304 lines
12 KiB
304 lines
12 KiB
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using RayFire;
namespace RayFireEditor
[CustomEditor (typeof(RayfireWind))]
public class RayfireWindEditor : Editor
RayfireWind wind;
static Color color = Color.red;
// Minimum & Maximum ranges
const float global_min = 1f;
const float global_max = 100f;
const float length_min = 1f;
const float length_max = 300f;
const float width_min = 1f;
const float width_max = 300f;
const float speed_min = -200f;
const float speed_max = 200f;
const float strength_min = -5f;
const float strength_max = 5f;
const float torque_min = 0f;
const float torque_max = 10f;
const float divergency_min = 0;
const float divergency_max = 180f;
const float turbulence_min = 0.01f;
const float turbulence_max = 2f;
const float density_min = 0.5f;
const float density_max = 5f;
const float size_min = 0.1f;
const float size_max = 5f;
// Serialized properties
SerializedProperty sp_giz_show;
SerializedProperty sp_giz_size;
SerializedProperty sp_nse_show;
SerializedProperty sp_nse_global;
SerializedProperty sp_nse_length;
SerializedProperty sp_nse_width;
SerializedProperty sp_nse_speed;
SerializedProperty sp_str_min;
SerializedProperty sp_str_max;
SerializedProperty sp_str_tor;
SerializedProperty sp_str_frc;
SerializedProperty sp_dir_div;
SerializedProperty sp_dir_tur;
SerializedProperty sp_prv_dens;
SerializedProperty sp_prv_size;
SerializedProperty sp_tag;
SerializedProperty sp_mask;
private void OnEnable()
// Get component
wind = (RayfireWind)target;
// Set tag list
// Collect layers
// Find properties
sp_giz_show = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.showGizmo));
sp_giz_size = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.gizmoSize));
sp_nse_show = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.showNoise));
sp_nse_global = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.globalScale));
sp_nse_length = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.lengthScale));
sp_nse_width = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.widthScale));
sp_nse_speed = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.speed));
sp_str_min = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.minimum));
sp_str_max = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.maximum));
sp_str_tor = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.torque));
sp_str_frc = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.forceByMass));
sp_dir_div = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.divergency));
sp_dir_tur = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.turbulence));
sp_prv_dens = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.previewDensity));
sp_prv_size = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.previewSize));
sp_tag = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.tagFilter));
sp_mask = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(wind.mask));
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Inspector
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
// Update changed properties
// Apply changes
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Noise
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void GUI_Gizmo()
GUICommon.CaptionBox (TextWnd.gui_cap_giz);
GUICommon.PropertyField (sp_giz_show, TextWnd.gui_giz_show);
GUICommon.PropertyField (sp_giz_size, TextWnd.gui_giz_size);
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Noise
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void GUI_Noise()
GUICommon.CaptionBox (TextWnd.gui_cap_nse);
GUICommon.PropertyField (sp_nse_show, TextWnd.gui_nse_show);
GUICommon.Slider (sp_nse_global, global_min, global_max, TextWnd.gui_nse_global);
GUICommon.Slider (sp_nse_length, length_min, length_max, TextWnd.gui_nse_length);
GUICommon.Slider (sp_nse_width, width_min, width_max, TextWnd.gui_nse_width);
GUICommon.Slider (sp_nse_speed, speed_min, speed_max, TextWnd.gui_nse_speed);
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Strength
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void GUI_Strength()
GUICommon.CaptionBox (TextWnd.gui_cap_str);
GUICommon.Slider (sp_str_min, strength_min, strength_max, TextWnd.gui_str_min);
GUICommon.Slider (sp_str_max, strength_min, strength_max, TextWnd.gui_str_max);
GUICommon.Slider (sp_str_tor, torque_min, torque_max, TextWnd.gui_str_tor);
GUICommon.PropertyField (sp_str_frc, TextWnd.gui_str_frc);
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Direction
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void GUI_Direction()
GUICommon.CaptionBox (TextWnd.gui_cap_dir);
GUICommon.Slider (sp_dir_div, divergency_min, divergency_max, TextWnd.gui_dir_div);
GUICommon.Slider (sp_dir_tur, turbulence_min, turbulence_max, TextWnd.gui_dir_tur);
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Preview
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void GUI_Preview()
GUICommon.CaptionBox (TextWnd.gui_cap_prev);
GUICommon.Slider (sp_prv_dens, density_min, density_max, TextWnd.gui_prv_dens);
GUICommon.Slider (sp_prv_size, size_min, size_max, TextWnd.gui_prv_size);
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Filters
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void GUI_Filters()
GUICommon.CaptionBox (TextWnd.gui_cap_flt);
GUICommon.TagField (sp_tag, TextWnd.gui_tag);
GUICommon.MaskField (sp_mask, TextWnd.gui_lay);
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Methods
/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Draw gizmo
[DrawGizmo (GizmoType.Selected | GizmoType.NonSelected | GizmoType.Pickable)]
static void DrawGizmosSelected (RayfireWind wind, GizmoType gizmoType)
// Vars
int stepX;
int stepZ;
float windStr;
float x, y, z;
Vector3 p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p10, p11, to;
Vector3 vector;
Vector3 localPos;
float perlinVal;
color = Color.red;
color.b = 0.0f;
// Gizmo preview
if (wind.showGizmo == true)
// Offsets
x = wind.gizmoSize.x / 2f;
y = wind.gizmoSize.y;
z = wind.gizmoSize.z / 2f;
// Get points
p1 = new Vector3 (-x, 0, -z);
p2 = new Vector3 (-x, 0, +z);
p3 = new Vector3 (+x, 0, -z);
p4 = new Vector3 (+x, 0, +z);
p5 = new Vector3 (-x, y, -z);
p6 = new Vector3 (-x, y, +z);
p7 = new Vector3 (+x, y, -z);
p8 = new Vector3 (+x, y, +z);
p10 = new Vector3 (-x, 0, 0);
p11 = new Vector3 (+x, 0, 0);
to = new Vector3 (+0, 0, z);
// Gizmo properties
Gizmos.color = GUICommon.color_blue;
Gizmos.matrix = wind.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
// Gizmo Lines
Gizmos.DrawLine (p1, p2);
Gizmos.DrawLine (p3, p4);
Gizmos.DrawLine (p5, p6);
Gizmos.DrawLine (p7, p8);
Gizmos.DrawLine (p1, p5);
Gizmos.DrawLine (p2, p6);
Gizmos.DrawLine (p3, p7);
Gizmos.DrawLine (p4, p8);
Gizmos.DrawLine (p1, p3);
Gizmos.DrawLine (p2, p4);
Gizmos.DrawLine (p5, p7);
Gizmos.DrawLine (p6, p8);
// Arrow
Gizmos.DrawLine (p1, Vector3.zero);
Gizmos.DrawLine (p3, Vector3.zero);
Gizmos.DrawLine (p10, to);
Gizmos.DrawLine (p11, to);
// Selectable sphere
float sphereSize = (x + y + z) * 0.02f;
if (sphereSize < 0.1f)
sphereSize = 0.1f;
float ySph = y / 2f;
Gizmos.color = GUICommon.color_orange;
Gizmos.DrawSphere (new Vector3 (x, ySph, 0f), sphereSize);
Gizmos.DrawSphere (new Vector3 (-x, ySph, 0f), sphereSize);
Gizmos.DrawSphere (new Vector3 (0f, ySph, z), sphereSize);
Gizmos.DrawSphere (new Vector3 (0f, ySph, -z), sphereSize);
// Force preview
if (wind.showNoise == true)
// Preview rate
stepX = (int)(wind.gizmoSize.x / wind.previewDensity);
stepZ = (int)(wind.gizmoSize.z / wind.previewDensity);
// Create preview helpers
for (int xx = -(stepX / 2); xx < stepX / 2 + 1; xx++)
for (int zz = -(stepZ / 2); zz < stepZ / 2 + 1; zz++)
// Local position
localPos = Vector3.zero;
localPos.x = xx * wind.previewDensity;
localPos.z = zz * wind.previewDensity;
localPos.y = 0.2f;
// Get perlin value for local position
perlinVal = wind.PerlinFixedLocal (localPos);
// Get final strength for local position by min and max str
windStr = wind.WindStrength (perlinVal);
// Get vector for current point
vector = wind.GetVectorLocalPreview (localPos) * wind.previewSize;
// Set color
if (windStr >= 0)
color.r = perlinVal;
color.g = 1f - perlinVal;
color.b = 0f;
color.r = 0f;
color.g = perlinVal;
color.b = 1f - perlinVal;
Gizmos.color = color;
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere (localPos, windStr * 0.1f * wind.previewSize);
Gizmos.DrawLine (localPos, localPos + vector * windStr);
} |