractiveStop(); } } // Final preview scale public float PreviewScale() { if (scalePreview == false) return 1f; return Mathf.Lerp (1f, 0.3f, previewScale); } } }