using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using RayFire; namespace RayFireEditor { [CanEditMultipleObjects] [CustomEditor (typeof(RayfireVortex))] public class RayfireVortexEditor : Editor { RayfireVortex vortex; // Minimum & Maximum ranges const float gizmo_top_min = 0.1f; const float gizmo_top_max = 50f; const float gizmo_bot_min = 0f; const float gizmo_bot_max = 50f; const float eye_min = 0.05f; const float eye_max = 0.9f; const float stiff_min = 1f; const float stiff_max = 10f; const float swirl_min = -40f; const float swirl_max = 40f; const float torque_str_min = -1f; const float torque_str_max = 1f; const float torque_var_min = 0f; const float torque_var_max = 10f; const float speed_min = 0f; const float speed_max = 1f; const float spread_min = 0f; const float spread_max = 1f; const int seed_min = 0; const int seed_max = 100; const int circles_min = 2; const int circles_max = 10; // Serialized properties SerializedProperty sp_anc_show; SerializedProperty sp_anc_top; SerializedProperty sp_anc_bot; SerializedProperty sp_giz_show; SerializedProperty sp_giz_top; SerializedProperty sp_giz_bot; SerializedProperty sp_eye; SerializedProperty sp_stiff; SerializedProperty sp_swirl; SerializedProperty sp_strFrc; SerializedProperty sp_tor_en; SerializedProperty sp_tor_str; SerializedProperty sp_tor_var; SerializedProperty sp_hei_en; SerializedProperty sp_speed; SerializedProperty sp_spread; SerializedProperty sp_seed; SerializedProperty sp_circles; SerializedProperty sp_tag; SerializedProperty sp_mask; private void OnEnable() { // Get component vortex = (RayfireVortex)target; // Set tag list GUICommon.SetTags(); // Collect layers GUICommon.SetLayers(); // Find properties sp_anc_show = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.topHandle)); sp_anc_top = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.topAnchor)); sp_anc_bot = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.bottomAnchor)); sp_giz_show = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.showGizmo)); sp_giz_top = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.topRadius)); sp_giz_bot = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.bottomRadius)); sp_eye = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.eye)); sp_stiff = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.stiffness)); sp_swirl = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.swirlStrength)); sp_strFrc = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.forceByMass)); sp_tor_en = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.enableTorque)); sp_tor_str = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.torqueStrength)); sp_tor_var = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.torqueVariation)); sp_hei_en = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.enableHeightBias)); sp_speed = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.biasSpeed)); sp_spread = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.biasSpread)); sp_seed = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.seed)); sp_circles = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.circles)); sp_tag = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.tagFilter)); sp_mask = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(vortex.mask)); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Inspector /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override void OnInspectorGUI() { // Update changed properties serializedObject.Update(); GUI_Anchor(); GUI_Gizmo(); GUI_Eye(); GUI_Strength(); GUI_Torque(); GUI_Height(); GUI_Seed(); GUI_Preview(); GUI_Filters(); // Apply changes serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Anchor /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GUI_Anchor() { GUICommon.CaptionBox (TextVrt.gui_cap_anc); GUICommon.PropertyField (sp_anc_show, TextVrt.gui_anc_show); GUICommon.PropertyField (sp_anc_top, TextVrt.gui_anc_top); GUICommon.PropertyField (sp_anc_bot, TextVrt.gui_anc_bot); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Gizmo /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GUI_Gizmo() { GUICommon.CaptionBox (TextVrt.gui_cap_giz); GUICommon.PropertyField (sp_giz_show, TextVrt.gui_giz_show); GUICommon.Slider (sp_giz_top, gizmo_top_min, gizmo_top_max, TextVrt.gui_giz_top); GUICommon.Slider (sp_giz_bot, gizmo_bot_min, gizmo_bot_max, TextVrt.gui_giz_bot); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Eye /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GUI_Eye() { GUICommon.CaptionBox (TextVrt.gui_cap_eye); GUICommon.Slider (sp_eye, eye_min, eye_max, TextVrt.gui_eye); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Strength /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GUI_Strength() { GUICommon.CaptionBox (TextVrt.gui_cap_str); GUICommon.Slider (sp_stiff, stiff_min, stiff_max, TextVrt.gui_stiff); GUICommon.Slider (sp_swirl, swirl_min, swirl_max, TextVrt.gui_swirl); GUICommon.PropertyField (sp_strFrc, TextVrt.gui_strFrc); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Torque /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GUI_Torque() { GUICommon.CaptionBox (TextVrt.gui_cap_tor); GUICommon.PropertyField (sp_tor_en, TextVrt.gui_tor_en); if (vortex.enableTorque == true) { GUICommon.Slider (sp_tor_str, torque_str_min, torque_str_max, TextVrt.gui_tor_str); GUICommon.Slider (sp_tor_var, torque_var_min, torque_var_max, TextVrt.gui_tor_var); } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Height /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GUI_Height() { GUICommon.CaptionBox (TextVrt.gui_cap_hei); GUICommon.PropertyField (sp_hei_en, TextVrt.gui_hei_en); if (vortex.enableHeightBias == true) { GUICommon.Slider (sp_speed, speed_min, speed_max, TextVrt.gui_speed); GUICommon.Slider (sp_spread, spread_min, spread_max, TextVrt.gui_spread); } } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Seed /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GUI_Seed() { GUICommon.CaptionBox (TextVrt.gui_cap_seed); GUICommon.IntSlider (sp_seed, seed_min, seed_max, TextVrt.gui_seed); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Preview /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GUI_Preview() { GUICommon.CaptionBox (TextVrt.gui_cap_prev); GUICommon.IntSlider (sp_circles, circles_min, circles_max, TextVrt.gui_circles); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Filters /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GUI_Filters() { GUICommon.CaptionBox (TextVrt.gui_cap_flt); GUICommon.TagField (sp_tag, TextWnd.gui_tag); GUICommon.MaskField (sp_mask, TextVrt.gui_lay); } /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [DrawGizmo (GizmoType.Selected | GizmoType.NonSelected)] void OnSceneGUI() { if (vortex.showGizmo == true) { Transform transForm = vortex.transform; // Start check for changes and record undo EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); // Top Bottom circles Handles.DrawWireDisc (transForm.TransformPoint (vortex.topAnchor), transForm.up, vortex.topRadius); Handles.DrawWireDisc (transForm.TransformPoint (vortex.bottomAnchor), transForm.up, vortex.bottomRadius); // Top Bottom radius handles vortex.topRadius = Handles.RadiusHandle (transForm.rotation, transForm.TransformPoint (vortex.topAnchor), vortex.topRadius, true); vortex.bottomRadius = Handles.RadiusHandle (transForm.rotation, transForm.TransformPoint (vortex.bottomAnchor), vortex.bottomRadius, true); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() == true) { Undo.RecordObject (vortex, "Change Gizmo"); } // Top point handle if (vortex.topHandle == true) { vortex.topAnchor = transForm.InverseTransformPoint (Handles.PositionHandle (transForm.TransformPoint (vortex.topAnchor), transForm.rotation)); if (vortex.topAnchor.x > 20) vortex.topAnchor.x = 20; else if (vortex.topAnchor.z > 20) vortex.topAnchor.z = 20; if (vortex.topAnchor.x < -20) vortex.topAnchor.x = -20; else if (vortex.topAnchor.z < -20) vortex.topAnchor.z = -20; } } } [DrawGizmo (GizmoType.Selected | GizmoType.NonSelected | GizmoType.Pickable)] static void DrawGizmosSelected (RayfireVortex vortex, GizmoType gizmoType) { if (vortex.showGizmo) { // Vars Vector3 previousPoint =; Vector3 nextPoint =; // Gizmo properties Gizmos.color = GUICommon.color_blue; Gizmos.matrix = vortex.transform.localToWorldMatrix; // Gizmo center line Gizmos.DrawLine (vortex.topAnchor, vortex.bottomAnchor); // Draw main circles DrawCircle (vortex.topAnchor, vortex.topRadius, previousPoint, nextPoint); DrawCircle (vortex.bottomAnchor, vortex.bottomRadius, previousPoint, nextPoint); // Draw main eyes circles DrawCircle (vortex.topAnchor, vortex.topRadius * vortex.eye, previousPoint, nextPoint); DrawCircle (vortex.bottomAnchor, vortex.bottomRadius * vortex.eye, previousPoint, nextPoint); // Draw additional circles //if (vortex.circles > 2) //{ // float step = 1f / (vortex.circles - 1); // for (int i = 1; i < vortex.circles - 1; i++) // { // Vector3 midPoint = Vector3.Lerp(vortex.bottomAnchor, vortex.topAnchor, step *i); // float rad = Mathf.Lerp(vortex.bottomRadius, vortex.topRadius, step * i); // DrawCircle(midPoint, rad); // DrawCircle(midPoint, (vortex.topRadius + vortex.bottomRadius) / 2f * vortex.eye); // } //} // Selectable sphere float sphereSize = (vortex.topRadius + vortex.bottomRadius) * 0.03f; if (sphereSize < 0.1f) sphereSize = 0.1f; Gizmos.color = GUICommon.color_orange; Gizmos.DrawSphere (new Vector3 (vortex.bottomRadius, 0f, 0f), sphereSize); Gizmos.DrawSphere (new Vector3 (-vortex.bottomRadius, 0f, 0f), sphereSize); Gizmos.DrawSphere (new Vector3 (0f, 0f, vortex.bottomRadius), sphereSize); Gizmos.DrawSphere (new Vector3 (0f, 0f, -vortex.bottomRadius), sphereSize); Gizmos.DrawSphere (new Vector3 (vortex.topRadius, 0f, 0f) + vortex.topAnchor, sphereSize); Gizmos.DrawSphere (new Vector3 (-vortex.topRadius, 0f, 0f) + vortex.topAnchor, sphereSize); Gizmos.DrawSphere (new Vector3 (0f, 0f, vortex.topRadius) + vortex.topAnchor, sphereSize); Gizmos.DrawSphere (new Vector3 (0f, 0f, -vortex.topRadius) + vortex.topAnchor, sphereSize); //// Draw circle gizmo //void DrawHelix() //{ // float detalization = 200f; // // Starting position from bottom to top on vortex axis // Vector3 bottomStartPos = vortex.bottomAnchor; // Vector3 vectorToTop = vortex.topAnchor - vortex.bottomAnchor; // Vector3 vectorToTopStep = vectorToTop / detalization; // float swirlNow = 0f; // float swirlRate = 0.1f; // float heightRateNow = 0f; // previousPoint = bottomStartPos; // nextPoint =; // float heightRateStep = 1f / detalization; // while (heightRateNow < 1f) // { // // Next swirl rate // swirlNow += swirlRate; // // Increase current rate for lerp // heightRateNow += heightRateStep; // // Get average radius by height // float radius = Mathf.Lerp(vortex.bottomRadius, vortex.topRadius, heightRateNow); // // Get next point on vortex axis // bottomStartPos += vectorToTopStep; // // Get local helix point // Vector3 point =; // point.x = Mathf.Cos(swirlNow) * radius; // point.z = Mathf.Sin(swirlNow) * radius; // // Get final vortex point // point += bottomStartPos; // // Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(point, 0.1f); // Gizmos.DrawLine(point, previousPoint); // // Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(point, 0.1f); // previousPoint = point; // } //} } } static void DrawCircle (Vector3 point, float radius, Vector3 previousPoint, Vector3 nextPoint) { // Draw top eye const int size = 45; float rate = 0f; float scale = 1f / size; nextPoint.y = point.y; previousPoint.y = point.y; previousPoint.x = radius * Mathf.Cos (rate) + point.x; previousPoint.z = radius * Mathf.Sin (rate) + point.z; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { rate += 2.0f * Mathf.PI * scale; nextPoint.x = radius * Mathf.Cos (rate) + point.x; nextPoint.z = radius * Mathf.Sin (rate) + point.z; Gizmos.DrawLine (previousPoint, nextPoint); previousPoint = nextPoint; } } } }