using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Random = UnityEngine.Random; namespace RayFire { [AddComponentMenu ("RayFire/Rayfire Vortex")] [HelpURL ("")] public class RayfireVortex : MonoBehaviour { [HideInInspector] public Transform transForm; [HideInInspector] public Collider[] colliders; [HideInInspector] public List rigidbodies = new List(); Vector3 bot, top; Vector3 normal; Vector3 direction; Vector3 rbPos; Vector3 linePoint; Vector3 vectorUp; Vector3 centerOutVector; Vector3 vectorCenter; Vector3 perpend; Vector3 vectorSwirl; Vector3 forceVector; float distancePerpend; float distanceBottom; float upRateNow; float localRadius; float upRateOwn; float centerRateOwn; float centerRateNow; float upRateDif; float centerRateDif; float maxRadius; float axisDistance; Plane bottomPlane; float torqueVal; public bool topHandle = false; public Vector3 topAnchor = new Vector3 (3, 30, 2); public Vector3 bottomAnchor = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0); public bool showGizmo = true; public float topRadius = 15f; public float bottomRadius = 3f; public float eye = 0.1f; public float stiffness = 1f; public float swirlStrength = 10f; public bool forceByMass = true; public bool enableTorque = true; public float torqueStrength = 0.5f; public float torqueVariation = 0.5f; public bool enableHeightBias = true; public float biasSpeed = 0.025f; public float biasSpread = 1; public int seed = 0; public int circles = 3; public int mask = -1; public string tagFilter = "Untagged"; /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Common /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Awake void Awake() { // Cache variables DefineComponents(); } // Cache variables void DefineComponents() { // Cache transform transForm = GetComponent(); // Set base length colliders = new Collider[10]; } // Main vortex force coroutine IEnumerator VortexForceCor() { yield return new WaitForSeconds (Random.Range (0f, 0.95f)); while (enabled == true) { // Set force to rigid bodies SetForce(); yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.066f); } } // Set colliders coroutine IEnumerator SetCollidersCor() { // Set collider gizmo info SetColliderGizmo(); yield return new WaitForSeconds (Random.Range (0f, 0.95f)); while (enabled == true) { // Get all colliders inside gizmo SetColliders(); // Set rigid bodies by colliders SetRigidBodies(); yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.3f); } } // Enabling private void OnEnable() { // Set colliders coroutine StartCoroutine (SetCollidersCor()); // Main wind force coroutine StartCoroutine (VortexForceCor()); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Setups /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set colliders by range type void SetColliders() { // Get overlaps int colAmount = Physics.OverlapCapsuleNonAlloc (bot, top, maxRadius, colliders, mask); // Increase array if not enough if (colAmount == colliders.Length) { colliders = new Collider[colAmount + 30]; Physics.OverlapCapsuleNonAlloc (bot, top, maxRadius, colliders, mask); } // Decrease array if too much if (colliders.Length > colAmount + 50) { //colliders = new Collider[colAmount - 30]; Physics.OverlapCapsuleNonAlloc (bot, top, maxRadius, colliders, mask); } // Get overlapped colliders // colliders = Physics.OverlapCapsule(bot, top, maxRadius, mask); // Occlude //if (occluders.Length > 0) //{ // occluded = Physics.OverlapBox(occluders[0], occluders[0].bounds.extents, occluders[0].transform.rotation); // if (occluded.Length > 0) // { // Debug.Log(occluded.Length); // for (int i = occluded.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) // { // } // } //} } // Set collider gizmo info void SetColliderGizmo() { bot = transForm.TransformPoint (bottomAnchor); top = transForm.TransformPoint (topAnchor); direction = top - bot; normal = transform.up; axisDistance = topAnchor.y - bottomAnchor.y; maxRadius = topRadius; if (bottomRadius > topRadius) maxRadius = bottomRadius; bottomPlane = new Plane (transform.up, bot); } // Set rigid bodies by colliders void SetRigidBodies() { rigidbodies.Clear(); // Collect all rigid bodies in range foreach (Collider col in colliders) { // Missing collider if (col == null) continue; // Tag filter if (tagFilter != "Untagged" && !col.CompareTag (tagFilter)) continue; // Get attached rigid body Rigidbody rb = col.attachedRigidbody; // Create projectile if rigid body new. Could be several colliders on one object. if (rb != null && rb.isKinematic == false && rigidbodies.Contains (rb) == false) rigidbodies.Add (rb); } } // Apply explosion force, vector and rotation to projectiles void SetForce() { // Set collider gizmo info SetColliderGizmo(); // Set forceMode by mass state ForceMode forceMode = ForceMode.Impulse; if (forceByMass == false) forceMode = ForceMode.VelocityChange; // Get str for each object by expl type with variation foreach (Rigidbody rb in rigidbodies) { // Null check if (rb == null) continue; // Instance id for same random values int instanceId = rb.GetInstanceID(); // Set same random state Random.InitState (instanceId + seed); // Get position rbPos = rb.transform.position; // Closest point on axis linePoint = GetClosetLinePoint (rbPos); // TODO get on same plane // Get distance perpendicular to axis distancePerpend = Vector3.Distance (linePoint, rbPos); // Get distance to bottom plane distanceBottom = bottomPlane.GetDistanceToPoint (linePoint); // Current height rate for up bias upRateNow = distanceBottom / axisDistance; // Below vortex if (bottomPlane.GetSide (linePoint) == false) upRateNow = -upRateNow; // Get local radius localRadius = Mathf.Lerp (bottomRadius, topRadius, upRateNow); // Object not in range if (localRadius < distancePerpend) continue; // Get random height and depth rates upRateOwn = Random.Range (0.03f, 0.97f); centerRateOwn = Random.Range (eye, 0.90f); // Height bias for upRateOwn if (enableHeightBias == true) upRateOwn = HeightBias (upRateOwn, centerRateOwn); // Get current depth rate for center bias centerRateNow = distancePerpend / localRadius; // Get rate differences to correct current position upRateDif = (upRateOwn - upRateNow) * stiffness; centerRateDif = (centerRateOwn - centerRateNow) * stiffness; // Up vector vectorUp = upRateDif * (stiffness + 2f) * normal; // upStr; // Normalized vector from axis to rigid object centerOutVector = (rbPos - linePoint).normalized; // Vector to center vectorCenter = Mathf.Abs (swirlStrength) * centerRateDif * centerOutVector; // Swirl vector parallel to plane perpend = Vector3.Cross (normal, centerOutVector); vectorSwirl = swirlStrength * perpend.normalized; // Get final force vector forceVector = vectorUp + vectorCenter + vectorSwirl; // Apply force rb.velocity =; rb.AddForce (forceVector, forceMode); // Set rotation impulse TODO add variation if (enableTorque == true) { torqueVal = (torqueStrength + Random.Range (-torqueVariation, torqueVariation)) * 10f; rb.AddTorque (torqueVal * swirlStrength * Random.Range (0.0f, 1f) * transForm.up, forceMode); } } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Other /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get Closest Point On Vortex Axis Vector3 GetClosetLinePoint(Vector3 worldPos) { Vector3 vectorToPos = worldPos - bot; Vector3 projection = Vector3.Project (vectorToPos, direction); return projection + bot; } // Get Point On Vortex Axis with same Y as worldPos Vector3 GetParallelLinePoint(Vector3 worldPos) { // Plane with direction of Y axis and position of worldPos // Plane bottomPlane = new Plane(transform.up, worldPos); // Mathf.PingPong(); Vector3 vectorToPos = worldPos - bot; Vector3 projection = Vector3.Project (vectorToPos, direction); return projection + bot; } // public static bool LinePlaneIntersection(out Vector3 intersection, Vector3 linePoint, Vector3 lineVec, Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 planePoint) { intersection =; //calculate the distance between the linePoint and the line-plane intersection point float dotNumerator = Vector3.Dot (planePoint - linePoint, planeNormal); float dotDenominator = Vector3.Dot (lineVec, planeNormal); //line and plane are not parallel if (dotDenominator != 0.0f) { float length = dotNumerator / dotDenominator; //create a vector from the linePoint to the intersection point Vector3 vector = SetVectorLength (lineVec, length); //get the coordinates of the line-plane intersection point intersection = linePoint + vector; return true; } //output not valid return false; } // Create a vector of direction "vector" with length "size" static Vector3 SetVectorLength(Vector3 vector, float size) { // normalize the vector Vector3 vectorNormalized = Vector3.Normalize (vector); // scale the vector return vectorNormalized *= size; } // Get height by height bias float HeightBias(float upRateOwnLoc, float centerRateOwnLoc) { if (biasSpread > 0) { // Get Perlin noise bias float perlinVal = Mathf.PerlinNoise (Time.time * biasSpeed * centerRateOwnLoc, upRateOwnLoc) * biasSpread; // Get poitive/negative offset int biasMult = 1; if (Random.value >= 0.5) biasMult = -1; // Get local bias float biasLocal = perlinVal * biasMult; // Adjust up rate upRateOwnLoc += biasLocal; // Fix upRate if (upRateOwnLoc > 1.0f) { if (upRateOwnLoc > 2.0f) upRateOwnLoc -= 2f; else upRateOwnLoc = 1f - (upRateOwnLoc - 1.0f); } else if (upRateOwnLoc < 0.0f) { if (upRateOwnLoc < -1.0f) upRateOwnLoc += 2f; else upRateOwnLoc = -upRateOwnLoc; } } return upRateOwnLoc; } } }