
1477 lines
125 KiB

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RayFireEditor
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire GUI class for most used GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class GUICommon
static string[] tags;
static string[] layerNames = new string[32];
static readonly int space = 3;
public const string str_add = "Add";
public const string str_remove = "Remove";
public const string str_clear = "Clear";
public const string str_start = "Start";
public const string str_stop = "Stop";
public const string str_reset = "Reset";
// Colors
public static readonly Color color_blue = new Color (0.58f, 0.77f, 1f);
public static readonly Color color_orange = new Color (1.0f, 0.60f, 0f);
// Space between properties
public static void Space()
GUILayout.Space (space);
// Properties caption
public static void Caption(GUIContent caption)
GUILayout.Space (space);
GUILayout.Space (space);
GUILayout.Label (caption, EditorStyles.boldLabel);
GUILayout.Space (space);
// Properties caption
public static void CaptionBox(GUIContent caption)
GUILayout.Space (space);
GUILayout.Space (space);
GUILayout.Label (caption, EditorStyles.boldLabel);
GUILayout.Space (space);
public static void BeginWindow()
public static void EndWindow()
public static void PropertyField(SerializedProperty sp, GUIContent content)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (sp, content);
public static void Slider(SerializedProperty sp, float min, float max, GUIContent content)
EditorGUILayout.Slider (sp, min, max, content);
public static void IntSlider(SerializedProperty sp, int min, int max, GUIContent content)
EditorGUILayout.IntSlider (sp, min, max, content);
public static void Foldout(ref bool val, string pref, string caption)
val = EditorGUILayout.Foldout (val, caption, true);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() == true)
EditorPrefs.SetBool (pref, val);
public static void Foldout(ref bool val, string caption)
val = EditorGUILayout.Foldout (val, caption, true);
public static void HelpBox(string str, MessageType type, bool wide)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox (str, type, wide);
public static void MaskField(SerializedProperty sp, GUIContent content)
int mask = EditorGUILayout.MaskField (content, sp.intValue, layerNames);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
sp.intValue = mask;
public static void LayerField(SerializedProperty sp, GUIContent content)
int layer = EditorGUILayout.LayerField (content, sp.intValue);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
sp.intValue = layer;
public static void SetTags()
tags = InternalEditorUtility.tags;
public static void SetLayers()
for (int i = 0; i <= 31; i++)
layerNames[i] = (i + ": " + LayerMask.LayerToName (i));
public static void TagField(SerializedProperty sp, GUIContent content)
int tagIndex = System.Array.IndexOf(tags, sp.stringValue);
if (tagIndex == -1)
sp.stringValue = "Untagged";
tagIndex = 0;
int newIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup(content, tagIndex, tags);
if (newIndex != tagIndex)
sp.stringValue = tags[newIndex];
public static void Toggle (SerializedProperty sp, GUIContent content, int height = 22)
bool newState = GUILayout.Toggle (sp.boolValue, content, "Button", GUILayout.Height (height));
sp.boolValue = newState;
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire plugin EditorPrefs keys for Foldout GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextKeys
// Bomb
public const string bmb_fld_det = "rf_bd"; public const string bmb_fld_obs = "rf_bo";
public const string bmb_fld_aud = "rf_bu"; public const string bmb_fld_fil = "rf_bf";
// Connectivity
public const string con_fld_clp = "rf_cc"; public const string con_fld_flt = "rf_cf";
public const string con_fld_str = "rf_cs"; public const string con_fld_jnt = "rf_cj";
// Debris
public const string deb_fld_emt = "rf_de"; public const string deb_fld_dyn = "rf_dd";
public const string deb_fld_nse = "rf_dn"; public const string deb_fld_col = "rf_dc";
public const string deb_fld_lim = "rf_dl"; public const string deb_fld_rnd = "rf_dr";
public const string deb_fld_pol = "rf_dp";
// Dust
public const string dst_fld_mat = "rf_um"; public const string dst_fld_emt = "rf_ue";
public const string dst_fld_dyn = "rf_ud"; public const string dst_fld_nse = "rf_un";
public const string dst_fld_col = "rf_uc"; public const string dst_fld_lim = "rf_ul";
public const string dst_fld_rnd = "rf_ur"; public const string dst_fld_pol = "rf_up";
// Man
public const string man_fld_adv = "rf_ma";
// Rigid
public const string rig_fld_phy = "rf_rp"; public const string rig_fld_act = "rf_ra";
public const string rig_fld_lim = "rf_rl"; public const string rig_fld_msh = "rf_rm";
public const string rig_fld_cls = "rf_rc"; public const string rig_fld_clp = "rf_rs";
public const string rig_fld_ref = "rf_rr"; public const string rig_fld_mat = "rf_rt";
public const string rig_fld_dmg = "rf_rd"; public const string rig_fld_fad = "rf_rf";
public const string rig_fld_res = "rf_re";
// RigidRoot
public const string rot_fld_phy = "rf_tp"; public const string rot_fld_act = "rf_ta";
public const string rot_fld_lim = "rf_tl"; public const string rot_fld_cls = "rf_tc";
public const string rot_fld_clp = "rf_ts"; public const string rot_fld_fad = "rf_tf";
public const string rot_fld_res = "rf_te";
// Unyielding
public const string uny_fld_ali = "rf_ua";
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Activator text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextAct
// Help
public const string hlp_select = "Rayfire Activator works only for Rigid or RigidRoot components, enable at least one.";
// String
public const string str_rad = "Change Radius";
public const string str_box = "Change Bounds";
// Tooltips
const string tlp_positionAnimation =
"By Global Position List: Use Position list of Vector3 points.Object will be animated from one point to another starting from the first point in global world coordinates.\n" +
" By Static Line: Use predefined Line. Path will be cached at start. \n" +
" By Dynamic Line: Use predefined Line. Path will be calculated at every frame by Line. \n" +
" By Local Position List: Use Position list of Vector3 points. Object will be animated from one point to another starting from the first point in local coordinates.";
const string tlp_type = " On Enter: Object will be activated when Activator trigger collider will enter object's collider.\n" +
" On Exit: Object will be activated when Activator trigger collider will exit object's collider.";
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_components = new GUIContent (" Components", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_checkRigid = new GUIContent ("Rigid", "Activate objects with Rigid component with Inactive or Kinematic simulation type.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_checkRigidRoot = new GUIContent ("RigidRoot", "Activate RigidRoot component objects with Inactive or Kinematic simulation type.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_gizmo = new GUIContent (" Gizmo", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_gizmoType = new GUIContent ("Type:", "Gizmo which will be used to create collider to activate objects.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_sphereRadius = new GUIContent ("Radius", "Defines size of Sphere gizmo.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_boxSize = new GUIContent ("Size", "Defines size of Box gizmo.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_showGizmo = new GUIContent ("Show", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_act = new GUIContent (" Activation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_type = new GUIContent ("Type:", tlp_type);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_delay = new GUIContent ("Delay", "Activation Delay in seconds.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_demolishCluster = new GUIContent ("Demolish Cluster", "Allows to demolish Connected Cluster and detach it's children into separate objects.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_frc = new GUIContent (" Force", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_apply = new GUIContent ("Apply", "Add velocity and spin to activated objects");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_velocity = new GUIContent ("Velocity", "Applied Velocity in world coordinates.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_velVar = new GUIContent ("Variation", "Velocity variation in percentage.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_spin = new GUIContent ("Spin", "Applied Angular Velocity in world coordinates.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mode = new GUIContent ("Mode", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_anim = new GUIContent (" Animation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_coord = new GUIContent ("Local Space", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_showAnimation = new GUIContent ("Show Animation", "Show animation properties.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_duration = new GUIContent ("Duration", "Total animation duration.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_scaleAnimation = new GUIContent ("Scale Animation", "Animate scale of Activator gizmo.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_positionAnimation = new GUIContent ("Position Animation", tlp_positionAnimation);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_line = new GUIContent ("Line", "Line which will be used as animation path.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_positionList = new GUIContent ("Position List", "List of Vector3 points in global space. Object will be animated from one point to another starting from the first point in list.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_play = new GUIContent (" Playback", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_start = new GUIContent ("Start", "Evaluate StartAnimation() method.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_stop = new GUIContent ("Stop", "Evaluate StopAnimation() method.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_reset = new GUIContent ("Reset", "Evaluate ResetAnimation() method.");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Blade text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextBld
// Tooltips
const string tlp_act = "Slice: Object will be Sliced accordingly to Slice Type plane.\n" +
"Demolish: Object will demolished accordingly to it's Mesh or Cluster Demolition properties.";
const string tlp_trig = " Enter: Object will be sliced when Blade's trigger collider enter object's collider.\n" +
" Exit: Object will be sliced when Blade's trigger collider exit object's collider.\n" +
" Enter Exit: Object will be sliced when Blade's trigger collider exit object's collider and angle for slicing plane will be average angle between enter and exit. " +
" This type should be used if object with Blade will be rotated while it is inside sliced object so slicing plane at least will have average angle.";
const string tlp_skn = "In order to detect collider collision one of the objects has to have RigidBody component and " +
"Skinned Mesh object may not have RigidBody. " +
"when this property enabled Blade object will get its own kinematic RigidBody component" +
"to detect collision with skinned mesh objects.";
const string tlp_targ = "Slicing also can be initiated by Slice Target button or by public SliceTarget() method. " +
"In this case object with Blade doesn't have to enter or exit sliced object collider, but you need to define Target Gameobject for slice.";
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_prop = new GUIContent (" Properties", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_actionType = new GUIContent ("Action", tlp_act);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_onTrigger = new GUIContent ("On Trigger", tlp_trig);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_sliceType = new GUIContent ("Slice Plane", "Defines slicing plane which will be used to slice target object.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_damage = new GUIContent ("Damage", "Applies damage to sliced object.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_skin = new GUIContent ("Skin", tlp_skn);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_force = new GUIContent (" Force", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_force = new GUIContent ("Force", "Add to sliced fragments additional velocity impulse to separate them.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_affectInactive = new GUIContent ("Affect Inactive", "Force will be applied to Inactive objects as well.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_filter = new GUIContent (" Filters", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cooldown = new GUIContent ("Cooldown", "Allows to temporary disable Blade component for defined time to prevent constant slicing.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tagFilter = new GUIContent ("Tag", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mask = new GUIContent ("Mask", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_targets = new GUIContent (" Targets", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_targ = new GUIContent ("Target List", tlp_targ);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_slice = new GUIContent (" Slice Target ", "Evaluate SliceTarget() method.");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Bomb text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextBmb
// Foldout
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_det = new GUIContent ("Detonation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_obs = new GUIContent ("Obstacles", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_aud = new GUIContent ("Audio", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_fil = new GUIContent ("Filters", "");
// Buttons
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_explode = new GUIContent ("Explode", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_restore = new GUIContent ("Restore", "");
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_actions = new GUIContent (" Actions", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_range = new GUIContent (" Range", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_showGizmo = new GUIContent ("Show", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_rangeType = new GUIContent ("Type", "Explosion direction.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_range = new GUIContent ("Range", "Only objects in Range distance will be affected by explosion.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_boxSize = new GUIContent ("Size", "Directional explosion area size.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_deletion = new GUIContent ("Deletion", "Destroy objects close to Bomb. Measures in percentage relative to Range value.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_impulse = new GUIContent (" Impulse", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fadeType = new GUIContent ("Fade", "Explosion strength decay over distance.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_strength = new GUIContent ("Strength", "Maximum explosion impulse which will be applied to objects.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_curve = new GUIContent ("Curve", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_variation = new GUIContent ("Variation", "Random variation to final explosion strength for every object in percents relative to Strength value.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_chaos = new GUIContent ("Chaos", "Random rotation velocity to exploded objects.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_forceByMass = new GUIContent ("Force By Mass", "Add different final explosion impulse to objects with different mass.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_act = new GUIContent (" Activation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_affectInactive = new GUIContent ("Inactive", "Activate Inactive objects and explode them as well.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_affectKinematic = new GUIContent ("Kinematic", "Activate Kinematic objects and explode them as well.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_dmg = new GUIContent (" Damage", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_applyDamage = new GUIContent ("Apply", "Apply damage to objects with Rigid component in case they have enabled Damage.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_damageValue = new GUIContent ("Value", "Damage value which will take object at explosion.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_prop = new GUIContent (" Properties", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_heightOffset = new GUIContent ("Height Offset", "Allows to offset downward Explosion position over global Y axis.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_delay = new GUIContent ("Delay", "Explosion delay in seconds.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_atStart = new GUIContent ("At Start", "Automatically explode Bomb at Gameobject activation.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_destroy = new GUIContent ("Destroy", "Destroy Gameobject after explosion.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_obst_enable = new GUIContent ("Enable", "Enable other colliders in scene as obstacles for explosion.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_obst_static = new GUIContent ("Static", "Use all colliders without RigidBody component as obstacle.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_obst_kinematik = new GUIContent ("Kinematik", "Use all colliders with Kinematik RigidBody as obstacles for explosion.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_obst_list = new GUIContent ("Collider List", "Colliders you want to use as obstacles");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_play = new GUIContent ("Play", "Play audio clip at explosion.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_volume = new GUIContent ("Volume", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_clip = new GUIContent ("Clip", "Audio Clip to play at explosion.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tagFilter = new GUIContent ("Tag", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mask = new GUIContent ("Mask", "");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Combine text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextCmb
// Buttons
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_combine = new GUIContent ("Combine", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_export = new GUIContent ("Export Mesh", "");
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_source = new GUIContent (" Source", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_type = new GUIContent ("Type", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_mesh = new GUIContent (" Mesh Source", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_objects = new GUIContent ("Objects List", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_meshFilters = new GUIContent ("Mesh Filters", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_skinnedMeshes = new GUIContent ("Skinned Meshes", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_particleSystems = new GUIContent ("Particle Systems", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_filters = new GUIContent (" Filters", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_sizeThreshold = new GUIContent ("Size", "Do not combine meshes with size less than defined value");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_vertexThreshold = new GUIContent ("Vertices", "Do not combine meshes with amount of vertices less than defined value");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_index = new GUIContent (" Combined Mesh", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_indexFormat = new GUIContent ("Index Format", "Mesh with more than 65k vertices should use 32 bit Index Format");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_export = new GUIContent (" Export", "");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Connectivity text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextCnt
// Strings
public const string str_setup = " Setup Info";
public const string str_shards = "Cluster Shards: ";
public const string str_amount = "Amount Integrity: ";
// Foldout
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_filters = new GUIContent ("Filters", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_props = new GUIContent ("Properties", "");
// Buttons
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_gizmo = new GUIContent (" Show Gizmo ", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_cnt = new GUIContent ("Show Connections", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_nodes = new GUIContent ("Show Nodes", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_clp_start = new GUIContent ("Start Collapse", "Evaluate public static void RFCollapse.StartCollapse (RayfireConnectivity component) method");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_clp_stop = new GUIContent ("Stop Collapse", "Evaluate public static void RFCollapse.StopCollapse (RayfireConnectivity component) method");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_fracture = new GUIContent ("Fracture", "Evaluate public void Fracture (Collider collider, int debris) Connectivity method");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_str_start = new GUIContent ("Start Stress", "Evaluate public static void RFCollapse.StartStress (RayfireConnectivity component) method");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_str_stop = new GUIContent ("Stop Stress", "Evaluate public static void RFCollapse.StopStress (RayfireConnectivity component) method");
// Tooltips
const string tlp_clp_init = "Collapse allows you start break connections among shards and activate single Shards or " +
"Group of Shards if they are not connected with any of Unyielding Shard. ";
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_conn = new GUIContent (" Connectivity", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_type = new GUIContent ("Type", "Define the the way connections among Shards will be calculated.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_expand = new GUIContent ("Expand", "Increase size of bounding box for By Bounding Box types.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_minimumArea = new GUIContent ("Minimum Area", "Two shards will have connection if their shared area is bigger than this value.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_minimumSize = new GUIContent ("Minimum Size", "Two shards will have connection if their size is bigger than this value.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_percentage = new GUIContent ("Percentage", "Random percentage of connections will be discarded.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_seed = new GUIContent (" Seed", "Seed for random percentage.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_cluster = new GUIContent (" Cluster", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_clusterize = new GUIContent ("Clusterize", "Create Connected Cluster for group of Shards connected with each other but not connected with any Unyielding Shard.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_sub_enable = new GUIContent ("Subclusters", "Subdivide big clusters to smaller subclusters.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_sub_thr = new GUIContent ("Shard Threshold", "Cluster will be subdivided if it has more shards than this value.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_sub_min = new GUIContent ("Minimum", "Minimum amount of subclusters.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_sub_max = new GUIContent ("Maximum", "Maximum amount of subclusters.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_sub_deb = new GUIContent ("Debris", "Detach shards from subclusters at their edges. Measures in percentage.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_demolishable = new GUIContent ("Demolishable", "Set Demolition type to Runtime for Connected Clusters created during activation.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_collapse = new GUIContent (" Collapse", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_startCollapse = new GUIContent ("Initiate", tlp_clp_init);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_integrity = new GUIContent ("Integrity", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_stress = new GUIContent (" Stress", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_showStress = new GUIContent ("Preview", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_startStress = new GUIContent ("Initiate", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_fracture = new GUIContent (" Fracture", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_triggerCollider = new GUIContent ("Trigger", "Trigger Collider which will activate all overlapped shards. Only Box and Sphere colliders supported for now.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_triggerDebris = new GUIContent ("Debris", "Percentage of solo shards at the edges of fractured cluster.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_joint = new GUIContent (" Joints WIP", ""); }
/// <summary>
/// RFCollapse text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextClp
// Strings
public const string str_area = "By Area:";
public const string str_size = "By Size:";
public const string str_rand = "Random:";
// Tooltips
const string tlp_type = " By Area: Shard will loose it's connections if it's shared area surface is less then defined value.\n" +
" By Size: Shard will loose it's connections if it's Size is less then defined value.\n" +
" Random: Shard will loose it's connections if it's random value in range from 0 to 100 is less then defined value.";
public static readonly GUIContent gui_type = new GUIContent ("Type", tlp_type);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_start = new GUIContent ("Start", "Defines start value in percentage relative to whole range of picked type.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_end = new GUIContent ("End", "Defines end value in percentage relative to whole range of picked type.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_steps = new GUIContent ("Steps", "Amount of times when defined threshold value will be set during Duration period.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_duration = new GUIContent ("Duration", "Time which it will take Start value to be increased to End value.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_var = new GUIContent ("Variation", "Percentage Variation for By Area and By Size collapse.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_seed = new GUIContent ("Seed", "Seed for Random collapse.");
/// <summary>
/// RFStress text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextStr
public static readonly GUIContent gui_enable = new GUIContent ("Enable", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_conn = new GUIContent (" Connections", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_threshold = new GUIContent ("Threshold", "Amount of stress every connection can take to break.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_erosion = new GUIContent ("Erosion", "Multiplier for stress which get connection every Interval.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_interval = new GUIContent ("Interval", "Connection stress will be increased every Interval. Measures in Seconds.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_shards = new GUIContent (" Shards", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_support = new GUIContent ("Support", "Angle to define which shards above Shard should be considered as supported shards.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_exposed = new GUIContent ("Exposed", "Erode connections only for shards which lost their neighbor.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_bySize = new GUIContent ("By Size", "");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Debris text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextDbr
// Help
public const string hlp_select = "Rayfire Debris has disabled Emit Events, enable at least one.";
// Strings
public const string str_avail = " Available : ";
// Foldout
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_pol = new GUIContent ("Pool", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_emt = new GUIContent ("Emission", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_dyn = new GUIContent ("Dynamic", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_nse = new GUIContent ("Noise", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_col = new GUIContent ("Collision", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_lim = new GUIContent ("Limitations", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_ren = new GUIContent ("Rendering", "");
// Buttons
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_emit = new GUIContent ("Emit", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_clean = new GUIContent ("Clean", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_edit = new GUIContent ("Edit Emitter Particles", "Evaluate EditEmitterParticles() method.");
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_event = new GUIContent (" Emit Event", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_main_dml = new GUIContent ("Demolition", "Emit particles when object with Rayfire Rigid component demolishes. Particles will be emitted from fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_main_act = new GUIContent ("Activation", "Emit particles when object with Rayfire Rigid activated to Dynamic state from Inactive or Kinematik states.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_main_imp = new GUIContent ("Impact", "Emit particles by Rayfire Gun shot at impact position.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_debris = new GUIContent (" Debris", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_main_ref = new GUIContent ("Reference", "Debris reference");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_main_mat = new GUIContent ("Material", "Debris material");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_props = new GUIContent (" Properties", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_id = new GUIContent ("Id", "Emitter Pool Id. All Debris components on other objects will share particle pool with the same id.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_en = new GUIContent ("Enable", "Generate Capacity amount of particle emitters in pool. One particle emitter will be created anyway, even if pooling is disabled.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_war = new GUIContent ("Warmup", "Create all pool particles in Awake");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_cap = new GUIContent ("Capacity", "Maximum amount of particle emitters that can be generated in pool");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_rat = new GUIContent ("Rate", "Amount of particle systems that will be instantiated in pool every frame");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_skp = new GUIContent ("Skip", "Do not instantiate debris particles if there are no any particles in the pool.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_reu = new GUIContent ("Reuse", "Do not destroy particle emitters and move them back to pool so they will be reused.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_ovf = new GUIContent (" Overflow", "Amount of particle emitters that can be send back to pool on top of Capacity property amount in case pool is full");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_burst = new GUIContent (" Burst", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_tp = new GUIContent ("Type", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_am = new GUIContent ("Amount", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_var = new GUIContent ("Variation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_dist = new GUIContent (" Distance", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_rate = new GUIContent ("Rate", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_dur = new GUIContent ("Duration", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_life = new GUIContent (" Lifetime", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_life_min = new GUIContent ("Life Min", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_life_max = new GUIContent ("Life Max", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_size = new GUIContent (" Size", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_size_min = new GUIContent ("Size Min", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_size_max = new GUIContent ("Size Max", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_mat = new GUIContent (" Material", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_mat = new GUIContent ("Material", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_speed = new GUIContent (" Speed", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dyn_speed_min = new GUIContent ("Speed Min", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dyn_speed_max = new GUIContent ("Speed Max", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_vel = new GUIContent (" Inherit Velocity", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dyn_vel_min = new GUIContent ("Velocity Min", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dyn_vel_max = new GUIContent ("Velocity Max", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_grav = new GUIContent (" Gravity", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dyn_grav_min = new GUIContent ("Gravity Min", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dyn_grav_max = new GUIContent ("Gravity Max", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_rot = new GUIContent (" Rotation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dyn_rot = new GUIContent ("Rotation Speed", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_main = new GUIContent (" Main", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_en = new GUIContent ("Enable", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_qual = new GUIContent ("Quality", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_str = new GUIContent (" Strength", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_str_min = new GUIContent ("Strength Min", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_str_max = new GUIContent ("Strength Max", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_other = new GUIContent (" Other", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_freq = new GUIContent ("Frequency", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_scroll = new GUIContent ("Scroll Speed", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_damp = new GUIContent ("Damping", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_common = new GUIContent (" Common", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_col_mask = new GUIContent ("Collides With", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_col_qual = new GUIContent ("Quality", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_col_rad = new GUIContent ("Radius Scale", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_dampen = new GUIContent (" Dampen", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_col_dmp_tp = new GUIContent ("Type", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_col_dmp_min = new GUIContent ("Minimum", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_col_dmp_max = new GUIContent ("Maximum", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_bounce = new GUIContent (" Bounce", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_col_bnc_tp = new GUIContent ("Type", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_col_bnc_min = new GUIContent ("Minimum", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_col_bnc_max = new GUIContent ("Maximum", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_prt = new GUIContent (" Particle System", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_prt_min = new GUIContent ("Min Particles", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_prt_max = new GUIContent ("Max Particles", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_prt_vis = new GUIContent ("Visible", "Emit debris if emitting object is visible in camera view");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_frags = new GUIContent (" Fragments", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_perc = new GUIContent ("Percentage", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_size = new GUIContent ("Size Threshold", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_shad = new GUIContent (" Shadows", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ren_cast = new GUIContent ("Cast", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ren_rec = new GUIContent ("Receive", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ren_prob = new GUIContent ("Light Probes", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ren_vect = new GUIContent ("Motion Vectors", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ren_t = new GUIContent ("Set Tag", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ren_tag = new GUIContent (" Tag", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ren_l = new GUIContent ("Set Layer", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ren_lay = new GUIContent (" Layer", "");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Dust text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextDst
// Help
public const string hlp_select = "Rayfire Dust has disabled Emit Events, enable at least one.";
// Strings
public const string str_avail = " Available : ";
// Foldout
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_pol = new GUIContent ("Pool", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_emt = new GUIContent ("Emission", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_dyn = new GUIContent ("Dynamic", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_nse = new GUIContent ("Noise", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_col = new GUIContent ("Collision", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_lim = new GUIContent ("Limitations", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fld_ren = new GUIContent ("Rendering", "");
// Buttons
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_emit = new GUIContent ("Emit", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_clean = new GUIContent ("Clean", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_edit = new GUIContent ("Edit Emitter Particles", "Evaluate EditEmitterParticles() method.");
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_event = new GUIContent (" Emit Event", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_main_dml = new GUIContent ("Demolition", "Emit particles when object with Rayfire Rigid component demolishes. Particles will be emitted from fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_main_act = new GUIContent ("Activation", "Emit particles when object with Rayfire Rigid activated to Dynamic state from Inactive or Kinematik states.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_main_imp = new GUIContent ("Impact", "Emit particles by Rayfire Gun shot at impact position.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_dust = new GUIContent (" Dust", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_main_op = new GUIContent ("Opacity", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_main_mat = new GUIContent ("Material", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_main_mat_list = new GUIContent ("Random Materials", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_props = new GUIContent (" Properties", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_id = new GUIContent ("Id", "Emitter Pool Id. All Dust components on other objects will share particle pool with the same id.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_en = new GUIContent ("Enable", "Generate Capacity amount of particle emitters in pool. One particle emitter will be created anyway, even if pooling is disabled.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_war = new GUIContent ("Warmup", "Create all pool particles in Awake");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_cap = new GUIContent ("Capacity", "Maximum amount of particle emitters that can be generated in pool");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_rat = new GUIContent ("Rate", "Amount of particle systems that will be instantiated in pool every frame");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_skp = new GUIContent ("Skip", "Do not instantiate debris particles if there are no any particles in the pool.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_reu = new GUIContent ("Reuse", "Do not destroy particle emitters and move them back to pool so they will be reused.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_ovf = new GUIContent (" Overflow", "Amount of particle emitters that can be send back to pool on top of Capacity property amount in case pool is full");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_burst = new GUIContent (" Burst", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_tp = new GUIContent ("Type", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_am = new GUIContent ("Amount", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_var = new GUIContent ("Variation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_dist = new GUIContent (" Distance", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_rate = new GUIContent ("Rate", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_dur = new GUIContent ("Duration", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_life = new GUIContent (" Lifetime", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_life_min = new GUIContent ("Life Min", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_life_max = new GUIContent ("Life Max", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_size = new GUIContent (" Size", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_size_min = new GUIContent ("Size Min", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_size_max = new GUIContent ("Size Max", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_mat = new GUIContent (" Material", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ems_mat = new GUIContent ("Material", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_speed = new GUIContent (" Speed", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dyn_speed_min = new GUIContent ("Speed Min", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dyn_speed_max = new GUIContent ("Speed Max", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_grav = new GUIContent (" Gravity", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dyn_grav_min = new GUIContent ("Gravity Min", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dyn_grav_max = new GUIContent ("Gravity Max", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_rot = new GUIContent (" Rotation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dyn_rot = new GUIContent ("Rotation Speed", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_main = new GUIContent (" Main", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_en = new GUIContent ("Enable", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_qual = new GUIContent ("Quality", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_str = new GUIContent (" Strength", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_str_min = new GUIContent ("Strength Min", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_str_max = new GUIContent ("Strength Max", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_other = new GUIContent (" Other", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_freq = new GUIContent ("Frequency", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_scroll = new GUIContent ("Scroll Speed", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_damp = new GUIContent ("Damping", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_common = new GUIContent (" Common", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_col_mask = new GUIContent ("Collides With", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_col_qual = new GUIContent ("Quality", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_col_rad = new GUIContent ("Radius Scale", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_prt = new GUIContent (" Particle System", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_prt_min = new GUIContent ("Min Particles", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_prt_max = new GUIContent ("Max Particles", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_prt_vis = new GUIContent ("Visible", "Emit debris if emitting object is visible in camera view");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_frags = new GUIContent (" Fragments", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_perc = new GUIContent ("Percentage", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_size = new GUIContent ("Size Threshold", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_shad = new GUIContent (" Shadows", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ren_cast = new GUIContent ("Cast", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ren_rec = new GUIContent ("Receive", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ren_prob = new GUIContent ("Light Probes", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ren_vect = new GUIContent ("Motion Vectors", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ren_t = new GUIContent ("Set Tag", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ren_tag = new GUIContent ("Tag", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ren_l = new GUIContent ("Set Layer", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ren_lay = new GUIContent ("Layer", "");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Gun text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextGun
// Buttons
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_shooting = new GUIContent ("Start Shooting", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_shot = new GUIContent ("Single Shot", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_burst = new GUIContent (" Burst ", "");
// Tooltips
const string tlp_dmg_shtp = "Single Shard: Damage will be applied to single shard intersected by shooting ray. \n" +
"Shards In Impact Radius: Damage will be applied to all shards in impact radius.";
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_dir = new GUIContent (" Direction", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dir_show = new GUIContent ("Show", "Show shooting ray");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dir_axis = new GUIContent ("Axis", "Shooting direction if Target is not defined.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dir_targ = new GUIContent ("Target", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dir_dist = new GUIContent ("Distance", "Maximum shooting distance.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_bur = new GUIContent (" Burst", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_bur_rnd = new GUIContent ("Rounds", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_bur_rate = new GUIContent ("Rate", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_imp = new GUIContent (" Impact", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_imp_show = new GUIContent ("Show", "Show impact position and radius. Visible when shooting ray intersects with collider.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_imp_tp = new GUIContent ("Type", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_imp_str = new GUIContent ("Strength", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_imp_rad = new GUIContent ("Radius", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_imp_ofs = new GUIContent ("Offset", "Negative value offset Impact point towards Gun position. Positive farther from Gun position");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_imp_cls = new GUIContent ("Demolish Cluster", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_imp_ina = new GUIContent ("Affect Inactive", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_comp = new GUIContent (" Components", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_comp_rg = new GUIContent ("Rigid", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_comp_rt = new GUIContent ("RigidRoot", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_comp_rb = new GUIContent ("RigidBody", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_dmg = new GUIContent (" Damage", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dmg_val = new GUIContent ("Damage", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dmg_shtp = new GUIContent ("Per Shard", tlp_dmg_shtp);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_vfx = new GUIContent (" VFX", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_vfx_debris = new GUIContent ("Debris", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_vfx_dust = new GUIContent ("Dust", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_vfx_flash = new GUIContent ("Flash", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_int = new GUIContent (" Intensity", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fl_int_min = new GUIContent ("Minimum", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fl_int_max = new GUIContent ("Maximum", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_rng = new GUIContent (" Range", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fl_rng_min = new GUIContent ("Minimum", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fl_rng_max = new GUIContent ("Maximum", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_other = new GUIContent (" Other", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fl_distance = new GUIContent ("Distance", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fl_color = new GUIContent ("Color", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_filt = new GUIContent (" Filters", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tag = new GUIContent ("Tag", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mask = new GUIContent ("Mask", "");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Man text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextMan
// Strings
public const string str_prt_emit = " Emitters: ";
public const string str_prt_amount = " Particles: ";
public const string str_prt_reu = " Reused: ";
public const string str_prt_scene = " In Scene: ";
public const string str_inst = "Instance: ";
public const string str_rigs = "Rigid Pool: ";
public const string str_frags = "Fragments: ";
public const string str_vel = "Velocity Cache: ";
public const string str_build = "Plugin build: ";
public const string str_url = "";
// Buttons
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_dest_frags = new GUIContent ("Destroy Storage Fragments", "");
// Tooltips
const string tlp_ph_cop = "Used only when Planar Check enabled. All meshes with vertices amount less than defined value will perform planar check. " +
"If all vertices lay ALMOST on a plane then object will not get collider to avoid convex hull generation errors. ";
const string tlp_mat_min = "Minimum mass value which will be assigned to simulated object" +
" if it's mass calculated by it's volume and density will be less than this value.";
const string tlp_mat_max = "Maximum mass value which will be assigned to simulated object" +
" if it's mass calculated by it's volume and density will be higher than this value.";
const string tlp_mat_mat = "Physic material which will be used for all objects with this material. " +
"If Material is not defined then it will be created and defined here at Start using following Frictions and Bounciness properties.";
const string tlp_dml_time = "Demolition time quota in milliseconds. Allows to prevent demolition at " +
"the same frame if there was already another demolition " +
"at the same frame and it took more time than Time Quota value.";
const string tlp_adv_amount = "Maximum amount of allowed fragments. Object won't be demolished if existing amount of fragments " +
"in scene higher that this value. Fading allows to decrease amount of fragments in scene.";
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_phy = new GUIContent (" Physics", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_set = new GUIContent ("Set Gravity", "Sets custom gravity for simulated objects.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_mul = new GUIContent (" Multiplier", "Custom gravity multiplier.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_int = new GUIContent ("Interpolation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_col = new GUIContent (" Collider", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_col = new GUIContent ("Collider Size", "Minimum object size to get collider.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_cop = new GUIContent ("Vertices Amount", tlp_ph_cop);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_cok = new GUIContent ("Cooking Options", "Mesh Collider cooking options.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_det = new GUIContent (" Collision Detection", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_col_mesh = new GUIContent ("Mesh", "Collision detection which will be used for simulated mesh objects.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_col_cls = new GUIContent ("Cluster", "Collision detection which will be used for Connected and Nested clusters.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_mat = new GUIContent (" Materials", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_min = new GUIContent ("Minimum Mass", tlp_mat_min);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_max = new GUIContent ("Maximum Mass", tlp_mat_max);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_pres = new GUIContent ("Material Presets", "List of hardcoded materials with predefined simulation and demolition properties.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_type = new GUIContent ("Type", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_dm = new GUIContent (" Demolition", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_dest = new GUIContent ("Demolishable", "Makes object with this material demolishable in runtime.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_sol = new GUIContent ("Solidity", "Global material solidity multiplier which used at collision to calculate if object should be demolished or not.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_rb = new GUIContent (" Rigid Body", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_dens = new GUIContent ("Density", "Object mass depends on picked material density and collider volume.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_drag = new GUIContent ("Drag", "Allows to decrease position velocity over time.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_ang = new GUIContent ("Angular Drag", "Allows to decrease rotation velocity over time.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_ph = new GUIContent (" Physic Material", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_mat = new GUIContent ("Material", tlp_mat_mat);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_dyn = new GUIContent ("Dynamic Friction", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_stat = new GUIContent ("Static Friction", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_bnc = new GUIContent ("Bounciness", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_axt = new GUIContent (" Activation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_act_par = new GUIContent ("Parent", "Object which will become parent of activated object");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_dml = new GUIContent (" Demolition", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dml_sol = new GUIContent ("Global Solidity", "Global Solidity multiplier. Affect solidity of all simulated objects.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dml_time = new GUIContent ("Time Quota", tlp_dml_time);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dml_quota = new GUIContent ("Quota Action", "Allows to skip object demolition or postpone it to the next frame if demolition time quota for this frame is reached.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_expand = new GUIContent ("Advanced Properties", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_frg = new GUIContent (" Fragments", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_parent = new GUIContent ("Parent", "Defines parent for all new fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_global = new GUIContent (" Global Parent", "Defines parent for all new fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_current = new GUIContent ("Current Amount", "Amount of created fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_amount = new GUIContent ("Maximum Amount", tlp_adv_amount);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_bad = new GUIContent ("Bad Mesh Try", "Defines parent for all new fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_shad = new GUIContent (" Shadows", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_size = new GUIContent ("Size Threshold", "Disable Shadow Casting for all objects with size less than this value.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_pol = new GUIContent (" Pooling", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_frg = new GUIContent ("Fragments", "Create gameobjects with MeshFilter, MeshRenderer and RayFireRigid components until Min Capacity value will be reached. Objects will be used for runtime fragments when needed");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_prt = new GUIContent ("Particles", "Create gameobjects with Particle System until Min Capacity value will be reached. Objects will be used for Debris or Dust when needed.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_reu = new GUIContent (" Reuse", "Do not destroy objects and send them back to pool until Max Capacity value will be reached");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_min = new GUIContent (" Capacity Min", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pol_max = new GUIContent (" Capacity Max", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_inf = new GUIContent (" Info", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_abt = new GUIContent (" About", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dbg_msg = new GUIContent ("Debug Messages", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dbg_edt = new GUIContent ("Only In Editor", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dbg_bld = new GUIContent ("Only Debug Build", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_change = new GUIContent (" Changelog ", "");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Recorder text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextRec
// Strings
public const string rec = "Recording... ";
// Buttons
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_rec_start = new GUIContent ("Start Record", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_rec_stop = new GUIContent ("Stop Record", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_pla_start = new GUIContent ("Start Play", "");
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mode = new GUIContent ("Mode", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_props = new GUIContent (" Properties", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_rec_start = new GUIContent ("On Start", "Automatically start recording at Start.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_rec_clip = new GUIContent ("Clip Name", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_rec_dur = new GUIContent ("Duration", "Maximum duration for recorded animation clip.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_rec_rate = new GUIContent ("Rate", "Amount of keys per second.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_rec_reduce = new GUIContent ("Reduce Keys", "Optimize amount of keys for still objects.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_rec_thresh = new GUIContent ("Threshold", "Reduce Keys threshold.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pla_start = new GUIContent ("On Start", "Automatically start playback at Start.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pla_clip = new GUIContent ("Clip", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pla_cont = new GUIContent ("Controller", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_rigid = new GUIContent (" Rayfire Rigid", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pla_rigid = new GUIContent ("Action", "");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Restriction text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextRst
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_rigid = new GUIContent ("RayFire Rigid", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_props = new GUIContent (" Properties", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_prp_en = new GUIContent ("Enable", "Allows to Reset, Fade or perform Post demolition action when Rigid object breaks restriction.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_prp_act = new GUIContent ("Action", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_prp_del = new GUIContent ("Delay", "Action delay in seconds.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_prp_int = new GUIContent ("Interval", "How often component will check if object broke restriction.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_dst = new GUIContent (" Distance", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dst_pos = new GUIContent ("Position", "Restriction will break if distance between object and Initial/Target position will be higher than this value.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dst_val = new GUIContent ("Distance", "Object will break restriction if will be moved for this distance.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dst_trg = new GUIContent ("Target", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_tri = new GUIContent (" Trigger", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tri_reg = new GUIContent ("Region", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tri_col = new GUIContent ("Collider", "");
/// <summary>
/// RFPhysic class text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextPhy
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy = new GUIContent ("Physics", "Defines all physics properties for simulated object.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_mat = new GUIContent (" Material", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_mtp = new GUIContent ("Type", "Material preset with predefined density, friction, elasticity and solidity. Can be edited in Rayfire Man component.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_mat = new GUIContent ("Material", "Allows to define own Physic Material.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_mas = new GUIContent (" Mass", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_mby = new GUIContent ("Mass By", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_mss = new GUIContent ("Mass", "Mass which will be applied to object if Mass By set to By Mass Property.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_col = new GUIContent (" Collider", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_ctp = new GUIContent ("Type", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_pln = new GUIContent ("Planar Check", "Do not add Mesh Collider to objects with planar low poly mesh.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_ign = new GUIContent ("Ignore Near", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_oth = new GUIContent (" Other", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_grv = new GUIContent ("Use Gravity", "Enables gravity for simulated object.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_slv = new GUIContent ("Solver Iterations", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_slt = new GUIContent ("Sleeping Threshold", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_frg = new GUIContent (" Fragments", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_phy_dmp = new GUIContent ("Dampening", "Multiplier for demolished fragments velocity.");
/// <summary>
/// RFActivation class text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextAcv
public static readonly GUIContent gui_act = new GUIContent ("Activation", "Allows to activate ( make dynamic ) inactive and kinematic objects.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_act = new GUIContent (" Activation By", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_act_off = new GUIContent ("Offset", "Inactive object will be activated if will be pushed from it's original position farther than By Offset value.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_act_loc = new GUIContent (" Local", "Activation By Local Offset relative to parent.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_act_vel = new GUIContent ("Velocity", "Inactive object will be activated when it's velocity will be higher than By Velocity value when pushed by other dynamic objects.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_act_dmg = new GUIContent ("Damage", "Inactive object will be activated if will get total damage higher than this value.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_act_act = new GUIContent ("Activator", "Inactive object will be activated by overlapping with object with RayFire Activator component.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_act_imp = new GUIContent ("Impact", "Inactive object will be activated when it will be shot by RayFireGun component.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_act_con = new GUIContent ("Connectivity", "Inactive object will be activated by Connectivity component if it will not be connected with Unyielding zone.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_act_uny = new GUIContent (" Unyielding", "Allows to define Inactive/Kinematic object as Unyielding to check for connection with other Inactive/Kinematic objects with enabled By Connectivity activation type.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_act_atb = new GUIContent (" Activatable", "Unyielding object can not be activate by default. When On allows to activate Unyielding objects as well.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_pst = new GUIContent (" Post Activation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_act_l = new GUIContent ("Change Layer", "Change layer for activated objects.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_act_lay = new GUIContent ("Layer", "Custom layer for activated objects.");
/// <summary>
/// RFLimitations class text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextLim
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim = new GUIContent ("Limitations", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_col = new GUIContent (" Collision", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_col = new GUIContent ("By Collision", "Enables demolition by collision.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_sol = new GUIContent ("Solidity", "Local Object solidity multiplier for object. Low Solidity makes object more fragile at collision.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_tag = new GUIContent ("Tag", "Object will be demolished only if it will collide with other objects with defined Tag.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_oth = new GUIContent (" Other", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_dep = new GUIContent ("Depth", "Defines how deep object can be demolished. Depth is limitless if set to 0.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_tim = new GUIContent ("Time", "Safe time. Measures in seconds and allows to prevent fragments from being demolished right after they were just created.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_siz = new GUIContent ("Size", "Prevent objects with bounding box size less than defined value to be demolished.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_vis = new GUIContent ("Visible", "Object will be demolished only if it is visible to any camera including scene camera.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lim_bld = new GUIContent ("Slice By Blade", "Allows object to be sliced by object with RayFire Blade component.");
/// <summary>
/// RFDemolitionMesh class text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextMsh
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh = new GUIContent ("Mesh Demolition", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_frg = new GUIContent (" Fragments", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_am = new GUIContent ("Amount", "Defines amount of points in point cloud for fragments after demolition.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_var = new GUIContent ("Variation", "Defines additional amount variation for object in percents.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_dpf = new GUIContent ("Depth Fade", "Amount multiplier for next Depth level. Allows to decrease fragments amount of every next demolition level.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_bias = new GUIContent ("Contact Bias", "Higher value allows to create more tiny fragments closer to collision contact point and bigger fragments far from it.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_sd = new GUIContent ("Seed", "Defines Seed for fragmentation algorithm. Same Seed will produce same fragments for same object every time.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_use = new GUIContent ("Use Shatter", "Allows to use RayFire Shatter properties for fragmentation. Works only if object has RayFire Shatter component.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_cld = new GUIContent ("Add Children", "Add children mesh objects to fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_adv = new GUIContent (" Advanced", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_sim = new GUIContent ("Fragments Sim Type", "Simulation type for demolished fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_cnv = new GUIContent ("Convert", "Convert fragments after fragmentation to Connected CLuster or MeshRoot with Connectivity Setup.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_rnt = new GUIContent ("Runtime Caching", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_rnt_fr = new GUIContent ("Frames", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_rnt_fg = new GUIContent ("Fragments", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_rnt_sk = new GUIContent ("Skip First", "Only initiate Runtime Caching on first demolition and demolish at second.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_adv = new GUIContent ("Properties", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_adv_rem = new GUIContent ("Remove Collinear", "Remove collier vertices to decrease amount of triangles.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_adv_dec = new GUIContent ("Decompose", "Detach all disconnected triangles into separate fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_adv_cap = new GUIContent ("Precap", "Cap open edges before fragment mesh.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_adv_inp = new GUIContent ("Mesh Input", "Defines time for Mesh Input to process it and prepare for demolition. Useful for mid and hi poly objects.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_adv_col = new GUIContent ("Collider", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_adv_szf = new GUIContent ("Size Filter", "Fragments with size less than this value will not get collider.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_adv_l = new GUIContent ("Inherit Layer", "Inherit Layer for fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_adv_lay = new GUIContent (" Custom Layer", "Custom layer for fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_adv_t = new GUIContent ("Inherit Tag", "Inherit Tag for fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_msh_adv_tag = new GUIContent (" Custom Tag", "Custom Tag fr fragments.");
/// <summary>
/// RFDemolitionCluster class text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextCls
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls = new GUIContent ("Cluster Demolition", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_prp = new GUIContent (" Properties", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_cnt = new GUIContent ("Connectivity", "Defines Connectivity algorithm for clusters.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_sim = new GUIContent ("Cluster Sim Type", "Simulation type for demolished cluster.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_flt = new GUIContent (" Filters", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_fl_ar = new GUIContent ("Minimum Area", "Two shards will have connection if their shared area is bigger than this value.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_fl_sz = new GUIContent ("Minimum Size", "Two shards will have connection if their size is bigger than this value.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_fl_pr = new GUIContent ("Percentage", "Random percentage of connections will be discarded.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_dml = new GUIContent (" Demolition Distance", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_fl_sd = new GUIContent ("Seed", "Seed for random percentage filter and for Random Collapse.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_ds_tp = new GUIContent ("Type", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_ds_rt = new GUIContent ("Ratio", "Defines demolition distance from contact point in percentage relative to object's size.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_ds_un = new GUIContent ("Units", "Defines demolition distance from contact point in world units.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_shd = new GUIContent (" Shards", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_sh_ar = new GUIContent ("Area", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_sh_dm = new GUIContent ("Demolition", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_cls = new GUIContent (" Clusters", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_min = new GUIContent ("Minimum", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_max = new GUIContent ("Maximum", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_dml = new GUIContent ("Demolishable", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_clp = new GUIContent (" Collapse", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_prp = new GUIContent ("Properties", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_lt = new GUIContent (" Layer and Tag", "");
/// <summary>
/// RFFade class text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextFad
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fad = new GUIContent ("Fading", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_ini = new GUIContent (" Initiate", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fad_dml = new GUIContent ("On Demolition", "Fading will be applied to fragments that will be created after this object will be demolished.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fad_act = new GUIContent ("On Activation", "Fading will be applied to this object after it will be activated, turned to Dynamic from Inactive or Kinematik simulation type.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fad_ofs = new GUIContent ("By Offset", "Fading will be applied to this object after it will be moved to Offset distance from its Initiaization position.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_tp = new GUIContent (" Type", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fad_tp = new GUIContent ("Type", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fad_tm = new GUIContent ("Time", "Fading duration time.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_lf = new GUIContent (" Life", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fad_lf_tp = new GUIContent ("Type", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fad_lf_tm = new GUIContent ("Time", "Time which object will be simulated before start to fade.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fad_lf_vr = new GUIContent ("Variation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_flt = new GUIContent (" Filters", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fad_sz = new GUIContent ("Size", "Fade won't affect objects with size bigger than this value. Disabled if set to 0.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_fad_sh = new GUIContent ("Shards", "Fade won't affect Connected clusters with shard amount bigger than this value. Disabled if set to 0.");
/// <summary>
/// RFFade class text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextRes
public static readonly GUIContent gui_res = new GUIContent ("Reset", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_res = new GUIContent (" Reset", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_res_tm = new GUIContent ("Transform", "Reset transform to position and rotation when object was initialized.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_res_dm = new GUIContent ("Damage", "Reset damage value.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_res_cn = new GUIContent ("Connectivity", "Reset Connectivity.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_dml = new GUIContent (" Demolition", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_res_ac = new GUIContent ("Action", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_res_dl = new GUIContent ("Destroy Delay", "Object will be destroyed after defined delay.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_reu = new GUIContent (" Reuse", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_res_ms = new GUIContent ("Mesh", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_res_fr = new GUIContent ("Fragments", "");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Rigid text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextRig
// Help
public const string hlp_obj = "This Object Type should be selected for object with multiple children.";
public const string hlp_sh_dml = "Enabled property set Runtime Demolition type for all detached shards. Enable this property only if you are absolutely sure how it works.";
public const string hlp_limit = "Depth 0 makes all generated fragments demolishable endlessly.";
public const string hlp_depth = "High Depth may increase amount of genrated fragments exponentially.";
public const string hlp_sol = "Solidity 0 makes object demolishable by the slightest collision.";
// Buttons
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_init = new GUIContent ("Initialize", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_reset = new GUIContent ("Reset Rigid", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_dml = new GUIContent ("Demolish", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_act = new GUIContent ("Activate", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_fad = new GUIContent ("Fade", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_edt_setup = new GUIContent (" Editor Setup ", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_edt_reset = new GUIContent ("Reset Setup", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_clp_start = new GUIContent ("Start Collapse", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_conns = new GUIContent ("Show Connections", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_nodes = new GUIContent (" Show Nodes ", "");
// Strings
public const string rfRig = "RayFire Rigid: ";
public const string str_info = "Info";
public const string str_mis_shards = " has missing shards. Reset or Setup cluster.";
public const string str_precache = " Precached Unity Meshes: ";
public const string str_frags = " Fragments: ";
public const string str_excluded = " Fragments: ";
public const string str_size = " Size: ";
public const string str_depth = " Demolition depth: ";
public const string str_damage = " Damage applied: ";
public const string str_fade_pre = " Object about to fade...";
public const string str_fade_prg = " Fading in progress...";
public const string str_bad = " Object has bad mesh and will not be demolished anymore";
public const string str_ignore = " Ignore Pairs: ";
public const string str_cls_coll = " Cluster Colliders ";
public const string str_cls_shards = " Cluster Shards: ";
public const string str_integrity = " Amount Integrity: ";
public const string str_mesh_root = " MeshRoot";
public const string str_cls = " Cluster";
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_mn = new GUIContent (" Main", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mn_ini = new GUIContent ("Initialization", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mn_obj = new GUIContent ("Object Type", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_sim = new GUIContent (" Simulation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mn_sim = new GUIContent ("Simulation Type", "Defines behaviour of object during simulation.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_dml = new GUIContent (" Demolition", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mn_dml = new GUIContent ("Demolition Type", "Defines when and how object will be demolished.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_prp = new GUIContent (" Properties", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ref = new GUIContent ("Reference Demolition", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ref_rfs = new GUIContent ("Reference", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ref_lst = new GUIContent ("Random List", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ref_act = new GUIContent ("Action", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ref_add = new GUIContent ("Add Rigid", "Add RayFire Rigid component to reference with mesh.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ref_scl = new GUIContent ("Inherit Scale", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_ref_mat = new GUIContent ("Inherit Materials", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_src = new GUIContent (" Source", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat = new GUIContent ("Materials", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_scl = new GUIContent ("Mapping", "Mapping scale for inner surface");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_inn = new GUIContent ("Inner", "Material for inner fragments surface");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_out = new GUIContent ("Outer", "Material for outer fragments surface");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dmg = new GUIContent ("Damage", "Allows to demolish object by it's own floating Damage value.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dmg_en = new GUIContent ("Enable", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dmg_max = new GUIContent ("Max Damage", "Defines maximum allowed damage for object to be demolished.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dmg_cur = new GUIContent ("Current Damage", "Shows current damage value. Can be increased by public method: \nApplyDamage(float damageValue, Vector3 damagePosition)");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_col = new GUIContent (" Collision", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dmg_col = new GUIContent ("Collect", "Allows to accumulate damage value by collisions during dynamic simulation.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dmg_mlt = new GUIContent ("Multiplier", "Multiplier for every collision damage.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dmg_shr = new GUIContent ("To Shards", "Apply damage to Connected Cluster shards.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_com = new GUIContent (" Common", "");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire RigidRoot text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextRot
// GUI
public static GUIContent gui_mn_ini = new GUIContent ("Initialization", "");
public static GUIContent gui_props = new GUIContent ("Properties", "");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Shatter text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextSht
// Buttons
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_frag = new GUIContent ("Fragment", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_frag_last = new GUIContent ("Fragment to Last", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_frag_last_del = new GUIContent (" Delete Last ", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_frag_del = new GUIContent (" Delete All ", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_inter = new GUIContent ("Interactive", "Preview fragments as one mesh. WARNING: Do not forget to Restore Original Mesh.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_export_last = new GUIContent ("Export Last Fragments", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_export_child = new GUIContent ("Export Children", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_scale = new GUIContent ("Scale", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_color = new GUIContent ("Color", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_show = new GUIContent (" Show ", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_coll_add = new GUIContent ("Add Mesh Colliders", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_coll_rem = new GUIContent (" Remove Colliders ", "");
// Strings
public const string str_roots = "Roots: ";
public const string str_last = "Last Fragments: ";
public const string str_total = "Total Fragments: ";
public const string str_points = " In/Out points: ";
public const string str_move = "Center Move";
public const string str_rotate = "Center Rotate";
// Tooltips
const string tlp_eng = " Max: Original fragmentation engine which was ported from 3ds Max. \n" +
" Unity: New fragmentation engine which was developed for usage in Unity from scratch.";
const string tlp_tp_tet = "Tetrahedron based fragments, this type is mostly useless as is and should be used with Gluing, " +
"in this case it creates high poly concave fragments.";
const string tlp_tp_elm = "Input mesh will be separated to not connected mesh elements, every element will be fragmented separately." +
"This threshold value measures in percentage relative to original objects size and prevent element from being fragmented if its size is less.";
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_prv = new GUIContent (" Preview", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_prv_scl = new GUIContent ("Scale Preview", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_frg = new GUIContent (" Fragments", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp = new GUIContent ("Type", "Defines fragmentation type for object.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_vor = new GUIContent (" Voronoi", "Low poly, convex, physics friendly fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_vor_amount = new GUIContent ("Amount", "Defines amount of points in point cloud, every point represent rough center of fragment.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_vor_bias = new GUIContent ("Center Bias", "Defines offset of points in point cloud towards Center.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_spl = new GUIContent (" Splinters", "Low poly, convex, physics friendly fragments, stretched along one axis.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_spl_axis = new GUIContent ("Axis", "Fragments will be stretched over defined axis.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_spl_str = new GUIContent ("Strength", "Defines sharpness of stretched fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_slb = new GUIContent (" Slabs", "Low poly, convex, physics friendly fragments, stretched along two axes.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_rad = new GUIContent (" Radial", "Low poly, convex, physics friendly fragments, creates radial fragments pattern.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_rad_axis = new GUIContent ("Center Axis", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_rad_radius = new GUIContent ("Radius", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_rad_div = new GUIContent ("Divergence", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_rad_rest = new GUIContent (" Restrict To Plane", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_rings = new GUIContent (" Rings", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_rad_rings = new GUIContent ("Rings", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_rad_focus = new GUIContent ("Focus", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_rad_str = new GUIContent ("Focus Strength", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_rad_randRing = new GUIContent ("Random Rings", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_rays = new GUIContent (" Rays", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_rad_rays = new GUIContent ("Rays", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_rad_randRay = new GUIContent ("Random Rays", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_rad_twist = new GUIContent ("Twist", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_hex = new GUIContent (" Hex", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_hex_grd = new GUIContent (" Grid", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_hex_size = new GUIContent ("Size", "Hex size");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_hex_am = new GUIContent ("Amount", "Amount of hexes in grid in two axes");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_hex_emp = new GUIContent (" ", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_cus = new GUIContent (" Custom", "Low poly, convex, physics friendly fragments, allows to use custom point cloud for fragments distribution.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_cus_src = new GUIContent ("Source", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_cus_use = new GUIContent ("Use As", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_cus_tms = new GUIContent ("Transform List", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_cus_vec = new GUIContent ("Vector3 List", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_vol = new GUIContent (" Volume", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_cus_am = new GUIContent ("Amount", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_prev = new GUIContent (" Preview", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_cus_rad = new GUIContent ("Radius", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_cus_en = new GUIContent ("Enable", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_cus_sz = new GUIContent ("Size", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_slc = new GUIContent (" Slice", "Slice object by planes.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_slc_pl = new GUIContent ("Plane", "Slicing plane.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_brk = new GUIContent (" Bricks", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_brk_type = new GUIContent ("Lattice", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_brk_mult = new GUIContent ("Multiplier", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_am = new GUIContent (" Amount", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_size = new GUIContent (" Size", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_brk_am_X = new GUIContent ("X axis", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_brk_am_Y = new GUIContent ("Y axis", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_brk_am_Z = new GUIContent ("Z axis", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_brk_lock = new GUIContent ("Lock", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_var = new GUIContent (" Size Variation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_ofs = new GUIContent (" Offset", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_sp = new GUIContent (" Split", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_brk_sp_prob = new GUIContent ("Probability", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_brk_sp_offs = new GUIContent ("Offset", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_brk_sp_rot = new GUIContent ("Rotation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_vxl = new GUIContent (" Voxels", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_tet = new GUIContent (" Tets", tlp_tp_tet);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_tetDn = new GUIContent ("Density", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tp_tetNs = new GUIContent ("Noise", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_mat = new GUIContent (" Inner Surface", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_scl = new GUIContent ("Mapping Scale", "Defines mapping scale for inner surface.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_in = new GUIContent ("Material", "Defines material for fragment's inner surface.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_col = new GUIContent ("Color", "Set custom Vertex Color for all inner surface vertices.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mat_uve = new GUIContent ("UV", "Set custom UV coordinate for all inner surface vertices.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_cls = new GUIContent (" Clusters", "Allows to glue groups of fragments into single mesh by deleting shared faces.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_en = new GUIContent ("Enable", "Allows to glue groups of fragments into single mesh by deleting shared faces.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_cnt = new GUIContent ("Count", "Amount of clusters defined by random point cloud.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_seed = new GUIContent ("Seed", "Random seed for clusters point cloud generator.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_rel = new GUIContent ("Relax", "Smooth strength for cluster inner surface.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_debris = new GUIContent ("Debris", "Preserve some fragments at the edges of clusters to create small debris around big chunks.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_amount = new GUIContent ("Amount", "Amount of debris in last layer in percents relative to amount of fragments in cluster.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_layers = new GUIContent ("Layers", "Amount of debris layers at cluster border.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_scale = new GUIContent ("Scale", "Scale variation for inner debris.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_min = new GUIContent ("Minimum", "Minimum amount of fragments in debris cluster.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cls_max = new GUIContent ("Maximum", "Maximum amount of fragments in debris cluster.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_prp = new GUIContent (" Properties", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_engine = new GUIContent ("Engine", tlp_eng);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_mode = new GUIContent ("Mode", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_seed = new GUIContent ("Seed", "Seed for point cloud generator. Set to 0 to get random point cloud every time.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_copy = new GUIContent ("Copy", "Copy components from original object to fragments");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_smooth = new GUIContent ("Smooth", "Smooth fragments inner surface.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_combine = new GUIContent ("Combine", "Combine all children meshes into one mesh and fragment this mesh.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_col = new GUIContent ("Collinear", "Remove vertices which lay on straight edge.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_dec = new GUIContent ("Decompose", "Check output fragments and separate not connected parts of meshes into separate fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_input = new GUIContent ("Input Precap", "Create extra triangles to connect open edges and close mesh volume for correct fragmentation.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_output = new GUIContent (" Output Precap", "Keep fragment's faces created by Input Precap.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_lim = new GUIContent ("Limitations", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_size_lim = new GUIContent ("Size", "All fragments with size bigger than Max Size value will be fragmented to few more fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_size_am = new GUIContent (" Max Size", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_vert_lim = new GUIContent ("Vertex", "All fragments with vertex amount higher than Max Amount value will be fragmented to few more fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_vert_am = new GUIContent (" Max Amount", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_tri_lim = new GUIContent ("Triangle", "All fragments with triangle amount higher than Max Amount value will be fragmented to few more fragments.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_tri_am = new GUIContent (" Max Amount", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_flt = new GUIContent ("Filters", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_inner = new GUIContent ("Inner", "Do not output inner fragments which has no outer surface.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_planar = new GUIContent ("Planar", "Do not output planar fragments which mesh vertices lie in the same plane.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_rel = new GUIContent ("Relative Size", "Do not output small fragments. Measures is percentage relative to original object size.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_abs = new GUIContent ("Absolute Size", "Do not output small fragments which size in world units is less than this value.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_edt = new GUIContent (" Editor", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_element = new GUIContent ("Element Size", tlp_tp_elm);
public static readonly GUIContent gui_adv_remove = new GUIContent ("Remove Double Faces", "Delete faces which overlap with each other.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_exp = new GUIContent (" Export", "Export fragments meshes to Unity Asset and reference to this asset.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_exp_src = new GUIContent ("Source", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_exp_sfx = new GUIContent ("Suffix", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_cent = new GUIContent (" Center", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cn_pos = new GUIContent ("Position", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cn_rot = new GUIContent ("Rotation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cn_res = new GUIContent ("Reset ", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_col = new GUIContent (" Colliders", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_pr_adv_bake = new GUIContent ("Bake", "Prepares fragment meshes for use with a MeshCollider.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_info = new GUIContent (" Info", "");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Snapshot text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextSnp
// Button
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_snap = new GUIContent ("Snapshot", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_load = new GUIContent ("Load", "");
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_save = new GUIContent (" Save", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_saveName = new GUIContent ("Asset Name", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_saveComp = new GUIContent ("Compress", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_load = new GUIContent (" Load", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_loadSnap = new GUIContent ("Snapshot Asset", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_loadSize = new GUIContent ("Size Filter", "");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Sound text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextSnd
// Button
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_ini = new GUIContent ("Initialization Sound", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_act = new GUIContent ("Activation Sound", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_dml = new GUIContent ("Demolition Sound", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_col = new GUIContent ("Collision Sound", "");
// Strings
public const string str_info = "Info";
public const string str_volume = " Volume: ";
public const string str_vel = " Last Collision Relative Velocity: ";
public const string str_clips = "Random Clips";
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_vol = new GUIContent (" Load", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_vol_base = new GUIContent ("Base Volume", "Base volume. Can be increased by Size Volume property.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_vol_size = new GUIContent ("Size Volume", "Additional volume per one unit size.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_eve = new GUIContent (" Events", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_eve_ini = new GUIContent ("Initialization", "Enable Initialization sound.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_eve_act = new GUIContent ("Activation", "Enable Activation sound");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_eve_dml = new GUIContent ("Demolition", "Enable Demolition sound");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_eve_col = new GUIContent ("Collision", "Enable Collision sound");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_snd = new GUIContent (" Sound", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_snd_once = new GUIContent ("Play Once", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_snd_mlt = new GUIContent ("Multiplier", "Sound volume multiplier for this event.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_col = new GUIContent (" Collision", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_snd_vel = new GUIContent ("Relative Velocity", "Minimum Relative Velocity collision threshold to play collision sound.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_snd_clip = new GUIContent ("AudioClip", "The AudioClip AAsset played by the AudioSource");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_out_group = new GUIContent ("Output", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_out_prior = new GUIContent ("Priority", "Sets the priority of the source. Note that a sound with a larger priority value will more likely be stolen by sounds with smaller priority values.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_out_spat = new GUIContent ("Spatial Blend", "0 = 2D, 1 = 3D");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_out_mind = new GUIContent ("Min Distance", "Within Min Distance, the volume will stay at the loudest possible. Outside of this Min Distance it begins to attenuate.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_out_maxd = new GUIContent ("Max Distance", "Max Distance is the distance a sound stops attenuating at.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_flt = new GUIContent (" Filters", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_flt_size = new GUIContent ("Minimum Size", "Objects with size lower than defined value will not make sound.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_flt_dist = new GUIContent ("Camera Distance", "Objects with distance to main camera higher than defined value will not make sound.");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Unyielding text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextUny
// Strings
public const string rec_move = "Center Move";
public const string rec_bnd = "Change Bounds";
// Button
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_act = new GUIContent (" Activate ", "Activate.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_res = new GUIContent (" Reset ", "Reset.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_btn_cnt = new GUIContent ("Show Center", "Show Center.");
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_prp = new GUIContent (" Properties", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_uny = new GUIContent ("Unyielding", "Set Unyielding property for children Rigids and Shards.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_act = new GUIContent ("Activatable", "Set Activatable property for children Rigids and Shards.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_sim = new GUIContent ("Simulation Type", "Custom simulation type.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_giz = new GUIContent (" Gizmo", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_show = new GUIContent ("Show", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_size = new GUIContent ("Size", "Unyielding gizmo size.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_center = new GUIContent ("Center", "Unyielding gizmo center.");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_al_sz = new GUIContent ("Size", "Align size.");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Vortex text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextVrt
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_anc = new GUIContent (" Anchor", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_anc_show = new GUIContent ("Show Handle", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_anc_top = new GUIContent ("Top Point", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_anc_bot = new GUIContent ("Bottom Point", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_giz = new GUIContent (" Gizmo", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_giz_show = new GUIContent ("Show", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_giz_top = new GUIContent ("Top Radius", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_giz_bot = new GUIContent ("Bottom Radius", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_eye = new GUIContent (" Eye", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_eye = new GUIContent ("Eye", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_str = new GUIContent (" Strength", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_stiff = new GUIContent ("Stiffness", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_swirl = new GUIContent ("Swirl", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_strFrc = new GUIContent ("Force By Mass", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_tor = new GUIContent (" Torque", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tor_en = new GUIContent ("Enable", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tor_str = new GUIContent ("Strength", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tor_var = new GUIContent ("Variation", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_hei = new GUIContent (" Height Bias", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_hei_en = new GUIContent ("Enable", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_speed = new GUIContent ("Speed", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_spread = new GUIContent ("Spread", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_seed = new GUIContent (" Seed", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_seed = new GUIContent ("Seed", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_prev = new GUIContent (" Preview", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_circles = new GUIContent ("Circles ", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_flt = new GUIContent (" Filters", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tag = new GUIContent ("Tag", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lay = new GUIContent ("Mask", "");
/// <summary>
/// Rayfire Wind text for GUI elements.
/// </summary>
public static class TextWnd
// GUI
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_giz = new GUIContent (" Gizmo", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_giz_show = new GUIContent ("Show", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_giz_size = new GUIContent ("Size", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_nse = new GUIContent (" Noise Scale", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_show = new GUIContent ("Show", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_global = new GUIContent ("Global", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_length = new GUIContent ("Length", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_width = new GUIContent ("Width", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_nse_speed = new GUIContent ("Speed", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_str = new GUIContent (" Strength", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_str_min = new GUIContent ("Minimum", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_str_max = new GUIContent ("Maximum", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_str_tor = new GUIContent ("Torque", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_str_frc = new GUIContent ("Force By Mass", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_dir = new GUIContent (" Direction", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dir_div = new GUIContent ("Divergency", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_dir_tur = new GUIContent ("Turbulence", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_prev = new GUIContent (" Preview", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_prv_dens = new GUIContent ("Density", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_prv_size = new GUIContent ("Size", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_cap_flt = new GUIContent (" Filters", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_tag = new GUIContent ("Tag", "");
public static readonly GUIContent gui_lay = new GUIContent ("Mask", "");
if (prop.hasMultipleDifferentValues == true)
ProgressBar (prop.intValue / 100.0f, "Armor");
// Custom GUILayout progress bar.
void ProgressBar (float value, string label)
// Get a rect for the progress bar using the same margins as a textfield:
Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (18, 18, "TextField");
EditorGUI.ProgressBar (rect, value, label);
EditorGUILayout.Space ();
EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel ("MinMax");
EditorGUILayout.FloatField (wind.minimum, GUILayout.Width (50));
EditorGUILayout.MinMaxSlider (ref wind.minimum, ref wind.maximum, -5f, 5, GUILayout.Width (EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth - 400f));
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() == true)
foreach (RayfireWind scr in targets)
scr.minimum = wind.minimum;
scr.maximum = wind.maximum;
SetDirty (scr);
EditorGUILayout.FloatField (wind.maximum, GUILayout.Width (50));
GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();